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Posts posted by mnh1983

  1. I think a lot of people have that problem, especially if you buy your dress well in advance of the wedding. Sometimes the more you look at something, the more unsure you become. I think that goes for a lot of things in life.


    I know that when I first tried on my dress, I fell in love with it. Now, I see other dresses that I like and wonder if I made a big mistake, but I then have to make myself remember how sure I was when I had my dress on.


    I'm sure you'll be absolutely beautiful in whatever dress you choose!

  2. I think you're just going to have to put your foot down and say NO MORE!!! Hopefully, some of these last minute people won't really make it (oooh, I sound mean there!), but seriously, lots of people end up WANTING to go to DI weddings and then end up not going.

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