Quote: Originally Posted by mekanabr Hi everyone! I'm trying to figure out which resort I want to use and have a question for Majestic Colonial or Elegance... I have seen posts about where you can have your reception and I was wondering if anyone had ever used the Presidental Suite for their reception? I saw on a post that you rented it for 24 hrs... Is it a room that you are renting and your reception is out on the roof or what? Thanks for any info!!!! The presidential suite is a rooftop patio. It's actually a room on the resort too but the reception is on the patio, not in the room. It has a beautiful view of the ocean and beach and can accommodate a large group if needbe (I think up to 150 people?). The only thing with the presendential suite compared to the other reception sites is that you need to pay extra for it...it's $1000 for the night, plus the additional reception costs, like food, drinks, bar servers, etc (which is not included in any of the wedding packages).
Have a look at the pics below...there's a few of the presidential suite set up there:
Picasa Web Albums - Weddingbymajestic... - Receptions Spot