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Posts posted by mnh1983

  1. I have six months until I get married, and I decided that I really need to get into gear and tone up! I'm part of a military forum since FI is in the Air Force, and we are starting a Biggest Loser on there since I was too late to start the one on here.


    I created a blog to follow my journey. Marisa's 3L Biggest Loser Blog


    I've already been doing the 100 Pushup Challenge and 200 Squats Challenge, plus crunches. Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred should be coming in the mail tomorrow, so we'll see where I am in a month!

  2. I'm so excited that others are getting into this! I've also been doing the 200 squats program, plus I do crunches every day, but I'm not following the 200 situps program since those aren't too hard for me.


    I think I am going to repeat Week 5 next week. I finished it, but it was TOUGH, so I want to do it again before I move on to the final week.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by YIweddings View Post
    I love my FI forever and always but that doesn't mean I'll forgive the mass of clothes on the bathroom floor every time I get home from work. He tries to hide them behind the door sometimes. Even when he wants his towel washed he'll put it on the floor instead of the hamper 8 feet away.

    Mine does the same thing! It is especially bad when I've been out of town for work and come home to find the floor covered in clothes.
  4. Yay for getting your dress this weekend!


    My fiance, parents, and I are going to fly to NY in April to meet with the coordinator at the inn where we are getting married to plan all the little specifics. I'm also hoping to meet with my photographer when I go so that I can give her an idea of what we want.

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