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Everything posted by AishaB

  1. Congrats on your engagement and happy planning!
  2. It sounds like you guys are on your way. I think he is going to surprise you so good, you wont even see it coming. Trust you're getting the ring soon girl!
  3. Hey Michelle, first let me say congrats on your engagement and upcoming nuptials. You have come to the right place for help. All of the ladies are great on here. Everyone is open to helping and getting you to your perfect wedding day. Good luck and don't forget to have fun along the way!
  4. A fellow forum member inspired me to write this note... To all the ladies out there who are struggling with weight issues and that may have people in their lives who do not appreciate the struggle that you are going through, who are disrespecting you by their words and their actions... I say, keep your head held up high and continue to empower yourself. You have found someone that loves you for who you are. Any changes you are making is for yourself. So ignore the naysayers, they don't know you like your loved ones know you... Just keep on working at it, continue moving forward. Don't give up, let words of discouragement, be your words of ENCOURAGEMENT by using them to prove those people wrong. You are beautiful and wonderfully made. We are all in this together... I thank God for this forum where we can come together and vent and reach out to others to get a good word of support when needed!
  5. An elderly lady told me this joke today... A bank robber sticks up a bank and tells everyone to keep their head down. The security guard tries to get the gun away from the robber but accidentally pulls off his mask. The robber shoots the guard because he saw his face. Then the robber shoots the teller who was filling the bag with money because she saw his face. By this time no one else in the bank is looking up. The robber yells, is there anyone else out there who saw my face? One elderly gentleman, while keeping down his head, raises his hand and says, "I didn't, but I think my wife did!" (LOL!)
  6. Woke up at 4 am cause I was having a nightmare about the wedding. It was the day and the time and nothing was planned, nothing was done. I was at a friend's home trying to get everything together at 3pm and that was the time the wedding was supposed to begin. It was a disaster! I woke myself up cause I couldn't take it anymore! LOL! I'm over a year off and I am already obsessing. There goes my Type A personality in gear!
  7. AishaB


    Hey Jesse, congrats on the engagement and welcome to the forum!
  8. AishaB


    Hey Romy, congrats on the engagement and welcome to the forum!
  9. Hey welcome! This forum is the best!
  10. Hey Kelly, happy planning
  11. Hey Tania, congrats on the engagement and welcome to the forum!
  12. AishaB


    Congrats on the engagement and welcome to the forum!
  13. I love them. That shop is like 10 mins from my house. Ur find now tells me I need to stop in there more often. Thanx
  14. Hi Ashley, welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  15. Hi Kristina, welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  16. Hi Cindy, welcome to the forum. Happy planning.
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