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Everything posted by YIweddings

  1. Thanks for sharing your story, it reminds us that nothing is perfect and as much as we plan the purpose your planning for is that that is important (that would be the marriage part). Not that I wouldn't have a little (or big) fit if it rained or something went wrong but I have some good friends who will make it the best time ever.
  2. Maybe silly. I plan weddings so I need something completely different. I'm thinking I would like the guests to hum 'here comes the bride'. I want them to participate, it's funny and it should keep me from crying.
  3. Stress free. I'm a wedding planner at home and didn't want vendors getting mad if I picked someone else, plus everyone would expect I'd have the wedding of the year which I can't afford. Of course who is going to do all the grunt work I'm used to doing the day of. I want to enjoy.I've heard great things about the Majestic Colonial and this site is a more helpful than I thought possible.
  4. I agree that 10 days is a good idea. I didn't know I could arrange this with my TA but I haven't really started yet. We plan to arrive with our guests because some will not know each other or that their part of the same group. I love my family but I don't want to feel like I need to host them for my entire trip so I'd like to stay longer than everyone.
  5. I'm so happy to join all of you! I have to say I was the unsuportive sister at first when my brother wanted a destination wedding in Punta Cana. I am a wedding planner in my hometown so I was a little sad that he didn't want me to do anything for him. I saved my pennies and went on the trip and loved it. So much so that I am planning my own destination wedding in Punta Cana. Being a wedding planner puts a lot of expectations on me and I've alreay had comments from vendors about who I would pick for my wedding so I don't want to play favourites. And besides when I want to enjoy my day who is going to do all the 'day of' work for me when I'm the only one who knows what needs to be done. I'm finding some of the same problems but with the wrong people. His family is small and they're all excited. My family i suspportive. But it's a co-worker/friend who said that an out of town wedding wouldn't be convenient for her boyfriend so I should have it in town and make lots of money from gifts. I have no comments other than I don't even like her boyfriend and it won't ruin my day if they're both not there. Another friend (sort of) was asking questions and I mentioned Punta Cana and she asked if it could be somewhere else because she didn't like Punta Cana and is still paying off the trip for my brother's destination wedding. How do I tell her that she isn't on my guest list? argh! yup I said argh!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Vallarta_2009 Hi YIweddings, Don't know who you're going to book with but we booked with WestJet Vacations - I was the point person for the group - and it saved us quite a bit. Mind you were going in June too. But I have three people leaving from Thunder Bay and they are flying into toronto like the rest of us and then we are all taking the same flight into punta cana. Cost for their trip tax in was $1375. We're going from May 29th to June 5th. Hope that helps. Thanks for letting me know! I've contacted Westjet vacations and fingers crossed, I find something as great as you did. and thank you to 'khomac' I've emailed the hotel about a Tuesday or Wednesday ceremony. good idea.
  7. i hear that someone had a friend do the ceremony in Punta Cana because they did the legal thing back home. Would anyone do that? I'm sure your guests would figure it out but I like the idea. We can really personalize it and the English will be better. My brother got married in Punta Cana and had to have a translator and they said his name wrong.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by brendali.caban I am not sure I understand your question fully, but let me ask, what do you mean you will miss your symbolic ceremony time? If you get a flight that is NOT direct? I dont think now is the only time you will be able to get direct flights...I feel there will be flights that are direct available closer to your date, no? I know that airlines do have certain policies with switching flights, such as pay an extra 100 to switch to an early flight or nonstop... What airline is it that you are looking to book? Maybe I can check out what there cancellation/change policies are... I hope i somewhat answered...please, if I misunderstood, correct me! Thanks for letting me clarify. From Thunder Bay there is only one trip per week direct to Punta Cana. I can go through Toronto with more options but it will cost my guests an extra $400-$500 for a flight to Toronto. For 2010 the one trip during the week on are Thursdays so if I book my ceremony for Saturday I should be ok. But I called a TA and the direct flights happened on Saturday's in the past. So then I could book it for Tuesday but would not find out until June if they go back to Thursdays for a direct flight so my wedding would be on my last day there. I hope that makes more sense. Oh and Punta Cana may not even be the place they flight to direct from THunder Bay, a few years ago it was Cuba. So I am likely going to have to book through Toronto and hope for a great seat sale. We're pretty limited here with the next International airport an 8 hour drive from here to the west or 18 the other way. If you could see me I'm pulling out my hair.
