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Everything posted by richarsd

  1. No Roxy we didn't. We put all our decor items in our carry-on...my husband and I both has a duffle bag each (10 kg) that was mostly decor items (candles, sea shells, guest book, fans, sand ceremony kit, etc.) and a few flat things we put in our checked luggae. We were lucky because our travel carrier, Air Transat, gave us each an extra 10 kg for luggage so we weren't over.
  2. I guess this depends really on the amenities that are important to you. We had a Romance Suite in the Bavaro section and it was beautiful. It's pretty comparable to the Royal Suites but the RST is a little newer. We were upgraded from a Jr Suite at the Bavaro because originally we didn't think the extra price of the Romance Suite or Royal Suites was really worth it - to us, it's just a room and really, all you do is sleep and shower there. However....I am really, really glad we got an upgrade for no other reason than the Romance Suite background (it's all done in white and cream linens and furniture) looks fantastic in the professional wedding photos of me and my Mom and Maid of Honour getting ready prior to the ceremony. I know they wouldn't turned out half as nice in the regular room. So for someone planning on professional photos prior to the wedding, I'd recommend a Romance Suite or the Royal Suites for no other reason than this! Hope that helps
  3. Hi ladies! Thought I'd say hi...or should I say, Hola! I just got back a couple days ago from my glorious 2 week honeymoon and wedding at the GP Bavaro and it was amazing!!! Will post a detailed review by this weekend but as every other bride has said, those of you still waiting, you have NOTHING to worry about!
  4. Well ladies, it's "D Day" (Destination Day...lol) for me tomorrow and the wedding is Tuesday!! Can't wait!!! This thread has been great - very helpful and inspirational. We're all going to look so hot for our weddings!!! I just thought I'd share ('cause I can almost hardly believe it!) that in 3 months, I have lost 10 lbs of fat (and I didn't even want to lose weight initially, just tone and get rid of some flabby bits), am down to a size 4 from size 8 (I didn't think an 8 was at all bad to begin with...like I said, I just wanted to tone!), am visibly leaner and more toned (even more muscular in some areas like my back and arms). I have never been this fit in my life and never thought I would be...I was always kind of a chubby kid when I was younger and I haven't been this size since I was 11 years old. I found an amazing personal trainer that got me into weight lifting, which I now LOVE. This has been instrumental!!! This along with Clean Eating has made all the difference for me. Anyone interested in info about Clean Eating (seriously it may change your life) should look at any of Tosca Reno's books and she also has a website. This is a total lifestyle change that will not leave you hungry, cutting out any major food groups, and is not at all complicated...very common sense and delicious. Anyhoo, thanks again ladies! This thread is awesome!!!
  5. I bought the "Abs Diet For Women" book a couple years ago and followed it for a while (before starting to slack off later...) and thought it was great!
  6. Actually Air Transat gives the bride and groom not an extra 10 lbs, but 10 extra KG EACH (which is actually an extra 22 lbs each), plus the 10 kg for the carry-on. Love Air Transat for this!!! So because of this, my fiance and I have managed to pack all our clothes, shoes, toilettries and whatnot for 2 weeks AND all the wedding decor ourselves!! Yay! I was a little worried about that initially, too. I was planning on pawning a bunch of decor off onto family members. We are all packed and leave tomorrow!! Can't wait!!! Sunshine and marital bliss here I come! I'll be sure to post pics and a detailed review when we get back in 2 weeks! All of you take care!!
  7. Thanks Roxy!! Everything is DONE so that makes the waiting more difficult, lol. I do still have to pack my suitcase though (although everything is all organized and laid out already! but will wait until a couple days before. Oh yes, and I have a waxing/manicure/pedicure appointment on Friday but that's it
  8. Most photographers prefer to do it in the morning (I was told 8:30 am by several photographers too when I was checking around) for two reasons - 1) the light is better than during mid-day and 2) it doesn't interfere with any wedding ceremonies/receptions that normally take place in the afternoon and evening. However, you don't have to do it the morning after the wedding and in hearing from many brides on here, most choose to do it a few days later and all photographers are generally accommodating of this...if yours is not, honestly, you may wanna consider someone else who is! Our photographer is doing ours almost 6 days later (we're staying 2 weeks) on the morning of our choice because he takes you to a private beach for the whole morning and we didn't want to be away from our friends and family that long. You should have the choice of morning...ya wanna be able to celebrate the night of the night of the wedding and not worry about getting up early and/or being a little hungover And I doubt the water will be cold...I've yet to be down South any experience anything close to cold water, regardless of time of day
  9. PS: We leave in ONE WEEK!!! 10 days until the wedding!!! That emoticon basically describes how I'm feeling (bouncing off the walls and wanting this week to get over with, LOL).
  10. I remember hearing that the french onion soup as an appetizer was to die for...I'd almost like to go for that but I'm worried it would make people too warm so will probably choose caesar salad.
  11. I actually think 5-10 lbs in 4 weeks is definitely within a health weight loss range...1 - 2 lbs a week is considered healthy. Of course, if you're already within a healthy weight range for your age and height, it's going to be harder. You may already be doing this but if not and since it's temporary and you only have a few lbs to lose, try going low carb and high (LEAN) protein. Keep all your carbs to oats, All Bran, and veggies/fruit (sweet potatoes are ok, too). Be very careful with your dairy intake, make sure it's skim/fat-free. A lot of people are horrified when I tell them to try eating this way but 1) it works and 2) this is actually a very all-natural way to eat and forces you to eliminate all of the processed crap that we all eat constantly without even realizing it. Goodluck!
