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Everything posted by bmadzia1

  1. I didn't see really any stores when we went. But my mom wondered outside, and she mentioned there are some vendors ... look up a map of punta cana resorts and activities. It should google shopping for you as well.
  2. Thank you for sharing. I always wondered what the books looked like.. now I know and they are amazing!
  3. Congratulations.... you looked beatiful on your day...
  4. I wouldn't worry yourself yet...keep an eye on the situations, but also make sure you do check with you TA what if....
  5. I like this one best LOL 9. How do you scare a man? Sneak up behind him and start throwing rice.
  6. Congratulations.. I'd like to say that I also got engaged on valentine's day... but definately not the same way.... so romantic
  7. I'm sorry to hear about your disappointments.... There is a huge difference between the 'promised' and 'received'.... I hope, that regardless the disappointment, your wedding day was one to remember!
  8. Congratulations. I'm glad everything workout well for you, and your special day was everything you imagined!
  9. Thank you for sharing. These are really great. I must also add that I love your flip flops )) )
  10. I've seen something like this at Walmart yesterday in the 'travel size' section. I think they were about $1.50 each and had 3 or 4 sheets...
  11. Just to let you girls know, that I went to Walmart yesterday and picked up nail kits (for men and women). I think they are just xmass items, but they were on for 2 for $5 CAD. btw - they do not have a christmas theme ... they have a menicure or pedicure for women
  12. Quote:Originally Posted by bmadzia1 These items are obviously availabe at the airport, but as i recall,it was only at departure. When you're in Jamaica, go to one of the stores and you can get it there. If you are getting a larger amount of things, ask for a discount... they're usually pretty good.
  13. These items are obviously availabe at the airport, but as i recall,it was only at departure. When you're in Jamaica, go to one of the stores and you can get it there. If you are getting a larger amount of things, ask for a discount... they're usually pretty good.
  14. Nope.. no cauncelling here.. we lived together for two long, and we know we can deal with whatever comes our way.... Not to take sides here, but I'm in the same boat as your FI... Don't need to talk to a stranger about a problem that doesn't exist.
  15. bmadzia1

    Hi there!

    Welcome and congrats... that 1.5 year will fly by so fast you won't even notice. I started with about the same time till my wedding, and now I only have 9 months left : )
  16. We are thinking of sleeping in seperate rooms... we'll switch partners with either our parents or siblings. After leaving together for 8 years.... I want this one day to be traditional:)
  17. I believe that is VERY unprofessional, discount or no discount. Since you do not have a contract, you can get your money back. It does not say 'non-refundable' in the invisible contract. Call her - forget emails. Clarify the situation, and say exactly what you said on here. If you still feel that you are being 'blown off', request your deposit back and look for another photographer.
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