  9. cute idea. I want to make luggage tags but didn't think about a save the date tag! Thanks for the photo
  10. Thanks for making me feel welcome!
  11. Is anyone worried about booking your ceremony date but not knowing when you are actaully arriving? I'm from Thunder Bay and right now we have direct flights but for Feb 2011 I won't know until June. I can't wait that long to book or I'll miss a symbolic ceremony time. If we have to flight through Toronto it will cost my guests an extra $400 plus hotel if we have to stay over night. If we book something sooner and then find out we can go direct can we change it?
  12. An absolute dream! Everything is stunning. Very inspirational.
  13. I just sent in my TA request form and I'm excited to hear back. I've heard great things about the TA's on this site. I want my wedding in Feb of 2011 but can't book travel yet. We've already sent out the word to our friends and family. Will do a save the date in March with more specific days and to remind them to start saving, an invite in the summer when I can book trips (I wish sooner). I am the least patient person and want to book everything now!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsYak I first would see how many days ahead of time you need to be at the resort, if you are thinking of doing a legal ceremony. We set our date, and sent out the save the dates/invites yesterday. I'm planning on getting married on a Tuesday, we plan to get to the resort on a Friday and start Friday to Friday. I guess I just assumed there would be flights. Luckily we live near an international airport so we shouldn't have a problem, but our guests are kind of scattered all over. We sent our deposit to hold the date, and just hope everything falls into place once the 2011 prices come out... Thanks for the response. Living near an international airport is ideal. We will only have flights one day a week and Punta Cana may not be the direct choice the vacation companies provide. 5 years ago it was Cuba. It's so expensive to get to Toronto to. If I Need to be there for two days before we get married, does Saturday or Sunday count? I think we might do the non-legal ceremony (get married at home first), does that make a difference? SO many questions so little patience! I'm so excited to finally get to plan my own wedding. I have a wedding planning business but this is nothing like a hometown party.
  15. Great minds think alike. (Like the towel idea) I'm planning something similar and even better I'm going to make (suggest, ask nicely, arm twist) my mom sew them. She also makes these cute covers for the personal size tissues that I'll (suggest) she do those in fabric in my colours. I was also thinking about a fabric holder in my colours for their trip information, passport, itinerary, tickets etc. Too bad sewing isn't my best skill. That's what mom's are for right!?
  16. Calling all February 2011 or Majestic Colonial brides! Actually can anyone help? I want to get married (the man does to!) at the Majestic Colonial in feb 2011. I have read pages 1-16 on this thread but just can't continue so I may be asking the same question. I understand that you can book your wedding before you reserve the hotel or flights. How do you have any idea when you will arrive in at your destination. I would like to say I'll get married on a Tuesday but the last direct flights from Thunder Bay were on a Thursday and that would be my last night there. I won't find out until May or June if my city will fly direct to Punta Cana, otherwise my guests have to pay another $500 just to get to Toronto. How do I send save the dates, book a wedding at the resort so late in the year and not miss out on the day and time? Thanks for your help. Sitting here patiently waiting for your answers.
  17. so excited for my first replies!
  18. Hello Forum, My name is Bethanie and I am planning to get married in the first week in February, 2011 at the Majestic Colonial. A wonderful person on the Majestic Colonial facebook page directed me here and I'm so excited to get started. I ... do not have a clue about destination weddings, nevermind making a decision for myself. I can tell countless brides what to do for their wedding but my own seems so much more complicated. I guess, now I understand how they were feeling. I will be coming to you for a lot of help over the next year so please be patient with me. Congratulations to all of you and I can't wait to hear about your adventures. Thanks for reading, Bethanie
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