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Everything posted by AnnMarie

  1. Hey everyone, I was just wondering if any previous T&C brides can shed some light on the nightlife on the resort. My wedding is going to be a small and young group and I kind of wanted to go somewhere after the sit-down dinner, but I don't have a clue. Any bar/nightclub type thing? OR, can you stay hangin around where the dinner leaves off? What if we just wanted to have drinks around/in the pool? What did you guys do after your dinner? Thanks! AnnMarie
  2. My TA is Jennifer from SandnSun Vacations and she is just wonderful! Highly recommended!
  3. AnnMarie & Dan February 19, 2011 at 3pm Beautiful Beginnings (?) Location unknown
  4. Ha! I don't even want to decide on whether or not to have a private reception until I get there. It's just that you hear so many things from so many people, I don't know what to believe anymore. I kind of want to hear it for myself when I get there. For instance, whether or not a party of 18-20 would be seated at one of their restaurant. Some people here say they were able to make that reservation no problem, while some posts say no guarantee. It's a bit confusing. I'm betting the whole no guarantee line is sales pitch.
  5. Yeah, that would be me. I'm getting married at beaches t&c in 4 months and I haven't done a thing for it yet (except send out invitations). Don't get me wrong, this doesn't stress me out. What I'm really wondering is if I can decide and plan my whole entire wedding once I get on the resort? I feel like this would be easier and best for me. Any BT&C brides out there that have any experience with this? TIA -AnnMarie
  6. No charge for the bags?!?! That is awesome! Off track a bit, but for any of the Beaches T&C brides that have responded (and thank you for doing so)...I was wondering on how the process goes for wanting to have the wedding dinner in one of their restaurants instead of paying for the MS dinner...I thought it wasn't an option? My wedding is in 6mo! Feel free to PM me if you can assist
  7. Any success from those that have been doing this for at least a month?? Would love to hear how it went
  8. I was just wondering, what kind of stores are available around the resort? For example, can I buy stuff for my OOT bags once I get there instead of filling up luggage? Or is it way too expensive? What kind of stores if any? Also, is traveling outside the resort safe?
  9. I'm getting married in Beaches T&C and I was wondering if anyone knew if blocks of rooms could be held or are held with the group booking codes...Wish I could have booked through a TA because this is stressing me out and Monica takes a while to respond (which is understandable) but leaves me worrying nonetheless. Anyone know anything? Also, is it too late to use to TA?
  10. By any chance, does anyone know who makes the dress that the model is wearing in the "vision in white" theme??
  11. Ok so I know that there is a separate forum for attire, but since this was in the Martha Stewart Wedding Themes Catalog, I am asking it here, in case a TA can assist... For the Vision In White theme, I really love that bride's dress, but the catalog doesn't list the credits for the dress. I also know that the Dessy Group has a line for Sandals/Beaches brides, but that one is not there. Does anyone know anything about that dress? TIA!!
  12. Thanks everyone for your responses! Jennifer, does it have to be indoors for the children to be allowed?
  13. Hi everyone! I'm looking to get married at either the Beaches Turks and Caicos, Sandals Grande Antigua, or Sandals Royal Caribbean. I am so indecisive and have no clue how to go about deciding. Am I correct in saying that the Sandals resorts do not allow children? That's the only reason why I was looking at Beaches, but at the same time I don't want to be in a resort that is overrun with children. I do like the MS themes, but I don't understand why there are going to be pp charges in an all-inclusive resort. Does anyone have any suggestions or information that may sway me one way or the other? Can anyone share their wedding experiences at the above mentioned resorts? I've been looking through the threads but haven't come across anything specific. Any help would be awesome! TIA -AnnMarie
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