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Everything posted by AishaB

  1. Hey Barbara, welcome and congratulations. Happy planning
  2. 1. Where is your cell phone? None 2. Your significant other? Gone 3. Your hair? Smelly 4. Your mother? Difficult 5. Your father? stranger 6. Your favorite thing? movies 7. Your dream last night? Hot 8. Your favorite drink? water 9. Your dream/goal? work 10. The room you're in? hot 11. Your ex? friend 12. Your fear? snakes 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy 14. Where were you last night? sleeping 15. What you're not? employed 16. Muffins? no 17. One of your wish list items? job 18. Where you grew up? beautiful 19. The last thing you did? chat 20. What are you wearing? jammies 21. Your TV? on 22. Your pets? cutie 23. Your computer? mac 24. Your life? content 25. Your mood? tired 26. Missing someone? lots 27. Your vehicle? none 28. something your not wearing? glasses 29. Favorite Store? apple 30. Your summer? sunny 31. Like someone? yes 32. favorite color? green 33. When is the last time you laughed? today 34. Last time you cried? today
  3. I have had the same problem and have been going back and forth about it. But I agree with the ladies, in the end it is what you want and what will make you both happy. If they come they come! As to the AHR, do something simple it doesnt have to be a sit down affair or renting a hall, it can be a backyard summer party, where everyone gets together, has a chance to meet the happy couple, eat some food and have a good time. I know that's what we plan to do. The cheaper the better.
  4. Congrats and enjoy Jamaica!
  5. Hi Lynette, welcome and congratulations!
  6. AishaB

    Playa Del Carmen

    Hi Jennifer, welcome and congratulations.
  7. Congratulations and welcome
  8. I would rather be beautiful and live until 50. It's not the beauty factor but the fact that I don't want to live to be 100. By 50 at least I've lived an "almost" full life. I would like to live to at least 70 but I guess in this case 50 will have to do. It's
  9. Welcome and congratulations on your engagement. Good luck with your planning.
  10. I definitely think its up to the couple. If they don't mind then it shouldn't be a problem. But I am guessing they should give the minister a heads up first though!
  11. Thanks ladies. I am now trying to redirect my attention to something more productive, i.e., Phineas and Ferb (LOL)!
  12. Thanks Carolina24. I started out like that taking it one day at a time and not looking forward. But I think with all the plans and just knowing that we are planning a future (and the fact that I am infamous for not having ANY patience), I have just been really horrible at it these days. He tells me, "just take it one day at a time, let's just get through today. Don't think about its a month before we see each other again." And i try but I am just such a big baby (last child syndrome)! But I do appreciate all that you said, and you are correct. I really need to just take it one day, moment at a time. Thanks.
  13. I truly pray that you can make the best decisions and work things out that are best for you and the situation. It is a tough situation, one of my friends is going through the same thing and it has been a truly difficult time for her. I truly hope that you come through this stronger and better. Feel the love from everyone one the forum, I know that we are all sending you hugs!
  14. Ahhhhh Linda, thanks so much for the kinds words and for sharing your story. The ladies on here are all just so wonderful. I haven't been on for a while (sulking) but I decided to come on and vent and it has truly made me feel better with the replies that I have gotten. So like you said, I am going to pick my chin up and put on my "big girl panties" and deal with it. I don't think checking Continental's flight status every few minutes to see where his plane is doesn't help either. (LOL)!
  15. AishaB


    Welcome and congratultions
  16. Welcome and good luck planning. I bet your planning will go well.
  17. Welcome and congratulations on your engagement! Good luck planning.
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