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Everything posted by Riri09

  1. Vincent at Zasil INTRO Zasil Studio I Advertizing, Documentry & Wedding Photographer I Riviera Maya Our wedding isn't until next May, but we did get to meet with him and he is a very cool guy. His prices are reasonable and his style is more of the photo journalism style - less posed stuff.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by aalva416 Hey ladies! Nicola, love love love the website! I have one through destination weddings.com but it's not nearly as nice! Okay... After reading all the drama with Ael and all the nickel and diming... I'm considering a huge change. I still want my ceremony at the Riu, but I am considering moving my reception off the resort. Anyone hear of any nice beachfront restaurants or have pics? I have seen posts about the Kool Beach Club with pics and it looks AMAZING! I figure with all the extras I want (I.e $1700 for private room, $25/person for sit down service and $9/person open bar) and extra headaches (not getting to pick my reception time, that store bought looking cake) I might as well put it into a different place that gives more option! Would love to hear any feedback! And Katie can't wait to hear about your day! Ciao! Hey guys! We are having our wedding reception at KOOL on May 28, 2011. You can have the ceremony there as well if you want - it has to be on the beach. We are probably the only ones who are going to Mexico and don't want to get married directly on the sand! I took at look at it when we were down week before last and we even got to "spy" from the beach on a reception that was taking place. If you have any questions just let me know and I'll try to answer. I'm working on uploading some pics of KOOL (as well as Wicky's) as soon as I can find the proper cord.
  3. Sorry, this is quite late. Since your family doesn't really drink and FI is worried that his friends will drink a little too much , maybe you could do a signature drink like a mojito - have virgin and alcoholic and let that be it for the booze during the apps? That way people who want to drink can yet those who aren't big drinkers still have something cool to sip on. Just a thought. The resort will probably charge an arm and a leg for that anyway! My wedding isn't at an AI, but I totally understand not wanting to pay extra for something that is actually included in the price of the room.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 Thanks ladies...I have bought from other brides on here since then and haven't had a problem, so dont be afriad to purchase from people on here. I would just make sure you look at their status and possibly stay away from someone who still has "noob" status. Now that doesnt mean it cant happen from anyone else...but atleast you know they are somewhat of a veteran on here. It was an unfortunate experience for all of the ladies involved in this, however we have learned from it and in the end, hopefully put the word out there to be cautious and ask all the right questions prior to purchasing. Thanks again for all your support throughout all of this and your words of wisdom. Im sure many brides will learn from our mistakes! Glad to hear that you have had better experiances since then. I've found some really cute stuff on here and hearing (reading:) you say this puts my mind at ease. Thanks for the update!
  5. Mexibride - That was the only way I was able to do it! I stalk the jcrew sale page. Everything eventually goes on sale. I bet yours will to! I felt bad about the cost as well. I feel like I am asking so much of them, but everyone seems less stressed about it than I do. Lol! I think the gift cards are perfect. And we are giving them a year to plan. That's what I keep telling myself:) Michelle2011 - Yay! How exciting! Now we have 3 good vibes for the weather! Im actually leaning towards the Barcelo Maya Palace as our AI option for everyone. It looks awesome!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by mexbride83 I love the oasis green! That will look beautiful with white flowers. Gold shoes or barefoot? I haven't decided for sure on the Erica, but I'm not looking at anything else either. I'm too indecisive to make decisions so far out, because I'm worried they'll come out with something else that I like even more. I want the dress to be in Fresh Mint, and have the girls carry a bouquet of dark pink roses. I'm considering giving the girls two options, the Erica and Sydney, because I'm not sure if they'll all want a strapless dress. I'm just afraid that only one will choose the Sydney and then it'll look weird haha. Thanks so much! We are *hopefully* (waiting on city approval) having our wedding at the base of the pier so shoes for sure. I'm going to let them pick their own gold shoes - heels or sandals. I think the Erica dress is great, but honestly, anything in the color combos you've selected will be stunning. I love dark pink roses with that mint color! I had the same concern about one choosing one style and all of the other girls in another. Because mine were on super sale I had to take what was available. I tried to select their 1st choice if it was available in their size and I think only one girl got the second (and only choice). I paid for them since I got them on sale so I'm hoping that compensates for the lack of choice?!? There ended up being a pretty even amt of sophia v. robin. I probably should have waited! It was an impulse buy, but it made me move on actually picking my colors! Lol. I think the Erica has a bit of a sweetheart shape to it so it will probably look good on everyone? Either one will be lovely!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by mexbride83 Yes! Now we have double the good vibes for good weather:) We're sending our save the dates out in the next month, and then I think we'll send our invitations out about 3-4 months in advance. So I guess we'll ask for RSVPs about 1-2 months out? It's a hard call, because I don't want to pressure people to make a decision too early, yet we really do need that head count. What dresses did you get from JCrew? My favorite dress for my BMs is the cotton cady Erika dress! That sounds like a good time frame. I know - I don't want to be pushy and make people decide too far in advance, but surely they will know/booked something 1-2 months out. I got the silk tricotine sophia and robin short - both in oasis green. I LOVE the cotton cady Erika dress! Have you decided for sure on the Erika? If so, what color are you doing? The dress pretty much dictated my colors. I knew I wanted to use white flowers - so the green dresses and then touches of gold - not anything too flashy.
