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Everything posted by Angie1017

  1. He he - me too...it's bad! Wedding stuff is taking over our one bedroom apartment! LOL Sounds good! I'm now trying to figure out if we should just buy them in Mexico - I'm thinking it might be cheaper? I guess it's just a matter of whether we will have time to go into Playa del Carmen to buy them...
  2. Thanks Angela! wow - you are lucky to have a PO Box there, and Nexus to boot! I recently spoke to my aunt who lives in Idaho (my dad goes down there often) who said I could ship things to her, so that's an option too! I'd definitely be interested in going in on an order with you and another bride if it works out to be cheaper! Keep me posted!
  3. I will take the veil and the chair ribbons if they are still available!
  4. I was looking at those too, Angela! Love them! Do you know how much it is to ship to Canada yet? I always love things and then freak out when I found out how much shipping is!
  5. Woo hoo, that's awesome Angela! 5 months today I will be walking down the "aisle" (barefoot on the beach, that is!) Yay!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Bride2Be21 I'm going to make a suggestion ..maybe the mods can combine this page with http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-resort-27850/ There is good info on both and people post on both still. Great idea!
  7. I have been working with Patricia. I received the cake and flower choices, I'll PM you with the details
  8. Hi Kendra! I am getting married on December 16, 2010 at the GRP. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! As I'm sure you have seen, there are a few GRP boards on here that are very helpful. As well, on Facebook there is a group for Grand Riviera Princess Weddings that is great!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Bride2Be21 Hi! Im getting married there too next June..any reason why you want to go off site? Just curious. Just wanted to price it out. At the GRP for a private beach party reception (dinner + open bar) it is $85 per person, and we thought we'd see if we held our reception off site if it would be cheaper. But actually looking into it, once you pay for set up/take down, open bar, dinner, centerpieces, etc. it is more than keeping it on the resort. So after all of this, I think we'll stick with the GRP
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by RobynZee I got married at the Grand Princess Riviera on Feb 1/2010. We choose to get married on the beach, because it was what we had always pictured - but the gazebo is beautiful. If you want to check out my photos they are at Saskatoon Photographers Saskatoon Wedding Photographers Memories by Mandy Photography in the blog under the March tab on the side to find them. Patricia was our wedding planner and she was an absolute sweetheart! I can't sing her praises high enough, she's a doll. Ever detail was taken care of, and even when I was asking for over the top things, she just smiled and said Don't worry Robyn - it's no problem! Amazing lady! Thank you for sharing your photos! I love to see other people's weddings there!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Riri09 Hey everyone! Linda from Wicky's emailed me some pictures of the food/ceremony space available. Granted, these are picture they've taken so I'm sure they paint it in the most favorable light, but it still gives you the general idea. It looks really pretty. I can't figure out how to attach them but if you would like to them just email me at [email protected] and I'll email you the pics/docs she sent me. Hi there, we are considering Wicky's for our reception, do you still have information and pictures you could email me? My email address is [email protected]. Thanks!
  12. Hi ladies! I am considering Wicky's for our reception, I would love whatever information and photos you have! My email is [email protected]. TIA!
  13. Hi there, I tried searching the forum for "off site receptions" but didn't see anything not related to a specific resort. We are getting married at the Grand Riviera Princess in December, and are now thinking about having our reception off site, at a restaurant, or possibly on a sunset cruise. Does anyone have any recommendations? Our group will be about 50 - 60 people, and we are looking to have dinner, an open bar, and an area for dancing and speeches. Thanks in advance!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] Does anyone have the gazebo, menu and flower options for the grand sunset princess that they can email me @ You've got mail
  15. Oh my gosh, that's so exciting! Yay! It makes it feel so much more "real"! Congrats
  16. Woo hoo! We are having our wedding there December 16, 2010. Along with the board on here, I have found the Facebook group to be very helpful too. It is called "Grand Riviera Princess Weddings".
  17. Oh, and then when we get home and get the postcards back, I'll put them into a cute scrapbook
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Princess402 Thanks girls Kriztie - who did you decide on for photography? Angie - how are you making your postcard guestbook? I definitely don't want a traditional guestbook, and was thinking about doing something with postcards to create a book, but wasn't quite sure what! We are putting two postcards in each guests OOT bag, with this instruction card... We will buy the postcards in Playa del Carmen, but will bring pre-made address labels for the ones being returned to us.
  19. I was thinking of the December brides to be the other day when my 200 day mark until the wedding hit! Eeeek! Mid-June will be 6 months to go! I cannot believe it! I've been just getting little things here and there, a lot of my Etsy purchases have arrived and I love them all! My Mrs. hanger is adorable, I got really cute luggage tags made for my BM's and MOH, my palm fans arrived, I've discovered Vistaprint and made our postcard guest book instructions, return address labels for the postcards, an AHR banner, I could go on...my FI thinks I'm crazy with all these packages arriving! Kriztie - I love the StylishScribe! I wish I would have known about her before we did our invitations! And Angela - yay for finding such a gorgeous dress!
  20. Congratulations Stephanie! I was so excited when I saw you got married at the Grand Riviera Princess! (It was, right?) LOL We are getting married there this December. What a beautiful wedding!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by keng31 Hi ladies, I'm pretty new to the site and have been lurking around for awhile - trying to find the perfect resort! For those who have had their wedding or have stayed at Princess, how far is Playa del Carmen from the resort? I'm thinking of having our wedding offsite downtown Playa and shuttling our guests. Hello and welcome! I believe Playa is approximately 15 mins away...
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by c and m I would recommend bringing frs radios, especially if some people have upgraded to platinum and some haven't. It's not like back home, where you can just text each other to see where you are... That's a great idea, thanks!
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