Quote: Originally Posted by CristiandJamie I have a situation were we invited my dad's good friend to the wedding which I have known this person since I was a little girl. Our wedding is a month and a half away and just now told us that he is coming as well as these other couples which we dont know. They are staying off the resort and it really isnt clear about what they are doing whether they are going to hang out with us or go to the wedding... I asked my dad and he didnt know any of the details. The Palace resorts require that you tell them beforehand if you need any day passes but not sure if they will come or not. Should I just count them out until I get a definite YES that they are coming to the wedding? What would you guys do? Also I dont even know the last name of the couple that are coming with my dad's good friend... I ask my dad and he didnt even know!!!! Christi, maybe your dad can speak to his friend and find out the information, such as what are their plans as to socializing with the wedding crew, and also the names of the other couples that will be in attendance, that way you will have a better idea of what is going on and wont have to wait until last minute to find out.
@Skadow and the other ladies with similar problems, that really sucks because you want the perks that go with the bookings. But it is like the other ladies said, I guess we can't tell people where to stay. But I would be very upset about it, and well honestly, I can be a brat sometimes, head would have to roll!