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Everything posted by waybuloo

  1. Hey ladies....hope you all had a great Easter!! As usual so much to catch up on!! Nicy so so sorry to hear of your loss....poor Steven but as someone as said at least she is at rest now....big hugs honey xxxx Michelle....Check you Danny Dyer....want to see all the pics!!!! Have a fab time at the weekend honey & don't get too p***ed & floor the MIL!!!!....lol!! Ashleyr....Thank you for compliments on my weight loss its been a bloody struggle I tell ya....don't want my wedding to be over but CAN NOT wait to eat every takeaway ever invented!!!!.....lol Marelydog - Your dresses are gorgeous, the hot pink is mine & Michelles colour....beautiful!! Welcome back to all the girls who haven't been on in a while & like Nicy said you are definitely not butting in, we are all in the same boat & all love hearing about everyones plans xx OMG Girls....we are going to be married soon....eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk!! Nicy cannot believe you are off this week, will be thinking of you on your perfect day & as Michelle said we have been on such a journey together that I will never forget how much you girls have been there through all the joys & stresses of our wedding planning!! Don't forget to start that new thread as soon as you are back xx My friend who has organised my surprise hen has also organised a pre mexico BBQ for Sunday, apparentley 30 of our family & friends are coming & her & her husband are doing it Mexican themed....chilli, tacos....mojitos!! how lovely is that....just hope the weather doesn't do a u turn after all the effort she has obviously gone to.....I am so excited about my surprise hen....all I know is that Richard has told me I am going to love it!! Can't wait!!
  2. Wow only been away a couple of days & 36 unread posts!!!! Sam your dresses are lovely honey. Michelle everyone on here is so right....your MIL is mentle....no other word for it. She sounds like she doesn't deserve your children honey, but like someone else said when Scarlet grows up she will see for herself what she is like xx Nicy - Aaaah your planning thread brought a tear to my eye. You have done so well honey & everything looks amazing. You look so beautiful in your dress.....& OH MY GOD can't believe you have less than two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Want to scream out loud for you :) I have had a bit of a bridezilla meltdown last couple of days.....I just started to go through everything & came up with a whole list of things that I still need to do....started to panic major & feel really emotional....bloomin crying at everything!!!! Silly woman!! We are going to go out tomorow & hopefully get most of the last things we need. Happy Easter Ladies & hope your all enjoying the weather xx
  3. Aaaaah Nicy everything is soooo lovely.....felt all emotional reading the thread!! Its like we are all coming to the end of an era.....can't believe its all happening. Everything looks amazing Nicy & I know you will have the day of your dreams (getting choked again....lol....daft woman), wishing you all the luck in the world honey xx
  4. Just over 5 weeks for us too!!!!! Sooooooe excited!! I just found that out about the Blissful love package only being a consultation, a bit annoyed really as it clearly says in my documents from First Choice....'Free trial hairstlye for the bride'.....not free consultation. We are doing a sand ceremony.....have written the words out myself from bits & pieces off of the internet & Jazmin has said she will read out for us. We are lucky in that my cousin lives in LA so I I have ordered a set to go to them & they will bring down to Mexico for us. I wonder how babyshaws is getting on!! Can't wait to hear all about her wedding.......come on ladies we want reviews!! :)
  5. Well done to your brothers Herbie....that is a fantastic amount of money to raise......we were saying today that doing the marathon should be on our list of things to do but don't think I'd even manage it half way!! Michelle i am sure its because you are super organised but at the end of the day as long as you remember THE dress...who cares!!....lol I tried on tons of dresses too many to remember, we had a rule that in each shop my mum would pick two, Brooke would pick two & I would pick two & no matter what I thought of their choices I had to try it on.....was a lot of fun.....Brooke had me in dresses like off of Gypsy weddings....lol but we went back to the same shop twice with the dress I almost had....my mum had her card out & everything to put down a deposit but something inside just didn't feel 100%...i loved it but just something made me say 'I want to have a think about it'......then we went to Gillian Roberts & the lady said to me 'we had a new dress in today & I think you will love it'....she was right...it was THE ONE....mum cried, Brooke cried & then I cried. It cost £1,179 which was a bit more than what I thought we (or should I say my mum) would pay for a dress & we might have been able to get it cheaper