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Everything posted by AishaB

  1. Thanks guys. I really like it to. Truth be told a lot of it was trial and error, but it is turning out great!
  2. I guess instead of starting a new posting, I should have just put the updated version in this old posting (duh!). Here is the link ladies. Please let me know what you think! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...attempt-59266/
  3. Girl please, you know its cause I don't have a job and don't have anything else to do with my time after I'm done job hunting!
  4. LOL! Trust me, I am type A. My FI just lets me be with it. His motto is "let's see what happens". Mine is: "everything planned from now till we die, and then I'll plan the funeral". Lol!
  5. Thanks guys if anyone wants templates please let me know. I didn't post any cause I am still working out some kinks in DIY projects. But I can definitely pass the templates along.
  6. Looks and sounds like your wedding day was just beautiful. Congrats
  7. Welcome to the forum and congrats on your engagement. Happy planning!
  8. Hey Meghan, congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  9. So happy you had a wonderful day. Congratulations!
  10. Beautiful. So glad you guys had a such a wonderful day. Your pics are just gorgeous!
  11. Hi Dana, welcome to the forum and congrats on the engagement. Happy Planning!
  12. Sorry to hear it I hope that you have as much as a wonderful wedding in MD as it would have been in the DR.
  13. Thanks for all the feedback ladies. I just posted my updated try, please give me your feedback!
  14. AishaB


    Hey Michelle, congrats on the engagement and welcome to the forum!
  15. AishaB

    Newbie Baby

    Congrats and welcome to the forum. All the great things you heard are 100% true!
  16. I do for sure. Sometimes I can't even fit into my pants. Not to mention that I become much fuller in the top area (which really doesn't help since I am already set in that area). It makes me very self conscious, but as you said, it does go away right after! Oh the things we women go through!
  17. That is a sticky situation. When my sister got married, we did that and people were very offended (you live and you learn). We thought we were being nice by inviting them since they weren't going to be attending the wedding, but I guess we should have just left well enough alone. With that said, piggybacking on what some of the ladies above said, instead of having a large engagement party, have you guys considered having a large AHR? That way the invitations will indicate that the wedding would have already taken place. In today's economic climate, I think people will understand about the small wedding, but maybe more understanding after the fact rather than before. Good luck!
  18. Don't know what it means but that was a really cool dream (all things considered).
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