Is anyone else out there addicted to Law and Order? I have seen every episode, taken the online quizzes, know all the characters that have come and gone over the years, I have all three scheduled into my DVR, even though I am at home most Mon, Tues, and Wednesday nights to actually watch the new episodes (and the reruns too)! I watch the same reruns everyday on TNT and the marathons that come on on Mondays and Tuesdays on USA and the periodic marathons that come on Sleuth. My FI tries to keep up but has given up. But I think the one thing that everyone knows is NO PHONE CALLS OR COMMUNICATION when a new episode of Law and Order is on (any one of the shows). I will not answer, I will not have a conversation unless it is actually life and death! The obsession runs deep! It is pretty much the only thing I watch on tv and I can't wait until next season when the original will be in its 19th season.
The original is the BEST! Love me some law and order!