  8. I think FI and I are going to go to the court house the week before we head out for Mexico. I honestly don't want to deal with getting blood drawn (I hate needles), dealing with an official officiant, etc. I was a little worried about the actual wedding not feeling as important, but, the more I've thought about it the more it just makes sense. Plus, nobody will know that we've gone to the court house. FI and I are both attorneys so I think we are going to walk across the street during our lunch break. Lol!
  9. Mexibride83 - How cool! Lets cross our fingers for awesome weather Your hotel looks so nice! When are you requesting an RSVP for the wedding? I've been consulting all of these books but I feel like they don't apply for a DW. I want to give people plenty of time, but I'd also like a "final" head count a 2 months out for budget reasons. Bonnie - I bought all of my bridesmaids dresses when jcrew had their 30% off the sale price promotion. Lol. It was spur of the moment - I saw the sale and I frantically started texting everyone for sizes. Lets hope they fit a year from now! It sounds like the dresses you special order will be beautiful! I'd love to see some pics once you get them. Kool was pretty neat. We actually got to see a reception while we were there- the director told us to stop by so we viewed it from the beach at a distance. It was pretty cool...no pun intended:)
  10. I'm so glad to hear everyone saying the same things I have been thinking since we got engaged. I don't want a shower for several reasons. Like all of you, I feel that asking people to travel all the way to Mexico is asking a lot, and to add gifts on top of that. I don't know. It just doesn't feel right for me. I also have been to so many showers - the same people over and over and I'm just not going to ask people to attend a gazillion showers and buy a gift each time. It erked me. (One shower gift and a wedding gift seems PLENTY to me). Of course, I hate opending gifts in front of people so this has a lot to do with it. Also, from reading these post it seems DW girls are split on the bridal registry. FI nor I were planning on doing one but everyone thinks I'm crazy and insit that I do it so they know what to get us. Sorry, that was a novel. I'm just relieved to know I'm not crazy for thinking its asking a lot.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by chloe55 Sorry this took so long Jannae, we all went to 5th Avenue one day and my dad and I popped into a cigar shop. I don't remember what the name of it was, but it was really small and narrow. We got a case of Romeo y Julieta Robustos for $9 per cigar. I have no idea if this was a good deal or not. All I know is that the guy started the price out at $14 per, and that's what we negotiated him down to. I can tell you though, that all our guests loved the idea, especially being from America, cuban's are a big treat! We brought a cutter and had personalized matchboxes made to go out with them. Hi Guys! I just got back from playa and think I might have met with the cigar guy on 5th that you are talking about - here is the info - Cigar Factory Miguel Tirado Cel - 998-216-60-59 [email protected] Of course - there are probably several cigar shops on 5th, but your description of the store sounded a lot like this one. Hope this helps!
  12. Hi everyone! I haven't been so great about posting since we returned from Mexico (catching up on work has been nuts!) but I'm just so excited I have to share...I just spoke with my WC (Gelena from Weddings Riviera Maya-they are all so great!) and I have my reception booked for Kool Beach Club on May 28,2011! So I guess we have an official date! It seems soooo far away, but I know it will be here before we know it. Sorry, just had to share. This is the first "offical" thing we have done - other than ordering bridesmaids dresses!
  13. Oh my gosh! That is so cool. Thanks for the info. I'm going to find a sol bottle and see what I can do. I'm so challenged
  14. Mallory57 - If you don't mind me asking, how did you get your names on that red stripe bottle? That is the cutest idea ever!
