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Everything posted by waybuloo

  1. Hi Ladies do you know if the four witnesses that you need have to be unrelated to you? I have just been reading on another thread & they have said they can't be related....am stressing as have already asked my brother & cousin!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Vicki how rude of that Lady stupid c*w!! Like I said to you before my friend saw a couple of weddings at Zucchinis & she said if I hadn't booked Mexico already she would recommend there xx Great news on getting your bridesmaids bits!!
  3. Nicy both dresses are gorgeous & your post gave me tingles.....BUT I think the Benjamin Roberts one, I love the detail on it & think it just pips the Maggie to the post.....also I think the 'feeling' is just as important as the look....oooh I envy you going to try on dresses today its the best part of it isn't itxx Oh My God I have already asked 4 people to be my witnesses & 2 of them are related!! I wasn't aware they couldn't be!! Do you think its the same for every resort? £600 Herbie is a massive difference, good luck with your complaint you should definitely get your money back thats outrageous!! Just had to share these.....got some new shoes today for my hen night....am in love!!
  4. Herbie - Glad to hear your dad was at home to enjoy his birthday, hope he continues to feel better xoxo Charmaine - what a time your having!! & how worrying for your cousin. I think men definitely deal with grief in a different way, I know when Richards nan died he just went quite & you just don't know what to do. All you can do is be there & like others have said hopefully you have a friends shoulder to cry on xoxo I got all my bridesmaids & pageboy gifts this weekend well ordered them....keeping in with my starfish theme I got all the girls engraved silver star trinket boxes & for the two little boys, who are car mad, little silver moneybox's in shape of mini's so cute!! Michelle good luck with weight loss, inches are as good as pounds.....I have been doing a workout video everyday for the last two weeks have lost 4lb but an inch off waist...woohoo, legs have been killing me thought....all working towards the bikini bod though so hopefully will all be worth it.
  5. Well done on the weight loss Michelle, a loss is a loss & you had good night out!!...bonus!! Your MIL is the same as mine was & I knew she would just do things to wind me up on purpose especially where the kids were concerned...again I know it isn't nice but am so glad we don't see her anymore!!  Bouquet Jewellery is so pretty Nicy, let us know how much they end up charging you as if not too much may order myself  I booked us all in for the relevant injections for the October half term that way its all done & out the way, I'm dreading it for the kids bless em!! Hate taking them for injections & other half is more than useless with that sort of thing!! Â
  6. Nicy I don't know what to say!! so so sorry honey, that is just awful sending you tons of huggles xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  7. Jo am laughing my head off (ARSE)!!! how funny!! But you are right, tell her where to go!!
  8. oooh thanks for the tip I am going to get Richard to talk to his Doctor..... Â & yes I much prefered the dress he chose....funny isn't it how different people see different things.....I just can't believe she went through with it, it is supposed to be the happiest day of your life & how could it be if some of the people you wanted there most weren't.....& did you think there was a slight chance he was gay? with his best friend?!........I'm all for the man who is in touch with his feminine side but saying 'love you' at the end of a telephone conversation & playing with his hair at the end...all a bit odd if you ask me.....Richard reckons he was singing 'Always on my mind' to him at the end!!....haha...god I sound like a right old gossip but something wasn't quite right!!...haha & to gamble the wedding on red or black.......she shouldve done the same as to whether to marry him or not!! See how he liked it!!
  9. Woo hoo....sooo pleased for you!! Can't wait to see you in resort....eeek!! I have just got to say that Jazmin has been fantastic with me...everytime I email her she comes back to me latest within 48 hours & even when she was on holiday another girl replied so I really think they have stepped it up with the communication....p.s centre pieces are fantastic will email you later.....Congrats again
  10. OMG Richard suffers with cold sores terribly!! In fact we are just dreading him getting one on the day.....I am going to email my WC now....can you imagine getting there & not being able to get married!!.....& I thought DW were supposed to be easier!!  Thanks Kerry for your comments, I know I shouldn't worry about everyone else I think, I'm just a bit of a worrier....  Vicki your poem is just perfect....lovely, in fact I think you should design a card with that on the front & sell it to Clintons  Did anyone see 'Don't Tell The Bride' last night....OMG.....I would've gone MENTLE & would definitely not have married him.....if you didn't watch it basically the lady wanted a traditional country manor house with all the trimmings & all her family & friends there 150 of them!! She was very close to her family & her nightmare wedding would be anything tacky.....SO he books them a trip to Vegas!!!!....Only takes 6 people with them which means even her own brother can't go, which leads to her sister/best friend saying she won't go without the brother.....nightmare.....it all ended with a 'will she won't she' get on the plane....I wouldn't have, I mean the man you are marrying should roughly know what you want, surely?! Admittedly he booked a lovely room at the Venetian & a old gangsters mansion for the reception which was beautiful.....but with the 6 of them, & she hated the dress he chose......I quizzed Richard after to see if he would know exactly what I would want & thankfully he did!!
