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Everything posted by bmadzia1

  1. I'm surprised by what you're saying. I'm from Ontario, and the way it works, you get your marriage license, you book a minister/judge at city halls, and you come to get married. My brother had a civil ceremony right in city hall.... I would def. double check your info (not that I'm saying you didn't) but everyelse in the world it seems to be the norm ...
  2. Just be clear with your guests. I'm in a different boat, I have a son of my own, therefore kids is a must. Coming from a person with a child, I would actually appreciate a holiday without a little one... the questions is; when all the adults go, who will stay with the kiddos..... Either way - it is YOUR day.. and you make how YOU want it. You don't need to explain yourself to anyone, just say " Adults only wedding".. Simple and clear.
  3. Nicely done.. one question... kitty comes with the oot bags too
  4. lol... I'm glad someone else took the risk. This sounds like a good idea, but I would keep in mind that when you travel to the islands, the towels won't dry so quickly, plus most hotels do give you towels for the beach.. just a thought..
  5. they look great... Not sure what you are seeing being wrong with them ? ... don't stress, go with them!
  6. Everything looks great. Have a great time and all the best in the future.
  7. Perhaps I should say that to some of my 'friends' lol....
  8. I know what you mean... reading all this stuff on here, and the US brides getting and having these awesome stores...
  9. Since we are not doing BIG oot bags, just welcome gift bag with Suntan oil, after sun, and a pair of sunglasses for each all in a drawstring backpack, plus favours of wine stoppers and bottle openers, I will put all the welcome gifts in our luggage, and the favours in my MOH.... But you are right - you do have A LOT of extras to bring.
  10. These are great! Thanks to you girls I'm not also addicted to Vistaprint
  11. I didn't tell ANYONE for the first few days how's that for silent treatment. But once I did, I kindly asked my family and friends not to announce it on any social network until we do it. I'm doing the same with regards to the wedding and photographs. I will ask, politely, not to post any pictures of us until I post mine first. They can congrats all the want, but I believe that the first photo of us getting married should come form US.
  12. I'm just going with MOH.. no bridesmaids. She will get her own dress, one that she can use for other occassions as well. We will get her a nice gift and that is it. Sounds cheap, I know, but this is the deal we made back in HS
  13. No secret stash. Before we decided to book, we had a VERY LONG discussion about the finances, and what is what. How much can we add, or what should we not even consider. We have a budget that we put together, and EVERYTHING must fit in that number. We have allowed 1,000-2,000 $ extra in case we REALLY needed. I do have a secret stash for EMS situations in life .... but this will not be taken out for the wedding. Wedding is OUR day, and I will not start our lives as husband and wife by 'hiding' wedding cash.
  14. I haven't really asked my parents if they would help. I know my FI's mom can't. So I mentioned this to my mom once that my FI's mom feels guilty about not being able to help financially (although we did not ask). My mom said, well make her feel better and say we're not helping you either..... ((( But I'm still hoping that when we go to buy the dress, my mom will help.... I will bring this up with her though before we go shopping/looking.... At this stage, I'm making sure I have enough of my own $ to pay for everything. If they end up helping - that will be great; however, if they don't, I know we are financially ready to handle the payments on our own.
  15. You Go girl You are having a DW for a reason.... don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise
  16. Like one of the girls above mentioned, no one really said anything to my face.... but I know some are thinking the same way... I've also made a point to say that we have to pay for wedding package, the reception and any extra's we want... but I did have one guest (a really good friend rather) asy something so rude to me. We are not having a bridal shower. Having a reception on the beach will run approx. 15/person. So we came up with an idea that the MOH will collect 15$ from each person as a bridal gift to help us pay for it... Well, i asked for a 2nd opinion and this good freind of mine says" Well, you know, some people will say WTF, she's MAKING us to pay 1600 /person for the trip and she wants more money". This is what I say: I'M NOT MAKING YOU DO ANYTHING, I'M NOT MAKING YOU COME!
  17. Great find with the sunglasses!!!! This will save me a TON of money!!! It's awesome how you can order so many for so little, and they are not all same colour in the dozen.....
  18. Why do you have to have anyone walk you down the aisle? I had a friend in a similar situation, and she opted for walking down on her own. She didn't hurt anyone by choosing someone other.... she did her dance with her step dad. But if you really want someone to walk you down the aisle (male), I think you should decide between your mom and brother. Leave the uncles out. Good luck with your decision.
  19. That's great.... but as usually, what I want, is out of stock )))))
  20. bmadzia1


    Welcome and congrats. The WC usually take a while to answer , but in my opinion, if you don't have a response in 1-2 weeks, you can always follow up.
  21. Thank you. Overall I also have 25 to go, but realized sometime ago, that looking at the final result goal, is just not working. So I started setting 10lb goals and the date by which I want to get there. So far, I have been exceeding my goals each time by additional 1-2lbs. We can do it ))))))))
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