So glad that all the months I was home and addicted to this website that I did all the wedding planning that I did. Because now that I have a job I haven't done any wedding planning in days. I miss you ladies greatly. During the day, I can't get on the website at work and when I get home after my 1hr 30 min commute from the City, I am definitely exhausted and only looking for a shower and my bed. I have no concentration for planning. So, I say to all the ladies who may have a little extra time on their hands right now, take advantage of it and do as much as you can because things change quickly and before you know it, your time is no longer your own. Â With that said, when the FI comes into town this week, we will be visiting venues. As the ladies who have been on the forum for a while know, I have been going back and forth about venues, location and dates. We have should have a venue chosen soon though. With everything going on with my sister, who will be having surgery at the end of September, my new job, wedding planning and just every day life it is CRAZY! Â But just checking in to say hi to you ladies and thanking you so much for all of your prayers and well wishes toward my sister. The road is long but my family is praying and hanging in there. Â God bless you all and most of all HAPPY PLANNING!