  11. Herbie Holly looks absolutely gorgeous!! so sweet!!  On the bridesmaid thing I would probably include her & get a dress for the AHR.....why don't you ask her if she would like a dress, I'm sure she would be thrilled that you thought of it.  Michelle I am going to start slimming world....tried WW but got sick of counting points!! My friend has lost loads on it!! Good Luck  Feel a bit stressed this week......excitement seems to have died down & now I am stressing about how many people are coming, organising everyone......will everyone get on.......think I need to go & try on dress again to get me back in the mood
  12. WOW that is so lovely of them Roo....I might need to tell my office that!!....lol  Your pictures are amazing, who did your hair? It looks stunning....can't wait to see more
  13. Ladies that are doing oot bags.....Do you do one for everyone individually or per family am getting all confused with it....lol.....I am buying pink bags (your ones Michelle) but now am thinking that there are two people going on their own who are men?...pink bag? & then some people have a family of four...don't know what to do? What are you all doing??
  14. Jo your little boy looks soooooo cute!! aaah bless him just showed everyone in my office!! I think you should keep him in the beige suit, plus it will be cooler for him. Â & likewise with Michelle.....just yesterday Fi & I were rowing & l was thinking god am I doing the right thing marrying him...we bicker like every few days at the minute. I think if people are honest most people are like that, I have a 2 & 11 year old, we both work long hours & life in general is just difficult a lot of the time.....BUT...I know deep down we love each other....lets just hope the kids behave in the few days before the wedding or I could walk down the aisle hating him....hahahaha....because there is no way I'm not wearing that dress now!!....lol
  15. Aaah Nicy you are definitely not a spare part xoxoxo I just check in sometimes & think everyone has got something interesting to say & I have nothing to add!! On your dress though get it ordered girl.....my shop told be 6 months before your date is really the cut off unless you want something straight from the peg. I ordered mine end of August & it won't be ready until February....so that is next on your list me thinks!! Â I am not going to type my list of 'things to do' I would give myself a heart attack, lets just say I have more to do than not to do....am having a bit of a nightmare with mens suits to be honest. I want beige or a light colour but not linen, any ideas anyone? Â I was stressing about photographer as the shots I first saw of our resort one were really naff but they have since got a facebook page & put tons on there which I am more impressed with, I don't know how much they would charge to come to your resort Michelle? it is Arrecife studios Mexico on facebook. Â Welcome back again Roo sod the washing do your review...hahaha can't wait for photos!!
  16. Michelle I would be exactly the same & want to pack now!!!! My mum is buying our cases for us as a christmas present & I know as of January they will remain open in the spare room with bits being put in daily!! Everytime I go on the Maggie site to have a look at my dress your dress is the one on their homepage so comes straight up, just have to say to you again it is amazing, so beautiful!! Â On the giving away issue I agree with Susan, I would have my nephew as he is your actual family & male, I am actually having my mum & dad. I know thats not traditional but just felt that my mum hasn't had much to do as such as its all done online & abroad so it would give her a role on the day as well. She was actually chuffed to pieces when I asked her!! Â Am now really panicking about all this VAT rise as would much rather get everything before it goes up but money is a little tight at mo!! Have already warned everyone no one is getting a christmas present unless it is to do with wedding...lol....I am going to get most people the vests/t shirts with diamontes on e.g bridesmaid, mother of bride, witness etc...sound really tight but its all starting to mount up now!! God I can remember when it was 2 years away now we are 8 months...eeeekk scaaaaaaaaaaaaryyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Hi Kim, this site is fantastic isn't it, I don't know what I would've done without it!!  I am having a poolside reception at Tulum. Basically you can either hire a DJ or take your Ipod, then on top of that you pay per head for them to set up a bar area & for you to have personal waiters. I am paying $8 per head for special cocktails which includes, beer, wine, margheritas & soft drinks. I am not having the resort DJ I am having DJ Bijan who is charging me $300 for 2.5 hours.  So total price is dependant on how many guests you have going with you $8 per adult & half that for children.  If you pm your email address I'll email you the pricing list the resort sent me  Â