online but at the end of the day I have my dream dress & the shop have been fantastic with alterations & everything so worth every penny. Well ladies I have been told to be ready for 6pm on 7th May by my best friend....she has organised a surprise hen night for me.....I thought we were just going to have one in Mexico but she has been a busy little bee.....so sweet that people go to all that effort. I think I have the emotional bug from you Nicy...am so overwhelmed by everything at the moment....am soooo excited & nervous & want to cry all the time.....bloody mess.....lol!! So just had to go to Lakeside today & get myself a new dress....hahaha its gorgeous from Lipsy....so will wear it on my London hen night & Mexico one!! Let us now about your nails Michelle xx
  6. Wooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooo Nicy!!!! So so excited for you!!!! hahahahaha I want to scream out loud & yes its REAL!!!!!!!!....lol 5 weeks 4 days for us....OMG....had my second dress fitting today & Oh my god I am just so in love with my dress, I am never going to want to take it off AND it has to be taken down another half size....YAY!! Started at 10 stone 3 & now am 8 stone 9.....so pleased but can't bloomin wait to eat every take away in the world after June 10th!!!!....lol
  7. Hi Girls......not been on in a few days & lots to catch up on!! Nicy your hen night sounds amazing!! Photos are fantastic!! My friend is organising mine it is on 7th May, I haven't got a clue what is going on but really looking forward to it. I know we say it ALL the time but I can't believe we are all having our 'hens'.......so soon now!! I have done oot bags but like Michelle I have done them per family so had to do 19 in total, have picked bits up over time, quite a few bits from pound shop.....in mine I have put an invite to the wedding day, welcome letter, a rack card from vistaprint with details of our photobucket account so people can upload the photos they have taken, antibacterial handgel with personalised stickers, playing cards with personalised stickers, personalised fridge magnets, insect repellant, disposable wedding day camera, wedding day bubbles & a packet of tissues!! Also in the ones with children I have put magnetic games, guess who & hangman. Finished my wedding photo scavenger hunt for the children last night & also put coloured pencils in the favour bags for the childrens dinner place settings with a wedding colouring book to keep them occupied for the wedding dinner....right bargain found a little book shop in bexleyheath that were selling wedding colouring books for a £1!!!!! too good not to pick up!! For ladies who need things translating [email protected] is the lady I used at wolfestone translations, really quick & efficient & you can pay them by paypal. 6 weeks tomorow will be at the Marriott at Gatwick!!!!! OMG just realised Michelle that we will be at Gatwick on same day as we are staying there the night before!! Its my brothers birthday on the 25th & his wife works for Marriott so we are having a meal there that night!!
  8. Wolfestone are brilliant, I used them to get Richards documents translated into mexican spanish....ladies name to ask for is Mari....she is from Mexico!!
  9. Colours look a bit funny on here but they are all the same hot pink!x
  10. As some of you girls know I am so uncreative it is unreal....BUT....have just finished my invites (am going to put one in each of my guests oot bags), place cards & Order of Services, and even if I do say so myself am quite impressed with me.....nicked the idea of your place cards Michelle, just changed the starfish to a heart (hope you don't mind!! )
  11. I'm a bit late catching up!! but Michelle you have such lovely friends.....& yes tear to my eye too!! As Nicy said after the time you've had lately I bet it was just what you needed xx Nicy...wooooohooo honey, your hen is here....OMG can't believe it!! We are all so close, have a fab time & can't wait to hear all about it!! We were the same with rings, my engagement ring is quite 'bling' so my wedding ring is plainer & from H Samuels it was £225 & Richards was £120......he will take his on & off quite a lot because of work so didn't want to pay a lot for him to maybe lose!! I started with the sun tan lotion yesterday but realised for two weeks & two kids am gonna need more than one bottle each.....works out so expensive. I always use P20 for Brooke bloody £20 a bottle but she has really sensitive skin & it seems to be the only thing that doesn't make her come up in rashes so for two weeks that will be £40!!!!! Got the water resistant nivea for Harrison not bad in sainsburys £6.49. Has anyone booked any excursions in advance?x
  12. oooh how exciting!!!! Can't wait to hear what they planned for you....how lovely they have done a surprise for you xx
  13. Photos of your hen are fantastic Dani, how funny dressed as old ladies....hahahaha!! Gemma have fb'd you!! I just can't believe that in 2 weeks you will be there....OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are any of you doing a sand ceremony?
