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Posts posted by mnh1983

  1. I got home from my work trip last night and re-weighed this morning. Just emailed it!


    Originally Posted by Mere View Post
    CRAP-fiance bought cookies and left them in the house. Cookies are my weakness-how could he do that? Step away from the cookies-LOL!
    My fiance is a junk-food-aholic! He contstantly has ice cream, cookies, candy, etc in the house. Luckily, sweets are not my weakness. I really have to be in the mood for them. I prefer bread and chips. I really try to not buy too much of those so that I won't be determined to eat a ton!


    Oh, and for anyone who needs something to curb a sweet tooth, try Yoplait Delights. They have a lemon one that tastes just like lemon meringue pie! They have some other flavors too, and they are only 100 calories. smile159.gif

  2. I think you should do whatever feels "right" for you. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to walk down the aisle by yourself. Just explain your reasons to your dad, and maybe say something about wanting to see his face with everyone else's when you come down the aisle. As far as your sister goes, I think either having her walk before you or just standing up there would be fine.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 View Post
    Okay, I have good news and bad news! Good news -- I've lost 3 pounds since last week so that's 3 of the 5 I wanted to lose!! Bad news -- that means I may not be able to partake in the support!! Ahh -- I wanted to so bad, I like the accountability and support. I'll see how the next few days go!
    Yay for losing the 3 pounds!

    You should participate anyway! We can support you to lose those last two and to help you maintain!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mrs.timpone View Post
    ladies i need a kick in the a$$! lol i've been slacking so much! im starting to feel a little overwhelmed sad.gif
    I have so many ideas but no idea how to make them come to life, i wish i was crafty!
    Tell us some of your ideas, and maybe we can help you figure out how to do them!
  5. I'm wondering whether to invite co-workers as well. My company is also small. They know I am not getting married locally and that the wedding will be pretty small, so I don't think they will be offended if I don't invite them.


    If I were you, I'd invite all or none. I think with so few people, it might hurt feelings if not everyone got an invite.

  6. You should just remind your family members of the crime that has happened in their home towns. Crime happens everywhere, and just because you are going to another country does not mean that a druglord is going to capture the wedding party! If they are afraid of coming, they are just going to miss out.

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