  18. Congrats Mrs....oooh I can't wait to be a Mrs!! Can't wait for your review & pics....Enjoy your honeymoon!!
  19. OMG Really??!!! I have been working everything out in dollars!!!!! My friend goes to Moon Palace next week & she told me that but I thought it was just for that hotel. Do you know current exchange for peso's, it may work in our favour....wishful thinking!! Â
  20. Charmaine so glad to hear that your Dad is on the mend  Herbie your bridesmaid dresses are lovely very good choice.  Vicki my friend has just come back from the Aliathon.....didn't get married there but just a holiday. The first thing she said to me was if you hadn't already booked Mexico I would definitely recommend the Aliathon in Cyprus!! She said it is absolutely gorgeous & she saw a couple of weddings while she was there, what a coincidence eh?!
  21. hahahaha how funny!!!! The dreams are starting.....I had a dream that I missed the aeroplane to Mexico & was running down the runway chasing the plane in my wedding dress & like you woke up in a hot sweat.....we are going to be right nutcases in 9 months time!!
  22. WOW that is so exciting!! We will definitely meet up!! How many people do you have going with you & have you decided which restaurant to have your reception, send me your private email as I have tons of things to talk to you about!! You are the first bride on here so far that I will get to see their wedding...eeek...don't worry I won't gatecrash....lol....I will look discreetly from afar!! hahaha  Your best friend doesn't want to earn herself a few dollars & photograph my wedding as well does she?? I'm not too keen on the resort one!x Â
  23. Hello everybody!! Been away for 3 days & so much to comment on!! Been to thorpe park, legoland & chessington so all theme parked out but have probably put on a stone in hotdogs & burgers  Right lets catch up!!  Roo I know your not here but thinking of you 2 days to go!!  Michelle the wedding dress boxes are fine to take dress in, I asked on Saturday but didn't come back on here so get ordering & woop woop on paying off your dress, when did they tell you yours would be in shop? Only ask because your flying only 2 days before me!! & suitcases are fab & really reasonable too.  Charmaine so sorry to hear your news that is so sad for you, sending lots of hugs xx  Jo invites are fantastic love them!  & breathe.....................  Lastly on the TA note like Nicy I really wish I had been on this site before & gone with CW, they seem to have the best customer service.....I booked through Cooperative travel, flying with thomson & first choice wedding. Basically the shop were worse than useless, I ended up demanding the area managers number & he got a lady in their surbiton branch to call me & book us as apparently thats who he said knew everything about everything, turns out she did however surely everyone they employ should!! Then First choice said they couldn't confirm my wedding date for 8 weeks, like I have ranted on here before I called the hotel direct & booked & confirmed my own wedding date!! Then only today we have got back from our trip & I have a letter from first choice with forms to fill in of all our name d.o.b details etc trouble is I had this form once sent it back they apparently didn't receive, sent it out again I took it into the useless shop filled in....now have it a third time...aarrrrghhhhhhhhhhh so a trip to coop eltham tomorow to ask for my mum & dad to be upgraded free of charge as their service is utterly useless!! lol don't know how far I'll get but if you don't ask you don't get eh?  Think I have covered everything xx Â
  24. Welcome to the site Aimesmiles I am also getting married at the Gran Bahia Principe in May next year so any info you want just ask!!   Nicy - I hope your ring shopping went well & you managed to drag him out of bed  Roo.....OMG I can't believe your soon be on your way...so exciting......your vows are amazing, like nicy brought a tear to my eye oh & your planning thread that brought a lump to my throat too!x
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