Those are great money saving tips. My FI and I don't live together. I still live at home. He has his own apartment and he lives out of state. My saving money tips so far:
Another good resource for dresses is Used Wedding Dresses, Used Wedding Gowns, Buy & Sell Used, Designer & Sample Bridal Dresses | They have used dresses as well as brand new dresses for much less than their original cost. Another way that I am trying to save is on postage (which can really add up). I am not sending out any RSVPs. It will all be done through our wedding website. I will put a little explanation telling people this. I am not having any BMs or groomsmen so that cuts back on flowers. Only one bout for the groom and one bouquet for me. We will get different gifts for mothers. I am not sure if they will get corsages. I know most of my money will be spent on the photographer and the venue. I found a photographer that I love and I want her, so I must have her.
I tell my FI he is very lucky he doesn't have to buy a ring cause I dont wear jewelry so we can definite use that money in another way, such as the photographer that I want.