  14. Ah Nicy, bless ya having a wobble....brought a little lump to my throat reading your post, could feel your nerves & anxiety & honey I definitely feel the same about all the girls on here!! Anyway Josie's post above says it all!! Steven will absolutely love your dress how could he not, you look stunning!! Hope tomorow you are back to your happy little self!! Oh on music, do you know if you want to walk down the aisle to just an instrumental piece of music or something with words? Or is it your first dance your having trouble with?x
  15. aaaah Michelle for gods sake, how much more bless ya!! I can't believe all the trouble you are having. Listen honey you will look AMAZING on your wedding day, you are gorgeous & your dress is stunning......I know it must be getting you so down with all the pains & tablets & everything but try & keep your chin up. £22 on prescriptions takes the p*** as well, god its just one thing after another, sending you lots of love honey & everything crossed you feel better soon xxxx Nicy...WOW WOW & WOW again.....you look a million dollars.....aaah so lovely to see everything all together & so near to the day now!! Love the veil very pretty xx Off to get the bridesmaid last alterations at 3pm, do you remember those dresses I managed to get for £11, I'll put the picture again, well have found a lady who has altered them for £20 each......so all in all the dresses have cost me £31 each.....do love a bargain!!
  16. woohoo Nikki!!!!! Good luck Chick, hope you have your dream day.....sending you lots of love & can't wait to hear all about it when you get back......OMG I want to scream out loud in my office, I can't believe you are about to leave, how quick has all our weddings come round.....am so excited for you!!xx
  17. Aaah Michelle I really hope things get sorted out for you.....so horrible feeling ill & for such a long time as well, 8 weeks before wedding is stress you don't need as well. Everyone I speak to though seems to have some illness or another, me & Richard were only saying at the weekend that since Christmas one of us in the house has either had a cold, cough, sick or something!! We all need some Mexican sunshine to get us back on track!! Just goint to join in the gang as well.....Richard was no where near as impressed with my wedding dress box as me....I was like oh isn't it gorgeous, & look at my name on it, & the bow is exactly our colour!!.....he was 'yeah its nice....'....lol....calm down with your excitement...hahahaha!! Lyndsey....OMG....I cannot believe what has happened to you!!!! Some people are just the scum of the earth....like Nicy said, have they any idea who might be responsible & has your car turned up anywhere...bloody b*****ds!!!! Hope you are ok though honey, must have really shaken you up xx Is anyone doing a sand ceremony? I would like to as think it is something that will involve Brooke & Harrison in the ceremony but the vases seem really expensive & come from the states? Was thinking of maybe buying some small vases from M & S & just buying one larger one with a lid....any thoughts??
  18. I have Jazmin too & like I have said before she is fantastic....always replies within couple of days & I have even called her twice....all the way from UK!!...lol, she has been very helpful. I have a complete breakdown of prices for reception, spa etc if you pm your email address I can send you what I have?
  19. Ditto Nicy!! I was thinking that, am going to be like a stalker on here when our weddings are over, feeling all left out Maybe we should start a thread 'Brides from UK... post wedding'....lol start one Nicy so we can all stay in touch & you are the first one back out of us on here now......39 DAYS.......AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Oooh check us all out with our boxes!! Still am worried that my dress won't go in but am assured it will!! Michelle when I arrive at Gatwick the staff are gonna think its deja vu from the day before........I copied your idea on T shirts & transfers & we both have the same boxes with Hot pink.....lol I booked my nails to be done next Tuesday so will see what I think & didn't think about toes but thats a great idea!!
