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Everything posted by angelov321

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by nicdeb928 Hi ladies! Im getting married November 5 @ Aventura Spa Palace in Riviera Maya Mexico...we sent our save the dates out in January...32 people are booked so far...hoping to have a total of around 50 My dress is ordered, as our my bridesmaids..thats really all I have done so far I guess the next two important things to have done are hire a photographer (does anybody know how good the one at the resort is?) and send out invitations I was uncertain about this one...how far in advance should I send them out and when should I make the RSVP date? I was thinking not till september, but now after reading your posts I feel like I should do them sooner...also do I send invitations to people, even though Im pretty sure they're not coming what is the etiquette for this? I have heard mixed reviews about the resort photog. One thing I know is they are very expensive! Im using Adrian Herrera. His work is great and his prices are reasonable. What are you planning on doing for music during the reception? I have been in a back in forth fight with my WC regarding DJ's and outside vendors. The resort is charging unreasonable prices for just about everything. Thats awesome that you already have 32 people booked!! How did you do that?! I feel like you have a good amount of people booked so you might not need an early RSVP date. I have one person booked so Im making my RSVP date for July. Im sending out invitations to people that I know wont come, just because I dont want to be rude. Even if they dont attend the wedding, they might even send you a wedding gift because they were invited.
  2. running: need to start doing again
  3. Im about to book a photog and getting ready to start my invitations. I hope to have them out by June 1st or so. Im trying to book a DJ, but the resort is giving me a hard time
  4. Im down!! I work in Bellaire so I can get to midtown in no time!
  5. Last DJ/music question: Did you get the 1 speaker or 2 speaker package? If I end up doing the Ipod thing for music, Im wondering if 1 speaker will be loud enough for a private event. Thanks again!!!
  6. Kirstie Alley: Look Who's Talking
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by NaM Way to go on the photog!!! Who are you going to go with? If it's any concelation about the sound equipment...they kept someone there operating everything, including the ipod. It's basically like having a DJ only you got to pick each and every song you wanted played. We were really really happy with the decision to go this route. But on the other hand, we never even listened to the DJ, saw their work, etc so I'm not sure how bad or good they would've been, kwim? The Mexican Trio we had for one hour (cocktail). I think it's was about $450/hour. Im going with Adrian Herrera. I really wanted Del Sol but their price was double my budget. I think I read about how satisfied you and other brides were with using your Ipods, I have considered it, but that price is still steep. Did you have to give the people operating the equipment an itinerary of events so they knew what songs to play when? Was the experience like a DJ where a DJ would make announcements and kinda keep the party moving smoothly. My concern is I will be spending too much time telling them, "now we have to do this." "Now we have to do that." "Can you play this right now?" etc. Also, out of curiosity, is Dulce at the reception making sure things are running smoothly? Or do we just have to make sure everything get done ourselves? Knowing me, Ill be having so much fun I might forget to cut the cake or give myslef time for the bouquet toss! LOL Thanks for your help!
  8. Patrick Dempsey: Loverboy *extra anchovies please* LOL
  9. I did read that somewhere, I completely forgot about that. It makes sense. I think Im just going to hire the photog and not say anything. Im not happy about going with their DJ or even renting equipment from them just to set up an Ipod. I cant justify $550 just to hook up my Ipod. If Dulce ever gets back to me Im going to fight it. *Thanks to everyone who helped me make a decision on this photog situation!*
  10. Four christmases: Reese Witherspoon
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