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Everything posted by AishaB

  1. Welcome and congratulations.
  2. Thanks I absolutely love it. I am so excited to be a part of these forums. It is so full of information and helpful people.
  3. @ cjb0arder13: Thanks I love that dress and I agree with you about not spending too much on the dress. My sister wore a $5K dress at her wedding. It was gorgeous and if it weren't for the fact that pictures would show we wore the same dress, I would totally be wearing it for my wedding day. But I wanted something simpler, lighter and that would really keep me true to who I am. All the way through I want simple elegance.
  4. Thanks Nicola x. Your rings are very beautiful. I like them they are different. And congrats on the great find with your dress. Mine was also a find because that site is for pre owned dresses and the one I fell in love with is brand new, never worn and no alterations. So excited.
  5. Thanks Nicola. We are doing something untraditional and a lot of people have had negative things to say but where is it written that rings make a marriage better? Yes they are beautiful and it is great to have one, but we don't have to have one. None of my sisters do and they have been happily married from 5 years to 24 years. So to the nay sayers I say, you have your beliefs and I have mine. And to people like you, I say thank you for your support and your open mindedness to something a bit different.
  6. My FI is also in the reserves. This will be his 10th year. He actually went from full time to part time recently when he got another full time federal job. But it has not been easy. He is in Texas and I am in New Jersey. It is kind of undecided where we will be settling down just yet. Right now we are thinking a good compromise for his career/reserves/family is either upstate New York or Michigan. But with that said, he most likely will be getting deployed either later this year or early next year since his troupe is being considered. We are just waiting to see how it goes. Sometimes it is difficult being apart, first military and now with his job but after a while I guess you just get used to going to functions alone, keeping yourself busy and enjoying the times you do have together. Thank God for cell phones!
  7. hmmm, no. I say this cause it is the one thing that is a sore subject in me and my FI's relationship, only it is flipped around. He has no religion and I am very steadfast in mine and my beliefs. He has started doing bible study so that has made things better, but it is a slow road. Who was the first person you called after you were proposed to?
  8. That's one's easy (I have tons) but I will say The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. (Pride and Prejudice BBC Version is a close second) Have you ever tried a vegan restaurant? (I am a vegan/vegetarian)
  9. Just thinking about the fact that I will be seeing my FI twice in two weeks has had me smiling everyday for the last five days. He lives in TX and I in NJ. He visits once a month for his National Guard drills. So he was here the last third weekend in February and March's drills are the first weekend in March. Woo Hoo for me!
  10. To prepare, I have started doing something I have never done in my life - exercise. Ugh! I have started working out to Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred. It is brutal but it works. Also, I have recently started suffering from break outs which I never had before, so I have started using, Clean and Clear Advantage Acne Control (I don't want any black heads) - CLEAN & CLEAR® Webstore Advantage®Acne Control Kit. I'm also growing my hair out, which I haven't done in a long time. So I got a cut and trim and now for the next year and a half or so I will be concentrating on hair health and growth so I can have my desired hairstyle on my wedding day (may still need to put in some tracks, but hey I will be on my way). That's pretty much it for now, these are just the preliminaries.
  11. Also, I see everyone has been posting about their rings. They are all gorgeous. I don't wear jewelry and my FI and I don't plan to exchange rings, since we will not be wearing wedding rings. Instead, we will be doing a cord ceremony baed on Ecclesiates 4:12. This was done by Rev. T.D. Jakes on that movie, "Not Easily Broken." I found the cords on this neat website. God's Knot - Cord of Three Strands
  12. Wow you ladies are definitely on it. I haven't really done anything as yet. I have everything in my head that I want to do and we have been discussing several different options as to all inclusive venues but nothing is concrete as yet. I have been spending the day reading a lot of the different forums. I have learned about TAs, all inclusive resorts, and planning timelines for DWs. It is a great resource. I have found my dress though. I haven't purchased it as yet but I have tried it on and it looks great. I am just waiting to see if there is anything else that I really like, cause this dress was one of the first that I looked at and I told myself, this is it. If I do purchase it, I plan on doing so from this neat website I found. It is cheaper than the store for sure. New With Tags Enzoani 2010 Columbia Wedding Dress | one of 4490 gowns for sale | PreOwnedWeddingDresses.com
  13. I know you must be very excited to be that close. I also thought of Cape May but it would be as expensive as if I got married in North Jersey, and then everyone would want to come and I wouldn't be able to have my small intimate wedding. So we ruled out Cape May after I griped about all these cons. LOL
  14. Thanks for the info Jessica. I am a Jersey girl but have never been to Cape May. It is however one of the places we considered for our DW, but I eliminated it early on. But hey this stuff sounds great.
  15. Hi Blana, I am from NJ but my FI lives and works in Laredo, TX. Right now we have worked our choices down to Mexico or the Barr Mansion in Austin.
  16. Sorry the pics are so small. I am still getting a hang of posting pictures.
  17. I haven't purchased this dress as yet and I know by the time next year it will be this year's design but I don't care. The first time I saw it I fell in love with it. I have tried it on and it looks like a dream. I was even lucky enough to find it NWT on Used Wedding Dresses, Used Wedding Gowns, Buy & Sell Used, Designer & Sample Bridal Dresses | PreOwnedWeddingDresses.com. I am not having bridesmaids or a maid of honor. I want everyone to do what they want and wear what they want. Just simple and laid back and without any extra drama. Just me and my FH will be in the wedding party. These pics are from Used Wedding Dresses, Used Wedding Gowns, Buy & Sell Used, Designer & Sample Bridal Dresses | PreOwnedWeddingDresses.com
  18. Thanks again for all of the advice. Mischaka, my FI is the same as yours, as long as both of us are there he really doesn't care who else is or isn't there. M family will be there, so I was feeling badly because one of his sister's couldn't be. But my FI has told me to stop worrying about it and just have the wedding that I want. So I guess it is time for me to say que sera sera! And we will be having the AHR, so everyone can enjoy themselves then. I plan to have a slideshow going with the wedding and honeymoon, so everyone who wasn't there can experience a little bit of the wedding.
  19. Welcome. You like me helped my sister planned her wedding. It is an exciting thing. Good luck~
  20. This is something I have been wondering about since I have been reading on the forums about some questions about weddings on a Sunday at some resorts. Because of this we have been discussing having our pastor at our church do a private ceremony and then have a symbolic ceremony at our DW. This way we are married in NJ but still have the wedding we want. I think that you should do it whichever way you want to do it. As the ladies have told me - "it's your wedding, do what makes you happy."
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