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Everything posted by AishaB

  1. Wow! Great stuff... I especially love the brochures. Great job! Good luck and congratulations.
  2. I know someone who used to do this method and at first it worked great for her. She had two kids and then after that no more kids. Like someone said above, I don't know if it's cause they weren't as strict in abiding by the rules or what, but after she had their third child, it all went downhill after that. This maybe just be an extreme cause (they now have six kids) but I personally don't know if I have the discipline to abide by the rules ALL the time. I guess it could be done if you were very mindful. Good luck!
  3. I thought this was some great information about which is the best waterproof mascara. No one wants their mascara running on their wedding day. Ultimate Waterproof Wedding Mascara | Bride.net - wedding, marriage and bridal news and reviews
  4. It sure was a great deal. Guess too slow on that one!
  5. That sounds like a great idea! I send my FI little notes and cards at least once a month so I thought it would be a wonderful little surprise for him! My FI is also in the military so I think yours will really appreciate it!
  6. This is from the Style Me Pretty wedding blog. DIY Candy Poppers by Posh Paperie and Jackie Wonders Style Me Pretty - The Ultimate Wedding Blog They are cool.
  7. I didn't make this but I found it on a blog and I thought it was just adorable! Thought I would share. DIY Favor Bags: Peony Pockets (Part One) | Intimate Weddings - Small Wedding Blog
  8. I came across this website on a referral from a blog. I think it is the cutest thing and thought I would share. It is called the "Kissing Tree". As you or your love would carve each other initials in a real tree, this gives you the opportunity to do so, print it out and maybe give it to that special someone. I thought it was especially a great idea since my FI and I live in different states and I try to send him a card or a note on occasion. kiss the groom The Kissing Tree
  9. I came across this website that has a lot information on etiquette and the roles of different wedding party participants. Thought I would share. Wedding Etiquette
  10. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy the experience.
  11. It's great! I think it looks like you guys. Great job!
  12. Great website. It has so many resources. Thanks SOOOO much for sharing.
  13. I looked at the website and it looked great! It is definitely on my list of venues to visit. I really think it looks like a beautiful place.
  14. Congratulations and thanks for the info. Its wonderful that you had a wonderful wedding!
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