  15. Hey everyone! Got back from playa last Sunday. I was a little under the weather last week which is why this post is so late. FI and I spent a few hours one afternoon at Wicky's on the beach. I took some pictures of the outside terrace/pool/beach area which is where I believe most of the receptions will take place. I didn't get any of the inside (it was packed and I was sandy) but it looked true to the website. I know a few of you have emailed me for the pics and as soon as I find my camera cord I'll email them to you. If I can't find it tonight I'll try to upload them to my work computer via memory chip tomorrow. The place is awesome. You will not be disappointed!
  16. I have been having the same problem so I know how you feel. The only decision I have made that is set in stone would be my bridesmaids dresses (they are here and in my closet!) and honestly, the only reason I made that decision was because Jcrew was offering 30% off the sale price! Now that I've done that I kind of have something to work off of. Before I knew what the dresses were going to look like I had 10 million ideas floating around and I couldn't make a decision. Its kind of like a "vision" is coming together. If that makes any sense...
  17. I have a meeting w/Liliana next Thursday at 1pm and I am so excited!! I just hope it all works out! I'll ask who people typically rent the different types of chairs, what exactly is provided, etc. when we meet and post whatever I find out.
  18. Hey everyone! Linda from Wicky's emailed me some pictures of the food/ceremony space available. Granted, these are picture they've taken so I'm sure they paint it in the most favorable light, but it still gives you the general idea. It looks really pretty. I can't figure out how to attach them but if you would like to them just email me at [email protected] and I'll email you the pics/docs she sent me.
  19. For those debating the cost issue, here are a few non-AI condo/hotels that I'm going to check out when we head down. It looks like they run from $250-400/night, depending upon your season, but some appear to have two+ bedrooms/sleep 4-6 so that the cost could be divided amoung those staying at the condos. This is the company page - Documento sin título These are the loco gringo links - The Elements: Condominiums, Playa del Carmen vacation rental, Mexico Encanto Corto Maltes: Playa del Carmen condominiums, Riviera Maya, Mexico Encanto El Faro: Hotel: Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Mexico They may not pan out but I'm keeping my fingers crossed! They look nice.
  20. Gosh, I haven't been on for a few days and I've missed out! On the topic of feeling guilty about cost for those coming to the wedding - I'm so glad others are having this issue. This is my biggest struggle. I'm torn between the AI's because I think they are a lot of fun for those coming down to really relax and make a full blown vacation out of it. At the same time, I know that for some it might be a little more than they would like to spend. We will most likely have a larger group coming down (150ish - FI has a LARGE family) so its going to be hard to please everyone. Ages will range from 11 to FI's 76 year old grandfather! We've decided to try to do our ceremony/reception at a beach club that way lodging isn't (*hopefully*) an issue. People can rent condos, stay at the smaller hotels in Playa or stay at an AI. It stinks that everyone probably won't be at the same resort but with such a large/diverse group I think its unavoidable.
  21. bikegirl - Figuring out what hotels we are going to visit is my problem! There are just so many and because we are going to have children there we want to look as many kid friendly resorts. All of the resorts I've fallen in love with have been adult only AI's I am leaning towards are the Riu Palace. I think this is the one with the 3 different priced hotels on one property - as I said, I'm still trying to figure this all out and I've been staking these boards so much I think I've confused myself! Iberostar, Playacar Palace and Dreams Riviera Cancun. Any other suggestion? As for the smaller hotel in the heart of playa we will check out La Tortuga, Playa Palms, Blue Parrot Suits and Blue Parrot 5th ave. I'm also going to head over to Kool, Mamitas, and Wickey's to check out ceremony/reception venues. FI and I really have our hearts set on Kool for the ceremony and reception so I'm hoping we fall in love with it and the price will be right!
  22. Hi everyone! I'm a 2011 bride as well. I've been quite the "lurker" on this fourm thus far. FI and I are heading down to Riviera Maya March 10-14 to do some scouting. I guess I feel like I can officially be a 2011 bride now! We are looking at the first weekend in April or the last weekend which I believe runs into May. I guess it really depends on what is available. Y'all are all so on the ball all of the hotels might be full! I'll try to post picture and reviews of the places we go. Kool is in the running for ceremony/reception, but we will also check out some AI's (kid friendly) and some of the smaller hotels in playa. Sorry for the novel!
  23. I'm heading to Mexico next month and plan on checking Wicky's out. I'm also going to look at Kool so I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!
  24. Wow! You did a teriffic job on these. I am loving the passport in the pocket. Lovely!
  25. I'm so happy to have found your review! I really love the look of Kool and (because of your info) pretty excited to go down and take a look!
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