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Everything posted by AishaB

  1. That is a tough situation, but I do agree with you that they should tell you now. Also, I think you did the right thing by talking about it right away when it happened. I do hope that everything works out, and your family can attend the wedding. Sending you positive thoughts
  2. I like them both, but I will have to go with the second one. Your first pic is actually my inspiration for the bridal shower. I think it is just a little bit less formal that is why I chose number two, it is a bit more elegant.
  3. Congrats on your engagement and happy planning! Grand Cayman is a beautiful place, while there earlier this year there was a cruise wedding taking place on the beach. It looked great! Good luck!
  4. Hi Laura, congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum. I was just in Grand Cayman earlier this year, and someone was getting married on the beach. It looked beautiful! Happy planning!
  5. Hi welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  6. Hi congrats on the upcoming engagement. Happy planning!
  7. Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum!
  8. Awww... that is horrible (LOL)! It is kind of sad! But totally funny!
  9. My sister would totally sign me up for this. She is trying to get me on "My Fair Wedding". I told her no way!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Bpink62581 Thanks ladies! I had a great time making them and now I want to do more DIY!!! AishaB- mine are magnetic but i didn't print on magnet sheets (the only ones I could find locally were glossy and I wanted matte). So I used cardstock and then just bought a roll of the self adhesive magnets and just cut a strip and put it on the back of each! And the ribbon isn't actually ribbon (though now that you mentioned it it does really look like ribbon!) it's textured cardstock that I cut into strips and wrapped around the envelope. I just used a glue stick to stick our monogram to the "ribbon" cardstock Hope this helps! I can't wait to see how yours turn out! It does look like ribbon, great job! I will definitely be posting mine soon. Totally love Skadow for sharing!
  11. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  12. Well I don't have a relationship with my dad either. My mom walked my sisters down the aisle and most likely she will be walking with me. I say most likely, cause I have been throwing around the idea walking by myself. Just havent decided as yet.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Bpink62581 So this was my very first DIY project and I owe my success to Skadow for sharing her awesome graphic design skills! So HUGE thank you to Skadow and thank you for sharing your template! It was super helpful and a big timesave for me! I am so happy with the final product and can't wait to send them out to my guests!! Here are the pics....Enjoy! They look great! I am also using Skadow's template! She is so wonderful to share it with all of us. Are yours magnetic also? How'd you do your ribbon around the invite? I like that touch very chic!
  14. Looks like you guys had a marvelous time. Congratulations!
  15. Great info, thanks a lot! I checked them out online, they look very nice!
  16. did you try www.diybride.com? they have tons of program templates on there. Look under downloads
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