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Posts posted by bmadzia1

  1. Erica,


    There was nothing really on except regular resort shows (for the exception of Sat. bon fire). There was a small group during our stay in September. What they did is they went to Margaritaville after dinner. It's not far from the resort (maybe 5-7 mins drive)

    Originally Posted by ericka417 View Post

    Hi Ladies


    I am having a small wedding ~12 people including us.  we are trying to decide what do after the reception.  Does anyone have a list of the activities that the resort puts on.  Like Saturday bonfire/show etc


  2. Hello Ladies,


    I got married at ROR on the 15th of September. I posted my review (if that's what you want to call that lol) with some pictures. It's in the resort section.


    Ladies - go in with open mind, relaxed attitute and you will have the best time of your life!


    I know many ask about the beach party - I think it was worth every penny! I know 2-2.5 hrs doesn't seem like much, but it's the 2 - 2.5 hrs you'll love. You can then hit the disco, and you can alway talk to the dj at the disco to play the style of music you like. 


    Enjoy every moment - like many of past brides said before - the day goes by fast - make sure you take in every minute.

  3. We had 23 people and we had the beach party. In my opinion.... it's worth the money. With the dj - if this is the price Keisha quoted you - take this email with you. She will try to charge you the new price, but if you say that's not the price you discussed, she'll honour it.

    Originally Posted by kimberyly View Post



    I've been dying to know more information about this beach party! My wedding at at 5 pm on a Saturday. I was considering paying for the private beach party just to be sure I get to do my first dance with my fiance and father/daughter dance. It's $300/hr for a DJ and $10 pp for the bartender though.


    How was the beach party? I wonder if I could have them play 2 songs for me. 



  4. Hi Ladies... so I have been married now for 12 days!!! Yey.  I will post my review and some pics later this week (probably friday when I'm off work).  Just like Erica (Soon2BNJersey) said - there is no point of sweating the little stuff. Do bring your emails as keisha does tend to put in prices I've never heard of, but honours the prices she gave you by email.


    Review to come no later than Sunday.

  5. I have the program, completed it as well. Yes - you see results! however, if you just exercise and eat whatever you want, you're not going to see it as much. If you follow her plan  - you'll starve lol.. i think it's worth the money. Read the booklet that comes with it, you'll get a better handle on food, and follow the program. There are days that ask you to do double workout (two short workouts). I felt to tired sometimes to do both, so I would not do it, and just complete the once I missed at the end of the program. I dropped a bit of weight on it (can't remember now as I get mixed up with Insanity) and a LOT of inches.


  6. Call RBC travel insurance and see if they offer cancellation insurance which covers additional expenses on top of the package; flight/hotel/wedding costs. You may not be able to book this with the online booking engines (sunquest/itravel2000 etc), but you may be able to do it directly with the company.


    If the don't, go on the vacation search engines; again, sunquest, sunwing whatever else and see what other insurance companies they use and try them.

  7. If you want a frank opinion; I would be offended if I was invited to a wedding (regardless where it was) and I was asked to pay for my dinner. Drinks - no problem as many weddings have a 'money' bar, but not dinner.   Perhaps just advising that the transport to and from the island is maybe 50% to 70% of the cost and the guests are responsible to absorb that.  Don't mention that is partially to cover for dinner.



  8. I'd say ours are about $30/bag. We have 21 to date confirmed, and we may have 2-3 more come. This is what we did


    We have one bag per couple (one per individual traveller)


    - Drawstring bag: big enough to fit a pair of sneakers, bottle of water, sunscreen etc. We have printed two palm trees on it with our destination and wedding date. No names.

    Inside the bag:

    - flip flops (I got everyone's sizes suposedley for a bridal shower game lol)

    -sunglasses with case (the cloth ones)

    -womens & men's nail kit

    -small bottle of sunscreen

    -hats (off vistaprint); this is for men, as weomen will get a special gift at the ceremony (hand fans - forget the proper name)

    -candy (random candies packed in a small sack)



    We may have one toddler come, so we got a water set for him and his own special hat.


    I think that's about it... might of forgotten something onthe list.. but I think that's it.

  9. I say shop around with different travel agencies.  Agencies (from past work experience) usually do not have 'bigger' kickbacks from resorts etc, but they could have it through the operator (i.e. Transat holidays, Sunwing etc). Some operators offer one resort, and the other doesn't.


    Go pick up a travel book (the magazines) at a local travel agency, and take different operator books. Go through resorts you like, and then give the agent a list of preferred choices from different suppliers.  It is important in my perspective, to do some research on your own.


    When it comes to a DW wedding at a resort, you will end up dealing with the wedding coordinator anyways. 

  10. Although I don't think this is a right place for public arguement, I don't see why Cupcake cannot vent on this site. She did not mention names or even profile nicks.  I come here to vent too.... knowing that one of these people may or may not be on this site.  sometimes we do look for opinions or comments from 'outside'. whether it's a stranger online or at a coffee shop just to see if we're overreacting or rightly so being peed off ....

  11. If you're doing a resort wedding, you don't really need one.  If it's offsite, not sure how other brides do it.  Resort is pretty easy, they have a set way of doing things, and this forum is great for all information so you don't go in blind. The cooridnators give you some answers, but you really don't confirm anything until you arrive. 

  12. I'm booked with Sunquest but of of Toronto.  They have changed our schedule as well. We were originally to leave on the 12th, they pulled out the dates, and the now they are back again!! It was a total piss off because now we can't move back to the 12th and we have 5 days prior to our wedding (where oringally we would have only 2.5 days wait, and few for honeymoon!). 


    If your travel agent is somewhat good, he/she should try with another operator. If you already have 37 people with deposits, and the agent has someone he works closely with at another operator, he should be able to work something out for you. Maybe not the same price but within the range of $50-100.  If  this particular agent can't do anything, go somewhere else and present your situation and see what they can do.  Make sure you highlight that you have the deposits available. 



  13. That's funny! Similar, well almost, thing happened to me.  i received a guest signing book. i wasn't really excited as we are not using a book.. but I openned it and it had THEIR initials on the front :) ... now this is PASt their wedding, so I could of easily read all the notes they had in there. I texted her (yes during the shower) and asked if that's some kind of tradition that I wasn't aware of.. she came running and made a joke in front of everyone that she really tried to regift lol.. she wrapped the wrong book !! :)

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