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Everything posted by YIweddings

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jhartford19 Hi Everyone, I am thinking about getting married on a Monday. We arrive Saturday morning, so I am wondering if that will be too quick....I put the date as Monday on my save the dates, but it is no big deal since everyone will be there for the week! Has anyone looked into having a steel drum band perform... It was recommended to me that if I arrive on a Saturday to get married on Tuedsay. It's enough time to settle in, have a welcome dinner, talk to your coordinator but not too long to get bad tan lines. I think the point of a destination wedding is to relax and not worry with so many details so Monday sounds good. That way you can get it out of the way and have the rest of the week to simply me married.
  2. 1 more week until Westjet direct prices are ready from my home town at least. All other airlines would send us through Toronto and cost a bit more. Better get my invites going!! I Have the paper, most of the text and design concept just need to send it to my friend/designer. What is taking me so long!
  3. YIweddings


    Congratulations and welcome to the forum. Sorry I cannot help with your location but you will find a lot of help from everyone here.
  4. The mother and father of the bride were divorced and hated each other. The bride failed to tell her father that her mother would walk her part way down the aisle because she knew he wouldn't like it. So at the rehearsal the father left and sulked in his hotel room and threatened to flight back to his home town unless he got to walk her the whole way. The mother was crying, the bride was devastated and 2 hours later it was somewhat resolved. Dad got his way, the bride was sad and the mother very hurt.
  5. We've booked the steakhouse for our reception dinner because there is no extra cost (well, it's included in the wedding package you purchase). The restaurant is open every night so they do not have to make special arrangements. The parrot/wet bar and presidential suite require a per person fee for the meal and drinks becuae they close each evening and need to set up, get bar tenders etc. I think it was going to cost me about $100 pp so we decided to only rent the bar area after dinner for $500 and hour for 2 hours. We're doing symbolic so family who can't travel will see us get married at home first so I'm not sure about the civil ceremony quetion. Quote: Originally Posted by wedgirl2011 Hey Everybody, Just wondering if anybody can help me with my dinner/reception plans! I finally received an e mail back from Sandra and there are soooo many options to choose from! I didnt see anything on there about the Steakhouse? I didnt think you had to pay for your meal per person at the Steakhouse? If you choose the wet bar/parrot bar/ballroom/presidential suite do you have to pay for your meal per person? Also, just wondering if anybody chose to go with a civil ceremony? Any problems with dates being changed? It said on the e mail that the judge may change the dates even after it's already confirmed. Just curious. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Jennifer
  6. Welcome! It took me a while to find what I was looking for but then I found even more than I knew I wanted. Visit often and do searches for anything specific. Recent bride's planning threads are a lot of fun to read and you can see their results. Enjoy!
  7. I'm glad you started this oryx. I know we talked about it and we definitely need our own thread. I'm happy to start the month off wedding our wedding on February 1, 2011 at the Majestic Colonial. We've booked the symbolic ceremony for 3:00pm, photographer, did the save the dates and waiting to book the actual trip. Dress shopping was terrible so I'm hoping for a better next time, maybe with some better lighting. Happy planning everyone!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jennypenny23 Thats what matters!!! Hey, we share the same wedding date!!! I happen to think February 1, 2011 is a great date to get married! Congratulations and happy planning.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 As much as I was loving being a part of this thread (ringless ladies) - I have to say Im even happier now that things have changed for me.......I'm ENGAGED!!!! He finally proposed last night!!!! So excited and surprised...I had no idea! So glad it finally happened - now I feel like I really can plan the wedding. Dont worry ladies - your rings are on their way - I have been planning for over 9 months without a ring ....and there is nothing wrong with that! Just wanted to share bc I was so excited - but I feel everyone's pain from experience.... Excited to see who is next!!! Congratulations! Exciting news! All the best with your planning and thanks for sharing all of your pre-proposal stories.
  10. I am torn but always end up making more of an effort. Of course stooping to their level will not make it better even though it would feel good for awhile to buy them something completely tacky. In the end I say, take the high road. They will never see the error of their judgement and I think you already know the appropriate thing to do since you had common sense to even recognize their mistake. Don't pay them any attention and enjoy your own celebration.
  11. I had addresses printed on a 6"long by 2"high card stock and wrapped it around the end of the envelope with the return address on the back half. I used a super glue to stick them down. Lots of compliments! I added a little design that matched the invite.
  12. so exciting. I love to see how it all comes together. Congratulations!
  13. I wish I had something brilliant to tell you that it will all be ok! I can tell you that there is nothing you can do to make what she is doing anymore awkward. She did that all by herself. I would love to say that if it was my MIL I would stand up to her but I am all talk. Yet I would encourage you to make yourself heard because it will never stop unless she is made aware that there is a problem and she will not always get her way. You have a better chance if your FI is on your side or you may fighting be a losing battle. And it sounds like he is, so that is good. But don't fight fire with fire. It shouldn't have to be about right and wrong but there should be boundaries. I think the white dress crossed that boundary for me. The twin for herself just freaked me out. I hope she was joking! Maybe those boundaries should include less face to face time. No one deserves to be talked down to and no one has to stay there and listen to it. I have just 'taken it' for so many years from a number of places and I'm beginning to crack, if I don't walk out of a room I know I'll say something I regret. 'Distance makes the heart grow fonder', well maybe not in this case! lol Being the better person will make you feel better and you won't be the only one to recognize it.
  14. (comments about the FI name first) traditionally it was the brides parents who hosted the wedding so the invitation would say Mr. and Mrs.___________ invite you to the marriage of their daughter ____________ to _______________ son of Mr. and Mrs.____________, so the brides name has continued to come first although the wording has changed over the years. great bag! love the colour, it's very close to mine. I hope I don't over fill it with all the great stuff I'm finding. Enjoy your planning.
  15. so many great ideas. Thanks for sharing. The clam shell ring holder is so sweet.
  16. Ladies, you are the best. I am staying positive (positive I'll never see a ring) lol. We move into our new home in a few weeks right around my birthday so my life is happy and full. Yet, even though our destination wedding is in February 2011 we're officially getting married in August 2010. 4 1/2 months away. I'll leave the guy alone, he's getting a lot of pressure from our friends and random people looking at my hand. I feel like I've taken the 'proposal' away from him by planning our DW but there's obviously still a chance for a surprise. Love the Victoria Secret idea! It would work in a second.
  17. Congrats! Don't you feel better. WW is great, 'nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.' I remember that from when I went. I think it's time to join again.
  18. Isn't this fun. I love DIY projects. Great work. I think I'll be using your pashmins tags. thanks.
  19. Send them an invite. I have several people I know can't come even before I sent out the save the dates but I want them to be a part of the moment. These people are important enough to be your MOH and BM so include them.
  20. I would not encourage it. It is fairly acceptable to wear white when the majority of the dress is another colour and highlighted with white ie: blue dress with white flowers. The bride may be fine with it but there also may be some impressionable family members who are not. I wanted to wear a green and white dress to my brother's wedding but the bridesmaids ended up with green and white dresses (completely different) but she didn't want me to wear mine. Didn't help that we were already in Punta Cana and I had to improvise. Play it safe and don't bring attention to something you are already questioning.
  21. Congratulations! You will love this forum. You have 38 days, that is so exciting. Enjoy every minute. I have about 10 months, (many, many days).
  22. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I see they still do not have my colour so I will wait a few more months and hope they resupply or try another colour.
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