My confession is: Im so frustrated at my family and some of my friends. My RSVP date was for yesterday and I have only received about 20 out of 90 rsvp cards back. I cant believe how lazy people really are!! Was it really that difficult to write your name and check the no box? Is your mailbox so far that its unthinkable for you to mail something out?? Seriously?? Now I have to go on a mission to call, text and email people to get an answer from them. To top it off, these are the same people that want us to have an AHR to accomodate them. Uh, I dont think so!! Why SHOULD I go out of my way to please you when you didnt even make an attempt to make it to the wedding and didnt even have the decency to mail back your rsvp? Sorry, you have the wrong girl! Sorry ladies for venting. Its just so frustrating that my family sucks. On the brightside, Im 3 months away from starting my own family which is more important than stressing over people you didnt choose to be related to. Thanks for listening!