  12. Good plan! I agree with you - I don't think they'd mind cooking it longer for some people if needbe. I'm just hoping they're all done on the rarer or at least medium side...I will not eat well-done steak and would rather eat leather and it would be a shame to not eat my wedding meal...in my opinion the meat's ruined at that point because not like you can start over. At least if it's undercooked, you can always salvage it by cooking it longer.
  13. The resort photgrapher is JALU...if you google it, it comes up with the website and prices, sample photos, etc. When I was shopping for photgraphers, I seem to remember them being more expensive than most.
  14. Yes, I believe others have said that they cook it all the same way for everyone so there's no choice between rare, medium, well-done on an individual basis. However, I'd actually be kinda surprised if it was well-done. I find from all the times I've been to resorts in the Dominican that they lean more towards undercooking red meat than over cooking it...I find their hamburgers are even rare (ick!). Actually, the best steak I ever ate in my entire life was in the Dominican...it was the most perfect medium-rare!! Lol
  15. Ok...has anyone ever had a "sugar hangover" before??? I had one for the first time ever today and let me tell you, it sucks!!! For the past three months my fiance and I have been really disciplined with our weight training and "eating clean" routine. Last night, I finally caved to a chocolate craving...actually, I justified it because I'm still losing weight and at this point, I need to stop because my wedding is less than 2 weeks away (Yay!) and I certainly don't want my dress to be too big!! And I'm totally eating enough! Weight training really revs the metabolism!! Anyhoo, I had like nothing in the house resembling sugar except for a bag of chocolate chips I use for baking. Well...(you can imagine what happened next), like a true addict, I didn't stop until the entire bag was gone. Normally, prior to 3 months ago, this probably wouldn't have fazed me. However, HOLY CRAP!!! I had a serious sugar crash around 2 am and my body even woke me outta my sleep to tell me about it and I tossed and turned the rest of the night. When the alarm finally went off, I had a headache, was thirsty as hell, groggy, and nauseous and most of those symptoms have lasted all day...it feels exactly like I drank an entire bottle of tequila. I always thought sugar or junk food hangovers were urban legends...until now!!! Wow...just goes to show - processed sugar and fat really IS toxic to our bodies!!!
  16. Their fees are normally "hidden" in the rate you pay. So it depends. Sometimes it's cheaper to book a vacation package yourselves online...not sure where you live but Travelocity if you're in the US, itravel2000.com and selloffvacations.com if you're in Canada, etc. often have the best rates. However, if you want to get a group rate (a standard rate for you and all your guests) your best bet is a travel agent...we did this and the online rates couldn't compare to what our TA got us.
  17. I agree with the poster above. There is no way you can change the date on your legal wedding certificate...in fact, I'm willing to bet that any tampering or attempts to do so would make it totally invalid.
  18. It make take some time to get a reply as this is a busy time for weddings. You're best bet is to go to a travel agent and book through them!
  19. Hey girls! I know I've seen this before but just thought I'd check if anyone remembers the exact cost. I know that guests can rent a wheelchair for the week if the need it but I can't remember the price. I'm thinking it was $40-60 per day. Anyone know for sure?? My FI's grandmother would benefit from one when we're down there. Thanks!!
  20. The resorts contract to local vendors for the flowers and you can pretty much get whatever you want. Bring pictures of what you like and they can replicate it. Now, most resorts offer a "standard" bouquet that is included in your wedding package and the flowers are normally rather basic like roses or carnations. You will be charged an upgrade for more "exotic" flowers. But I've seen brides with different colours of roses, calla lillies, orchids, oriental lillies, etc. However, there are probably some flowers that would be impossible for them to get...I'd suggest staying away from penoies, tulips, etc. as these are northern flowers and I'd be entirely shocked if they had them. Your resort WC should be able to send you a document with sample pictures of bouquets if you ask her! Good luck!
  21. I don't like the thought of bringing wads of cash down there either. However, you must pay for all your flowers in cash (which shouldn't be too much unless you have a huge wedding party and wants lots of upgraded bouquets). Also, some photographers only take cash, as well (Michael Weiler is ours and he is cash only). Thr rest you can pay by Visa/MasterCard. It is the credit card companies that set the credit card rates NOT the resort (the resort sets it to exchange cash from one currency to another, however). So if you have a 20% interest credit card at home it is the same in the DR. HOWEVER, some credit card companies change a "conversion fee" on top of the interest that is charged to convert the amount charged from one currency to another. Now for you US brides that may not be a problem since I think we pay for the wedding in US funds. For my fellow Canadians and anyone else, you may get an additional fee...this is not just done in the DR...when I went to Europe I got blasted with it, as well.
  22. Kitty is correct. They will make one or two exceptions if people have allergies/dietary restrictions but that's it. Otherwise, everyone eats the same thing. There is no buffet option for the wedding dinner...some resorts offer this but the GP does not. I don't really care that everyone has to eat the same thing...I've been to weddings here several times where everyone gets the same thing and no one complained.
  23. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the toppers they provide based on the pics I've seen. I remember a past bride saying that you can just ask them to not use it and they won't. I'm not a huge fan of toppers in general...I'm bringing turquoise ribbon for the sides of the tiers and a big star fish I bought at Michael's for the top (which I guess is kinda like a topper)...I realize some people may not like the idea of a starfish touching their cake - I, personally, don't care and will have fun eating it anyway, lol
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