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Everything posted by bmadzia1

  1. When we first started the planning - OOT bags was a must! Now, as we are rounding off the numbers, reality is hitting. Therefore we decided instead of doing bull staff, we will either get Yellow inprinted drawstring bags with Jamaican Flag and the date (instead of guests buying this at the resort for absurt amount of money), and just putting in after sun lotion Hawaiian Tropics and maybe another little something. From our travels with friends and family, we know they usually do not have the after sun lotions cause they use mine. We will be doing favours though. Something little again - like a sea shell beer opener or a wine stopper. ...
  2. His photos are beautiful..... I hope to see some of your pictures after the wedding
  3. Any time.. I know I couldn't do it, not very creative when it comes to DIY things my self. . Good luck.
  4. that ribbon is beautiful... It would also be awesome with sea shells on it.. maybe you can just buy a regular ribbon at a craft store and shells and just DIY it?
  5. Depending on how good and attentive the WC will be on our day.... if she's good, of course there will be a tip. I believe 50$ is sufficient plus a gift from Canada, being ice wine or maple syrop ...
  6. First.. I think it would be tacky if he didn't tell him why he's asked him to fill in. It would be tacky if they asked your FI to pay for the clothes. But I'll tell you what I think is REALLY tacky. Your BFF (no offense hun). She should have mentioned something to you before her FI asked your FI. Aren't friends supposed to talk about these things/
  7. Yes and no. We are going for a week, with the entire family and friends. So really, not a honeymoon ... we have decided, that we will come back home, work off the bills for a month or two, and then take a trip by ourselves to another island (no parents, kids, friends - just us). .
  8. It's hard for me to be on your side here (as we are social drinkers), however, it is your wedding, and you can ask that there is no alcohol. However, with you going to AI, this may prove to be a bit problematic for you. Your guests may act like teenagers (who run out to the car to have a drink at a wedding), your guests may run out to the bar to get a drink and pretend it's a virgin drink. Now, if I may ask, if majority of your guests are social drinkers, could you not compromise? i.e. no alcohol following ceremony and dinner. But perhaps the reception have some wine/champagne and some beer available? I will ask my guests to come to the ceremony sober (well, NOT DRUNK). I have also requested that the ones that like to smoke somthin... not to do it before or DURING the ceremony and dinner. And those who respect me and my FI enough - will show it by doing what we have requested. I think you can request and advise no alcohol will be serverd, but at the end, like I said, you will see who respects you.
  9. This, is a decision, that has to be made by you, and only you. I don't think you should be influanced by what other think or say. But if you think the passion has 'disappeared', perhaps this is something you should discuss with your FI. I have been with my FI for over 8 years (since I was 21). Perhaps all the sexual passion has faded a bit, or so I thought. But when I left for a week for work, the passion was definately still there when I returned. Yes, I do look at other men. But.... I am getting married - not dying! I have to say, that today I love him more then I did before. We have lived together for 7 years.. and with the things that we have already gone through together, and have been able to deal with together, I know this is the man I want to grow old with. I think talking is good. Maybe don't mention the other men , but talk about your fears. I always try to talk if something in the relationship is bothering me. Sorry hun, but this one is really up to you.
  10. In my opinion, you really only wear the dress once. However, if you feel that you do not want to ruin the dress in the water etc. I would suggest doing nice pictures on the beach after the ceremony (where you do not get the dress wet), and then just buy a simple white dress (like a beach cover up or something similar) and use this for your TTD. I'll be wearing my wedding dress for the TTD.
  11. This is great girls. My FI has been debating this matter for quite a few years now. It's good to hear that you guys had good experience with the laser eye surgery. I might get him an appointment as present (up to him if he wants to go through). If he decides he wants to go ahead, my gift would be paying for him. just a side note; we have this joke (when having a disagreement): YOU'RE EYES seen what they were taking... LOL .. and he always say - not really, remember, according to you I'm blind
  12. Just a quick questions, are you brining the chocolates from the UK to the Caribbean? Are you not aftraid they will melt?
  13. Now and Then - Christina Ricci
  14. I think dress number 2 is better. You will be comfortable, and at the same time, the dress is still beautiful.
  15. This is PERFECT! This is exactly what I was looking for... Thank you very much !
  16. That is great news!!! In the end, everyone will get what is special and important to them .. You having your parents at the wedding, and your parents see you get married,.
  17. that's a beautiful dress... you will make one heck of a beautiful bride
  18. Great find on the starfish beer openers... I was going to do just the starfish wine, but most men in my wedding don't drink wine.. just beer. This way I can get wine stoppers for the ladies, and beer openers for the men... nice.. Thanks!
  19. So... doing a card for each guest (couples together) with their 'plate' number, wouldn't be tacky? I'm not sure of the set up yet, but having read the reviews on here, it looks like it will be long tables. I was thinking of putting numbers on the the plates, and then the couple/person can just sit where they are supposed to sit
  20. I sent my STDs in July and we are getting married in Sept. My invites are going out around New Years, early January. This way people had/have enough time to book time off work, save $ if planning on coming etc. Plus, you will have a better idea of how many people to expect early on. That's my opinion. As for the style of STD, Invites and Thank you notes.... this is exactly what we're doing... STD was a boarding pass, then invites are Passport, and a post card as a thank you note. Follow the sequence of life LOL ...
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