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Everything posted by AishaB

  1. Wow! I am a member at Wedding Wire and I read her reviews, it seems that she has gone AWOL and is no longer dependable. Thank you guys so much for sharing this information.
  2. This thread is great! I didn't have a clue about TA's or room blocks or anything before reading this. I travel a lot but I have always made my own travel arrangements. However, we discussed it early on and decided that for our wedding and honeymoon we would be using a TA so that we can get the best possible deals and any other perks that maybe available. I am finding that this is the best way to go. Thanks guys for the great informational discussions.
  3. Wow! This forum is great. Thanks Maureen for recommending I come over here for information about travel agents, etc. we haven't decided where we are having our wedding as yet and this information sure will help us narrow things down.
  4. AishaB

    Travel Agents

    Thanks Maureen. I will get a hang out this I promise. Sorry for any confusion.
  5. Hi Sara, welcome. I am also a newbie. I have found that the forums are very helpful in giving information and helping you compare different resorts. although we haven't decided as yet, I have gotten some really good information and advice since joining. Good luck. Aisha
  6. AishaB

    Travel Agents

    How do I even begin looking for and finding a travel agent for my DW? I have never used a travel agent before. The only one I really know about is Liberty Travel. Are they any good for DWs? Thanks, Aisha
  7. We dated for a year and a half before getting engaged. By the time the wedding comes around we will have been together for two and a half years.
  8. The printer doesn't usually destroy the envelope. There may be a mishap or two but for the most part it goes pretty smoothly. Once you set the printer to the size of the envelope and you put in the information, its just as easy as hitting print. It may take a trial or two to get your info exactly where you want it on the envelope but after you have that, it's smooth sailing. Good luck
  9. Everything is just beautiful. I must say that I am getting a lot of inspirational ideas for what to do with my planning and wedding. Thanks ladies. This is great!
  10. Still learning how to use photoshop so this is going to come in pretty handy. Thanks a lot for sharing
  11. I got some really good ideas from wedding wire. This link is to my inspiration board but you can search all centerpieces to see which travel themed ones you like. Wedding Venues, Wedding Cakes, Dresses, Invitations, Planning, Advice for Perfect Weddings! | WeddingWire - Login for the most features of any wedding site at no charge
  12. Thanks for the explanation about the points and attachments. I was a bit confused about what was going on. But I'm still learning how to use the site. Thanks for all your help.
  13. This thread is great! Hair was on of the things that I have been worrying about as we begin to plan our DW. I had the thought that many have suggested before, i.e., to have my hair permed and have some tracks put in and then have it styled once I got to Mexico. We haven't decided which resort we will be using as yet, but I am now beginning to lean toward the one's that are being recommended as having hair stylists that know how to work with chocolate hair. Yes it is that important. Thanks ladies.
  14. Your wedding looks gorgeous. As a fellow African American bride, I have so many questions to ask, mostly about hair and make up. Yours did look fantastic. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely be in touch in the future for advice and recommendations.
  15. Your wedding website is great! Thanks for the resource. Just as an addition another site which offers free wedding websites is Weddings, Wedding Venues - WeddingWire.com. That is where I am setting up mine. It is pretty cool. Mine isn't finished but I will definitely post my link soon.
  16. Welcome Dana, I am relatively new to this site as well and am looking at a 12/31/2011 date. The planning has not started in earnest as yet but I am guessing it soon will. Good luck with yours. Aisha
  17. We have set a date for 12/31/2011. We thought it would be great to ring in the New Year as husband and wife. We are considering Mexico or Austin, TX, or as a backup resort South Padre Island. Haven't really done any planning as yet, just starting to get my feet wet in the world of weddings.
  18. Thanks guys. I really appreciate all of your feedback. It has been a tough decision but we have now narrowed it down to Barr Mansion, Austin TX or an all inclusive resort in Mexico. We just haven't figured out which one as yet. This forum is such a big help though. Thanks ladies.
  19. Oh I have to get the pics of my lovely Snowflake and Regal out so I can post. Your pets are so cute!
  20. Hi Ladies: I am in need of as much advice as possible. I would really really appreciate it if anyone who is experiencing the same thing that I am or know of someone or has gone through it, would please give me some input. For a very long time now I have been dreaming of a destination wedding. My first destination was Germany. After 10 years and a dose of reality, I know that will not be possible. Presently, I my dream is to have a destination wedding (I live in NJ, FH in TX), in Mexico. This has now become my dream because monetarily, I just cannot afford to have the kind of wedding my sister had, which cost $30K. But most of all, I have always wanted a small wedding with about 50-75 people, and then have a reception/party at home when we returned. The problem with this is, one of his sisters will not be able to travel overseas for the wedding. So, I have had to revisit my wishes for a destination wedding, and have been looking on the NJ coast (Cape May), or the New England coast. The problem with this is, that I have a big family and like with my sister's wedding everyone wants to be invited. He also has a lot of family and they will all expect invites also. I know that everyone is not going to be invited but it worries me anyway. I just don't know how I can get what I want but also include the important that need to be included. That is my problem right now. His sister cannot leave the country. I am content to change the venue but I don't want to change so much that I am not having anything that I want, i.e., a destination wedding. And the wedding that I want. A small intimate wedding with just the people that I want there. If I have it in NJ, I am going to have to invite more people than I want, and spend more money than I want or have. Am I being selfish? I want a small wedding preferably near the ocean. I do want to have a reception for everyone when we return from our honeymoon. I want a destination wedding but his sister has to be taken into consideration. What do you guys think?
  21. I also got my inspiration from Aylee and plan to use the tickets as the STD and the passport as the invite. Thanks for showing this! Yours look so GREAT!
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