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Everything posted by mindylcarter

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by nenamono The legal ceremony is $900-1000 additional (cant remember the exact price right now) and that is why a lot of couples opt to marry at home first and have a symbolic at their destination (no one will know unless you tell them). We are having a legal ceremony is anyone else? I am curious what paperwork we need etc. I did print out the link from Paradisus on what you need I was just curious if anyone has actually spoken to Perla about this and I havent asked her yet, just going by the website link. Oh and Perla just got back to me today about the contract. Im not sure if she totally ignored my question but her response was "I can make any changes I want up to a week before the wedding after that no changes can be made." So I guess that means no contract? So confused. Wow, is it really an extra $1000 to get married in Mexico? From what I had read, it was about $175 for the blood test, and then the birth certificates had to be translated, which was about $100 each...the actual marriage certificate was included...what am I missing? I was anticipating about $500 in legal costs. Thanks!
  2. bump - i am also considering this resort and would love to see a review
  3. 1. Mindy Carter 2. Wedding Date: likely week of 11/13-11/20/10 3. Location: Considering Jamaica/Cancun/Punta Cana I am looking forward to reading reviews and researching these areas and resorts so I can make a decision on what is best for us.
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