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Everything posted by AishaB

  1. I agree with Veronica's post, and I agree with how you are handling the situation. As someone who totally understands about the money situation, your friends and family have to understand also. My FI and I are on one income, HIS. I have student loans, and we have to live. With that said, we are having a small wedding, and I am not even sure about the AHR after cause that is just more money. For those who are not invited, we will definitely explain the situation, but that is all we can do. Most people know that I have been unemployed for almost a year, so if they don't understand that we are having a small wedding because that is what we can afford, then they are selfish and are only thinking about themselves and a party, instead of me and my FI's happiness and future (not to put ourselves in unnecessary debt). So I think your way sounds like a very good plan. People are going to be upset nonetheless, but there is nothing you can do. And you are having an AHR, they can definitely come and enjoy themselves then, and congratulate the happy couple.
  2. Why is it that people my house, I answer the telephone, "hello", and then they say, "who is this." What the hell, you called me! Don't you know whose house you are calling. And then when I ask, "who do you want to speak to?" They get upset, and say, "it's me, Aisha!" Oh, so you knew who you were talking to all the time!
  3. Sorry that people are making hurtful comments and being selfish toward your decision. I have found, not from my experience (but I bet it is coming soon), but my sister's, that people are truly hurt when they are left out, because, I believe it makes them feel like they don't mean that much to you because they weren't invited to your wedding. Ultimately, it comes down to what makes you happy, what kind of wedding you want, and of course, what you can afford. You have taken the time to explain why you are having the kind of wedding you are having, you have extended invites to all you want to come. There really isn't anything else that you can do. People need to understand that this is your wedding and you and your FI will do it the way you want to. On the flip side, has anyone offered to pay for a wedding stateside? Or to pay for the invites so that it can be more formal? I would be surprised if they have. Everyone is quick to offer their opinion but not open up their pockets. Have your small beach wedding cause that is what you want and what will make you happy. It is a difficult thing to have people being upset with you, but hey, LET THEM PICK A NUMBER AND GET IN LINE...
  4. Hi Chanel, congrats on your engagement! Good luck with the planning and welcome to the forum!
  5. I plan on using it for my wedding or something close. We used it for my brother in law's 50th last year and it was amazing. Everyone couldn't believe all that sound was coming from that little device. I have used Bose products for years. Their sound is clear and crisp and of course LOUD!
  6. I just found another website, that is really great and has tons of templates. Bride on a Budget: Free Wedding Templates
  7. Oh guys you are going to love this one. It is a gold mine for templates and the like. Check it out, I am putting the link for OOT bags, but there are much more templates on here. Welcome Guest Bag Goodies | Ruffled
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! You're probably going to think I'm nuts, but I've never been with anyone. I've always wanted to wait till my wedding night for my first time. So you're definitely not alone! You are not nuts Kristy, same here. My FI will be my first. I believe in abstaining and sex after marriage. So you ladies are definitely not alone.
  9. I'm glad you guys are liking it. The site is great, it has a lot of other templates as well.
  10. Hi Laura, Happy planning!
  11. Love it 100%. Love your colors. Your pics are gorgeous! Congrats
  12. Congrats. Glad you had a wonderful day
  13. Just wonderful. Thanks for the great review. Congrats
  14. Everything looks beautiful. Great that your day was wonderful. You guys look so happy
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Bpink62581 OMG I am in LOVE with this one! The first one was good but this one is AWESOME!! I love the colors and the swirlies with the butterflies! So pretty! Great job! Thanks. I worked like two days on it (since I am learning illustrator by trial and error). But I think it really did come out great
  16. Hey Lucy, congrats and welcome to the forum. Your wedding date is quickly approaching. I hope that your day is as wonderful as you have planned. Enjoy the forum it's great~
  17. Hey angela, congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum! Vegas sounds like so much fun! Good luck with your planning
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