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About SeptemberBride

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  1. Congrats and welcome ,,,this is the place of information
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Devin My name is Devin and I am very thrilled to be getting married this June 17th 2010 at thr Riu Ochos Rios. The only thing is, I am nervous about all the details and have lots of questions. I am hoping that this forum will help ease my anxieties. Welcome Welcome ===Welcome to the FORUM===do not be nervous you have so much to learn form all of us --= we will hold your hand=== Ocho Rios is a nice town a lot to do before or after your wedding.
  3. Welcome to this great forum...no other place like this..just ask and we will answer Congrats
  4. welcome to this wealth of info it is all about you congrats
  5. Congrats Welcome all you every wanted to know....it is all here...just ask
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by tigger Congrats and welcome to the forum! Congrats .....tell me how was it do you have any pictures...
  7. Congrats and welcome to lost of info
  8. So what will you do about the cake and the florist and why did you want an outside baker and florist? do they have poor quality
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by misstrae76 Hey there ladies, I m getting married in under 2 months and have yet to pick flowers! Im stressin just a lil! I kinda know what I want and would like to send them my ideas. I have emailed Tai Flora and no response. I emailed Jan last week and I have yet to hear from them as well! Do they usually take a while? And am I running out of time? There is a flower company called grandegarden.com I found there name on this blog they seem quick to respond and they seem very helpful
  10. These pictures are great who was you photographer I could look at the over and over I can see you had a ball
  11. You still have a lot of time to get things in order I you need to find a local planner I will help you look at the past note on this forum and give you the info let me know
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