  21. Nicy I am sooooo happy for you!! & your hair looks stunning!!....eeeeeekkkkkkk feel all excited for you & sounds like you had a lovely day!! Michelle, how cute is Scarlett!!....she looks gorgeous, bless her!! How weird on the nails front, I went in the sunbed shop in Bromley near my work to book a course of sunbeds & they were advertising the Shellac nails & I thought I'm gonna ask the girls on the forum if anyone has had them....hahahahaha seems like all us brides are all thinking about the same things at same time....hahahaha....maybe we all have some kind of telepathic thing going on!!!! Am going back in their at lunch so will ask about them, if they can do it in my lunch hour might give it a go & see how long it lasts....will let you know!!
  22. LOL Josie......how true that is!!!! I reckon us lot on here know more than them....lol Help girls!! Now we are down to actually putting our music on cd for the ceremony I am really confused.....I was always set on walking down the aisle to Pachelbel in Canon d harp but now can't decide between that & Songbird Eva Cassidy......I like the simpleness of Pachelbel but the words in Songbird are perfect & so emotional......what do you think?
  23. I know 9 weeks!!!! I am almost done now.....got a few more holiday bits today but most wedding things sorted apart from Richards suit!! That is driving me crazy.....all the suits we want don't come out until they release their summer season clothes so we have to wait another 4 weeks. We will get there though......
  24. Hi Gemma........it's so exciting when you get your dress isn't it, makes it all real.....which one did you go for? Are you from London Gemma? I will send you the info by email & try & answer the questions you have below. What part of the resort are you getting married in? We are in Tulum Gazebo & Jazmin (WC for Tulum) has been amazing to work, she always replies within a couple of days & I have even phoned her twice!! We had to get Richards birth certificate & name change deed poll certificate translated & legalised, because he changed his surname four years ago. The WC's will let you know what you have to have done once you send them back the marriage application. First Choice our tour operator quoted us about £430 to get it all done but I researched & did it myself for half the price. If you need to do it let me know & I will tell you who I used. As far as colour schemes go it is up to you, we are having hot pink!! You take most of the stuff with you as far as decoration goes so you can choose what you want. They just supply the white chair ties, white tablecloths & flowers decoration wise. As far as the reception & dinner goes, your WC will email you choices of restaurants with choices of times & you pick what you prefer. You can also pay extra for a poolside wedding reception after dinner if you want to either hiring a DJ or bringing an Ipod with docking station. This is our day: 12pm spa to get our hair done. 3.30pm Jazmin will take us from room to transport us to wedding site. 4pm Wedding ceremony 5 - 6.30pm Photographs & champagne toast 6.30pm - 8.30pm Wedding dinner in Le Gran Tortuga restaurant 8.30pm - 11pm Poolside reception with Dj Bijan...we will do speeches here as well In my experience they will try & accomodate anything you ask for....they are really good. Example I didn't like any of the bride bouquets so I emailed her what I would like & she said yes. Anything other questions just ask!!
  25. Hi Jo, welcome to the site!!!!....butting in on a conversation....lol!! We had to get just Richards birth certificate translated & his name change deed poll certificate as he changed his surname 4 years ago. First Choice quoted us £430 but I did it myself & paid in total £130. All I did was send the docments to the foreign office to be legalised & then to a translation company 'Wolfestone Translations' to translate them.....really easy process. Let me know if you have to get any done & I am happy to help Thanks for info on sun tan lotion Michelle, will be off to Tescos tomorow. Went to Bluewater today & got some more summer bits.....have had my eye on a white tunic style dress in Monsoon for ages that I wanted to wear to our welcome dinner but it is £95 so have been umming & aahhing over it....glad I did because brought near the exact same one in Miss Selfridge today for £45!! bargain!! Need to get everything out this weekend & see what we need & what we don't need!!
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