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Everything posted by angelov321

  1. Skadow, you must be a mind reader! I was actually going to contact Dulce today to get the prices for spa and salon. Thanks for posting!!!!!
  2. Bride Wars: Anne Hathoway
  3. Hey ladies! I thought this might be worth looking into for those that are looking for tanning services. http://www.groupon.com/deals/sempre-bella?utm_campaign=sempre-bella&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&c=btn&[email protected]
  4. Beautiful, yet sexy!!!! Perect for a DW.
  5. Im not really sure about any place around here. Im still a little new to Houston. Im sure you can go to any salon, but I would go with the spray tanning the offer because its safer. As for your veil question, Im going with a flower instead of a veil. I tried a veil on when I went to try on my dress and I didnt feel right with it on. I guess its not for me. Plus, I really like the flower. It does with the DW theme. GL
  6. Girl my arms are in so much pain!!!! LOL I can hardly move them. The class is exactly what I thought it would be though. However, it was extremlely HOT out yesterday so it was harder to workout for me. If I change my diet I think Ill lose the 10lbs needed in time for the wedding. Im just concerned with the toning part. I gotta check that class out. It sounds interesting.
  7. Exactly!! LOL if I wanted to spend that kind of money I would have gotten married at home. SMH at them.
  8. I still have to: Put together oot bags Find suits for GM Find shoes and shirt for FI Find shoes for me pick out hairstyle for me and bm's pick out wedding day jewelery pay DJ Pick out songs Make playlist for reception etc...... way too much to do still
  9. Congratulations Mystea!!!! Thats great news!!
  10. Oh yea, I forgot about how much $$ I spent on my customized Zazzle stamps. LOL But Im happy to hear that its not just my family that does understand wedding ettiquette. Thanks for sharing your thought with me.
  11. My confession is: Im so frustrated at my family and some of my friends. My RSVP date was for yesterday and I have only received about 20 out of 90 rsvp cards back. I cant believe how lazy people really are!! Was it really that difficult to write your name and check the no box? Is your mailbox so far that its unthinkable for you to mail something out?? Seriously?? Now I have to go on a mission to call, text and email people to get an answer from them. To top it off, these are the same people that want us to have an AHR to accomodate them. Uh, I dont think so!! Why SHOULD I go out of my way to please you when you didnt even make an attempt to make it to the wedding and didnt even have the decency to mail back your rsvp? Sorry, you have the wrong girl! Sorry ladies for venting. Its just so frustrating that my family sucks. On the brightside, Im 3 months away from starting my own family which is more important than stressing over people you didnt choose to be related to. Thanks for listening!
  12. Oh ok thanks! Ill look out for them. Im so nervous and excited at the same time! I hope I get the results Im looking for by the end of Aug...
  13. Robert DeNiro: A Bronx Tale (My fav movie!)
  14. Ohhh...Im doing the M,W,F I'm still getting used to the Houston area and don't know Memorial Park very well. Where exactly do they meet?
  15. Lilly, are you going to be doing the bootcamp for August?
  16. $1700 is ridiculous! They dont even charge that out here, unless youre trying to hire a famous DJ or something. lol. My only complaint with ASP is the fact they give you a hard time with outside vendors, but yet they charge an arm, a leg and a few toes and fingers for their services.
  17. Im about 3.5 too and Im just more anxious then anything. Once we get to October or even when we actually get to Mexico, Ill probably be freaking out! LOL
  18. I had lots of issues wit ASP and hiring an outside DJ. I added all the dteails a few pages back on this thread. ASP does not allow outside vendors and they are very strict with DJ's. I was going to hire DJ Doremixx and was ready to sign a contract, but my WC told me they would not allow it. After numerous emails and complaints they finally allowed me to hire him, but they wanted him to sign a $500,000 insurance policy with them, which he could not afford to do. He told me that ASP seems like they really dont want outside vendors and he was sorry he couldnt DJ my wedding.
  19. denise richards: wild things
  20. Theres nothing wrong with you going into salons and just looking for veils. You may want to try the Bridal Mall off of 610 over by the Galleria. You can see it off of 59 by the Chimney Rock exit. I went in to look for shoes even though I wasnt interested in buying that day. The building is all wedding stuff, its kinda cool. GL
  21. Im definitely a little confused also. Its going to take a lot of getting used to.
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