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Posts posted by mnh1983

  1. For the last few days, I have been doing the Bootcamp Calorie Burn. The moves aren't difficult, but it has you moving the whole time, and it really has me sweating at the end.


    I've also done Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, but I was getting bored with it, some I'm trying to mix it up with other stuff.

  2. I didn't see a thread for Exercise TV, so I wanted to ask if anyone else uses any of their workouts? I know they have some of their stuff OnDemand, and they have a lot of free workouts on exercisetv.tv . I've done some of them on and off for a few years and thought I'd share. If anyone else uses their workouts, what are some of your favorites?

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by angelov321 View Post

    Can you please share who you used as a photog? I havent found anything less than $2000. I thought that was good compared to the other prices Ive seen. LOL
    Sorry, I didn't see your question earlier!

    I'm using a photographer in upstate NY named Robyn Baty. I met with her at her studio and saw a lot of her really awesome photos that she hasn't put on her website. She will be photographing prep time, ceremony, in-between couple shots, and reception. She said she will do whatever I want, and she is actually bringing in a second photographer at no extra cost to get some of the shots I want.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Missjacks View Post
    That's so funny because I canceled my HBO 2 months ago, but will reactive in June just when new episodes come about. LOVE that show. And I love how Bill says Sookie's name. Plus vampire men are soo romantic.
    My friend and I used to walk around at work saying "Sookie" like Bill does over and over. We also decided through many discussions that Eric and Sam are more attractive than Bill. :)
  5. I know this is an old thread, but it is spring and I need some color! I refuse to lay out or use a tanning bed though. I have used Jergans in the past, and although it smells kind of weird, the color has turned out well.


    I do have a problem though where my legs don't seem to take the color as well as my upper body. Does anyone else have this problem or have a solution?

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