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Everything posted by waybuloo

  1. Amurka have you looked in Monsoon they have a couple of lovely short white dresses......I am thinking of getting one for the rehearsal dinner as like the others am planning on wearing my wedding dress as long as I can!! Michelle you make me chuckle about MIL's T Shirt/vest....how funny!! But I think you should definitely sell yours on ebay.....they are gorgeous!!!! You are so clever Nicy I can't believe how far up the list we are now....only seems like yesterday when I was near the bottom......I can't wait for it to be our turn but in the same breath I don't want the planning to be over....am really enjoying it!! I have my dress fitting on Monday....eeek can't wait!! Have had a really bad week on the diet though need to really knuckle down or might have to come down the aisle to 'I like em big I like em chunky' from Madagascar....lol!!
  2. I don't really know what it is apart from vibrating plates.....I just see the sign outside that says drop a dress size in 3 weeks & thought thats a bit of me!!!!...lol but other than Michelle I don't know anyone who has used them so was just curious if they are any good?? Might do it the month before we go!!
  3. Fingers, toes & wobbly bits all crossed for you Nicy for your job interview tomorow, I'm sure they will love you xx 100 sleeps for us (one more than Michelle!!) Am looking forward to getting home as all my online purchases I ordered last week should arrive todays....2 bikinis, disposable cameras & various other bits from Vista.....I love that site!!
  4. OMG Michelle fancy bumping into her in there!!!! Did she say anything about the wedding?? & go girl with no pain relief giving birth, I had the lot!!!!....lol Is it the Flabulos machine at Sun Lounge? Is it any good? I keep seeing it & wonder if I should give it a go?x
  5. Hi Ladies.....any previous brides can you tell me if an iron is provided in the rooms?
  6. Love all your ideas & if you don't mind may even nick a few!!.....on the kids colouring book how can I change the names to ours, it won't let me save, it just shows me the slide show?x
  7. Welcome back Char we missed you too!! All of your purchases are lovely, you have been so busy no wonder you haven't been on here!! It was me who got the personalised love hearts, I got them from ebay but their direct email is [email protected] they are really lovely & it was the first time I had seen anything with 'Mr & Mrs Adams' on, looked really strange!! I agree with the other girls, well done you for behaving so maturely with the whole best man thing......I'm sure he will eat humble pie before the day & realise he has been a prize pr***!!!! Have a lovely day Michelle & steer clear of shoe shops!!......you might just see another pair....lol
  8. Hey Futurewifey I am getting maried on the 2nd June at Tulum Gazebo!! So will be there for your wedding day we will have to say Hi to each other!! Which part of the resort are you getting married in?
  9. ooops forget 'Hi Mich2011', welcome to the site, very addictive & so much information!! How are your plans going?x
  10. WOW don't log on for two days & so much to catch up on!! Ok firts thing first, Michelle I think am in love with your shoes!!!!!!!!!!!! They are the most gorgeous pair of pink shoes ever, I keep going back & looking at them, fab fab fab!! & shot glasses BARGAIN of the week or what?? Like Nicy I would definitely keep mine. I like the idea of hankies & your right I think the men would appreciate something to stop the sweat dripping!! For our hotel we would just need birth certificates (un apostilled & legalised) & passports if Richard hadn't had a name change. As he has we had to pay £68 to have his papers legalised & apostilled by the foreign office & then £231 to be translated into spanish then the $200 blood tests in resort. Is is a bit extra we had to pay out for but when you consider the average wedding in the UK costs £18K it seemed a small price to pay....lol!! Harrisons little suit came today so cute, I'll have to take a picture of him in it!! Oh that Phenergan medicine my doctor recommended I get it!! It is traditionally a motion sickness & allergy medicine but also knocks little ones out.....we have 11 children travelling in our party so after a couple of hours on the plane I am going to be like Mary Poppins & get my spoon & medicine out & give them all a dose!!....lol It is definitely on my 'must have list'.....am going to try it out before though as like Jo says in a small percentage of children it does have the opposite effect......I bet that Harrison will be in that percentage & be rampaging down the aisles!! Everyone around us on the aeroplane is going to hate us anyway with 39 adults & 11 children all together....lol
  11. Hi Gemma, I am having my brother & cousin & Jazmin has said this is fine, she has also asked me to email her copies of their passports in advance. See if you can do this & that way they might not have to be there four days before....worth a try!! I'll fb you as well xx
  12. Michelle you invites are GORGEOUS, well done you clever girl!! & I love how you have 'Harrison & Scarlet' request the pleasure, thats really sweet
  13. Thanks for all the tips Jo, am going to look up the travel mugs......& lol at leaving the kids at home!!!!!!....hahahaha Nails are gorgeous Nicy, I don't know what to do with mine yet, probably just the french manicure. Stephens suit lovely as well, we still need to sort Richards!!!! Welcome Leanne, dress is lovely What colour bridesmaids are you having?
