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Everything posted by angelov321

  1. Honestly, I think Paterson is the worst city in Jersey. I was born and raised in Newark, and I feel filthy when Im in Paterson. I dont think showing and upside down cop car in the beginning of the video is fuuny. A Newark police officer (my fathers friend) died in that accident. Its one thing to make fun of Newark, but adding an accident where someone lost their life is disgraceful.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by bsf&jpg ditto!!! Angelov, dont forget to pm me your invite stuff so I can get a qoute. or better yet, email it to [email protected] Emailed it Betty!! Thanks so much!!!! Oh and ladies, I found a boudoir photography spot here in Houston. The prices don't seem to bad.. Investment | Sweet & Spicy Boudoir
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by nicdeb928 I did check out Adrian Herrera, i was thinking about going with him but he kept responding that Sara was unavailable that day, but when I would ask about him I would get the same response about Sara...I was a little confused, I dont know if they only work together as a team his prices were good, and alot cheaper than Victor but Octavio was still cheaper...I think I made my decision, I now how to just hope for the best thanks, Nicole You know yourself the best, so if going with Octavio is your instinct then all should go well!! Best of Luck!
  4. Just as easy it was for me to be upset with Palace Resorts for giving me a hard time about the DJ, they make me love them again! LOL I dont know if anyone else has seen this, but this promotion is awesome!!! I called my TA right away and he's calling Miami to get all the logistics. I will let you all know what he says.... $1,500 Vacation Dollars - Cancun & Riviera Maya
  5. Dr. Dolittle: Eddie Murphey
  6. I really enjoyed chatting with you all!! We definitely should get together again!
  7. Sanaa Lathan: Love and Basketball
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by OceanWonderland It's so exciting!! Can't believe it's less than 6 months to go already. Everyone keeps asking me how the wedding planning is going and I'm like "ehhhh, haven't done anything in a while". Seems like most of the stress is at the very beginning planning stages and than a month beforehand. But I will say my girls STILL haven't found their BM dresses, and we've been searching for months!! It's either too sexy or not sexy enough..where's the middle ground? All I know is we better find it soon. On another note, have any of you girls started planning your bachelorette/bridal shower stuff? I know that's up to the BM's, but they want me to pick when and where and I have no clue. I can either do wine country or Vegas or Santa Barbara or San Diego, basically anything in CA or NV. And how soon beforehand? I don't want it to be months beforehand, because I want it to feel like I'm going to be getting married soon, but I wonder if people will complain if it's only a month before and they are spending money to go to my bacherlorette and wedding? Toughie.. My MOH is planning my bridal shower for September. From what I hear, about 2-3 months before is normal for a shower. Im not sure about having a bachlorette party, as ALL of my BM's and girlfriends are in Jersey and I live in Houston I think if you had a bachelorette party in late Sep/early Oct it would be fine. I dont think people will complain. Who wouldnt want to go out and party? lol But, I am worried about people not wanting to get us wedding gifts because they are travelling for our wedding. I know it sounds selfish, but why shouldnt we expect gifts?
  9. Adrian Herrera does just about the same work as Victor, but charges about $700 less! I looked into Octavio Montes, but he was out of my budget and Adrain's price was perfect for me. You should look into him or Sara Herrera (they charge the same). Let me know how it turns out!
  10. Maybe whoever gets there first can tell the hostess she's there for "Houston brides". Anyone who gets there after can ask the hostess where that table is.
  11. Im around that area now, but Im not pickey about which location. Whatevers convenient for everyone.
  12. Margaritas and fajitas sound good to me
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by StephAli Hey Ladies, Is anyone having a Jack 'n Jill before the wedding? Or a reception after?? Just looking for ideas/suggestions.... Thanks! I wouldnt mind doing a jack n jill, but my MOH is really adament about throwing me my own shower. All my family and friends are out of state so it would make sense to have a guys and girl shower, but it is what it is. Are you asking about an AHR? I think thats a great idea! Not everyone can afford to go to a DW so having a small AHR will definitely be beneficial!
  14. Paperandmore.com is a great site! You can buy 100 sheets for about $30.00. Good luck!
  15. Im using Adrian Herrera and all communication was through email. He was very quick with his responses. Im not sure how the albums will work, however. Im sure if you contact the photographer you are interested in, they can give you all the details. Good Luck!
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