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Posts posted by mnh1983

  1. 1. Where is your cell phone? Table

    2. Your significant other? Handsome

    3. Your hair? Ponytail

    4. Your mother? awesome

    5. Your father? talented

    6. Your favorite thing? nachos

    7. Your dream last night? exhausting

    8. Your favorite drink? tea

    9. Your dream/goal? kids

    10. The room you're in? cold

    11. Your ex? jerk

    12. Your fear? roaches

    13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Germany

    14. Where were you last night? condo

    15. What you're not? outgoing

    16. Muffins? yum

    17. One of your wish list items? elliptical

    18. Where you grew up? small

    19. The last thing you did? eat

    20. What are you wearing? pajamas

    21. Your TV? large

    22. Your pets? puppy

    23. Your computer? orange

    24. Your life? happy

    25. Your mood? tired

    26. Missing someone? Dan

    27. Your vehicle? new

    28. something your not wearing? contacts

    29. Favorite Store? Target

    30. Your summer? hot

    31. Like someone? lots

    32. favorite color? green

    33. When is the last time you laughed? earlier

    34. Last time you cried? week

  2. I won't say that my arms are ripped or anything, but I can tell that they are more toned than they were a few weeks ago. I also feel like I have more endurance doing them.


    As for the squats, my FI told me last weekend that my butt is looking awesome! Hahahaha!! He told me to keep up whatever I'm doing!

  3. We do a lot of camping and backpacking in the Smoky Mountains, mainly in Tennessee. If you are into doing multiple-day hikes, there are some great loops up there. We usually do 3 days at a time. North GA also has some nice campsites, so we go up there a good bit.

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