  14. Woohoo welcome back Mrs Stopps!!!! Can't wait to hear all about your day & wishing you lots of fuin at your AHR Michelle shoes are to die for......GORGEOUS is the word, I agree with all the girls buy them whatever colour they are!! (but to me they look hot pink!!) The cards aren't in a plastic box, just the usual cardboard box but am going to try & create a personalised sticker to go on front of box (well thats a lie, am going to get my very creative neighbour to create one for me!!....lol). Love your cake topper Nicy!! My sweets came today, so cute!! I got 200 of the personalised love heart sweets, I love them!! I think I might start my planning thread as well so can post all the pictures at once to show you!! Have a good weekend Ladies
  15. Michelle - Sports Direct Eltham High Street on the counter they have got packs of playing cards for 69p each!! I got them for OOT bags the other day
  16. oh sorry forgot to say......if any of you have a poundland near you I brought the Nell Mcandrew work out dvd for a £1 in there yesterday & it is brilliant!! Much better than the Kerry Katona rubbish that I paid bloody £15 for!!!! Well worth getting girls & looking at Nells washboard stomach really makes you want to lay off the takeaway....lol, also they had in there fake rose petals (so I brought 3 lots for my flower girls baskets....bargain!!) & they were selling tubs of different coloured sand so brought for our sand ceremony, if any of you are doing one!!!! Love the good old pound shop, dvd, petals & sand & didn't even spend a tenner.....love it!!!!
  17. Same for us ladies, will be legal in UK, will be in spanish (which we can pay to translate once we have received it) & it will take roughly 4 months to get to us!! Nicy I love the bouquet charm.....another idea I might have to steal!! for a picture of my nan to go in!! 16 Weeks today!! Where are the weeks going....scary stuff!! I don't know about you girls but I have been totally excited about the bit when you start to walk down the aisle & everyone sees you & THE dress for the first time.......now I am starting to feel really nervous about it, scared even......lol
  18. Baileybride2b I loooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your shoes!!!!!!!! They are AMAZING & my colour is hot pink!!!! Well ladies I am now one very happy bride to be..........First Choice head office emailed resort & have now honoured my booking as made over a year ago & all of my guests will be together in the Tulum & I will be married in the Gazebo.....stress over for now!!!! phew.......A friend of ours tried to book the Tulum yesterday & was told in the travel agents that the hotel was fully booked with all tour operators, my guess is that First Choice have overbooked Tulum & thought by moving my booking that would free up 19 rooms.....well I wouldn't be moved!!!!....lol On the DJ thing, DJ Bob is the resort DJ you won't get charged an outside vendor fee for him. However another bit of great news is that they have waived my $90 fee to use DJ Bijan as again they said as I booked him 10 months ago the charge would not apply to me. So my advice to any ladies experiencing the same fire off an email that gives them the impression you are a bride on the edge & they seem to backtrack on their policies......lol.....omg I sound like a right bridezilla!!!! No I have been so calm throughout the whole process its just this week gave me kittens thinking we were being moved to Akumal!! We are doing a sand ceremony, purely as we have an 11 year old & 3 year old & want to involve them in the ceremony, I have brought the sand from poundland in UK & the vase set from Ikea £25!! bargain!! Jazmin has said she will read the reading I found on the internet after the ceremony. Does anyone who has had their dinner in Le Gran Tortuga know the table layout? & how many guest can fit around one table? am trying to organise my seating & have found two different emails from Jazmin one saying I can have 7 - 10 people around a table & another saying 5????!!!! xx
  19. Hey Gemma, you found it ok in the end then!! We are taking a cake topper with us & am paying extra to have a 3 tier cake. Speak soon honey!x & welcome to BDW!!!!
