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Posts posted by mnh1983

  1. One of my friends did this at her wedding. Instead of putting quotes on the ribbons, she put on each one a "prediction" of the kind of guy we would marry. Each one was different. I think I am supposed to marry a rock star or something according to her!


    As far as the quotes you listed, I like #4 because I think it will go well for close friends and people you are just meeting.

  2. I sat down this weekend and came up with a workout calendar for the next month. I figure I can stick it on my fridge so that I know each day what I should do. If I have it in writing, I'll feel guilty if I don't do it.


    I'm also using the LoseIt iPhone app to help keep track of calories and exercise. I'm trying to cut down on carbs (but not cut out totally). I'm one of those people who would rather have bread/chips/etc instead of sweets, so I need to cut back on how many carbs I am eating.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
    Thanks for posting this- I hadn't found exercise tv yet. I checked it out yesterday and it's just what I need- lots of different routines to break me out of my rut. I've got a great ab routine bookmarked to try out today and I'm really excited.
    You're welcome! I used to go on the site often, but then I got occupied with other workouts for a few months. They are always adding new workouts though, and there is a good variety to keep you from getting bored.

    I'm about to go do a workout on there myself! smile123.gif
  4. I decided this week to start growing some of my own food. I've grown a couple of things in the past, but my fiance and I are going to build some planters and really try to get stuff going. Our next door neighbor is a master gardener, and she has offered as a wedding present to help us!


    Yesterday, I planted tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, and watermelon! I hope they all do well so I have yummy stuff to eat this summer!

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