  20. Hi Cass, The gazebo is on the Tulum side & the Akumal hammocks (beach wooden structure) is on the Akumal side. Lisa
  21. OMG Girls am majorly stressing out!! Had an email from Jazmin yesterday saying that as of May 2011 anyone that booked through first choice will now be staying on the Akumal side!! I booked Tulum & have booked the gazebo at Tulum for my wedding!! As the rule is you have to stay on the side you are getting married in the email it said I may have to change wedding location.....excuse my french but WTF!!!! So I called Mexico straight away & got through to Jazmin.....she basically said it was due to room allocation & that now Thomas Cook have the contract for Tulum & First Choice have it for Akumal? My answer was but I booked last May!!!! She has told me to put it all in an email & she will take it to her superior & see what she can do. Meanwhile I ran my TA yesterday at Cooperative & she is calling First Choice head office this morning so will keep you updated.....but what a major stress....I have threatened that I will cancel the whole booking if they stick to their decision....god just what I need 17 weeks before we go!!!! Also on the whole DJ thing....I booked DJ Bijan 11 months ago, at the time I emailed Jazmin & asked her if there would be a charge to use him, she replied that there is a charge for any DJ other than Bijan & the resort one Bob. In addition to the email about Tulum yesterday I received another email saying that there had been a change in their policy & all DJ's other than Bob will be charged a $90 outside vendor fee again WTF!!!! So I mentioned this in my phone call to her & again she said put it in an email & she will take it to her superior & see if on this occasion she can get the fee waived as I booked so long ago!! I have to say she was really lovely but it seems like they can change their mind whenever they feel like it!! On a different note....Abbie.....another bride I met on here got her maracas when she arrived in Playa Del Carmen for $1 each, I think I may do this as all the ones online seem really expensive. Sorry for rant but am really stressing out now!!!!
  22. Hope you all had a good weekend ladies Michelle....check you out with all your DIY bits, so clever!! I am so rubbish at all that I could even mess up drawing a matchstick man!!....lol....I wanted to do the t shirts for the little ones but don't even know how to start!!!!....hahaha I have been eating like a saint & excercising & didn't lose ANYTHING this week!!!!....gutted....so celebrated with a big fat chinese on Saturday Back on it this week though & just hope that it all falls off at once!!....lol Shoes are gorgeous Lyndsey, love them!! Am just going to check jo's album on fb!x
  23. Michelle Nicy is only 14 weeks it is me & you 17!!!!.....eeek so exciting!!!! Have you made up your mind about Coco Bongos? I was going to go there as well but after what Jo said don't know?? & what day are you going? Imagine we are in there at same time!!!! woohoo that would be fantastic!!!! I was planning to go on the Saturday 28th. Amurka, I live in Eltham sout east london, but we have a friend who lives on St Marys Island, lovely place, we considered moving there at one time. Congrats on getting your date, your right it makes it feel really real. Thanks for compliment on dress.....I keep worrying that when I next see it I won't like it anymore but I'm sure I will & its just me being a panicker about everything!!!! Your FI will get used to 'us girls' Richard reckons I know more about some of the girls on here than him....lol.......well girls on here have certainly been more supporive than him on most of the weddying things....hahahaha......as I keep telling him he just has to turn up wearing what I've told him to wear & say what I've told him to say....lol!!!!
  24. Ditto Ditto & Ditto, I agree with all the ladies above!! I have been very lucky & 32 people booked with us at the time, since Christmas another 16 have booked so now have 48!! I can't believe it, am so overwhelmed by how many people want to share our day. I think we all sometimes forget its OUR day, you try to please everyone else BUT it is OUR day & you only get to be Cinderalla once so you have to make sure it is your fairytale. Welcome to the site though, I wouldn't know half the things I know if it wasn't for here!! On that note ladies, I can't find the contact details for the spa if anyone has them, need to book my hair as only 17 WEEKS TODAY OMG!!!!!!!! Time is just flying am already thinking about when it is over, don't know what I will do with myself, have enjoyed every minute of planning the wedding!!
  25. Welcome to the site Amurka!! As everyone else has said this site is a bloomin godsend!! I know I couldn't have coped without sharing ideas & letting off steam....lol....your dress is beautiful....love it!! On the petal basket I brought mine the last time Debenhams had a sale....they've got cute little silk baskets or bags only £6 but they always have the 25% off of them when Debenhams do their sale, I needed 3 & think they worked out about £4.50 each. Nicy everytime I come on I keep forgetting to ask you again where you got your starfish bouquet jewellery from? oh & thanks for posting the list again, I can't believe how quick it is all coming round, I can remember when us girls had a year to go!! 17 weeks today we fly & 18 weeks today will be drunk at our reception....hahahaha.....19 weeks today depressed its all over :( :(....lol This is my dress: http://www.maggiesottero.com/dress.aspx?keywordText=daphne&line=m&keywordType=any&page=0&pageSize=15&style=J1375 Seeing all your dresses again gives me goosebumps they are all soooooo gorgeous!!
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