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Everything posted by AishaB

  1. Hey Ladies: It has been a while since I have posted anything on the forum but I hope that everyone has been wonderful and that all plans are going well. We are now five weeks out and tying things up. I will be back in a few weeks to put up my planning thread. I cannot forget all the help, support and love that I got from the forum last year when I was first engaged, and starting the planning process. So this is just a heads up that I will be doing my share and posting my planning thread in the near but not to distant future. AishaB
  2. Your monograms are really pretty. Such a good job you did. Nice way to give back to the forum!
  3. Imforhim04 I sent you a PM. But I used photoshop. It is pretty simple and there are many free tutorials online that tell you how to do it. I am just learning how to use Photoshop, but I followed the tutorial and it was super simple.
  4. Diva: First let me say that there is actually an old thread about LDRs somewhere out there that has some really good comments in there that has also helped me along my experience. With that said, let me say I totally understand about what you are going through. My FI and I have been doing the LRD since the beginning of our relationship until this present time. We usually see each other once a month when he comes to town for his National Guard duty. Other than that we talk on the phone every night and try to keep the communication lines open. Being in an LDR is very difficult and has to totally rely on your trust for one another. But on the other hand it gives you both the opportunity to talk more than if you were continually together. I honestly cannot wait until it is over and we are still in the same place at the same time. However, like you soon after our marriage we will be LD from each other. He is getting deployed about four or five months after our wedding and will be a year in Afghanistan. It is frustrating, scary and harrowing all at the same time. All I can tell you is what I have been telling myself, "pray and God will take care of the rest." If you love this person, trust them, know that you can survive whatever life throws your way, then you will make it. Continue to have faith in your love and each other and I know the both of you will make it through the time apart beautifully. Though there maybe tough times, and you maybe missing him like crazy sometimes, you guys will make it through. Have courage my friend, it will all be okay.
  5. Hi Ladies: I'm in New Jersey, this is great! Very good idea!
  6. I agree, weddingwire.com is the way to go. I have set up pretty much everything on the website - RSVP, meals, registry. it has a guest list manager, that also allows you to do your table seating. It is just great, and has made my life a lot easier. It even figures out how many invites you need, keeps track of the RSVP's etc. definitely check it out. Aisha
  7. Thanks ladies. I forgot to mention before, that Rebecca is so wonderful. If you want something personalized, she is the one to do it. I told her that the first present that my FH ever gave me were army Id tags because he is in the military and I had always wanted a pair. If you look very closely you will see that Rebecca incorporated the id tags into our monogram. Although no one else will know, we know and it just means that much more to us. Such a special touch.
  8. Your welcome Mrs J, I hope it helps. Your wedding day is right around the corner, I hope everything is wonderful and you are al ready to go! Good luck
  9. I don't know the exact name but I think it is called the portable. I will look it up.... Okay, I found it. Here is the link to the three different types that they have. I have used the portable and it works great! It is VERY loud. http://www.bose.com/controller?url=/shop_online/digital_music_systems/sounddock_systems/index.jsp Hope this helps.
  10. Well we are using a docking system also. We will be using the Bose system. I really haven't checked out any other, so I can't rate. Bose has the portable that has the battery option as well as the AC option. Also, the sound is AMAZING. My sister has one and we use it for parties all the time, in the backyard, in the summertime. So I know that it will get the job done. Definitely look into it and I think that you are making the right decision. Might as invest in something you can keep.
  11. I couldn't have done it without Sara. Her design, her template. Thanks so much ladies. I hope your planning experience is going wonderfully also.
  12. Rebecca created a beautiful monogram for us to use on my DIY projects. She also created corners for my invites. She did a wonderful job and did it all in a very timely manner. Thanks Rebecca!
  13. I can't believe it's time to send out STDs already. It has been exactly 4 months since we got engaged and I have gone through a whole range of emotions, from confused to now happiness! Planning is going great. The only stress I've had until now is my FH's father threatening not to attend the wedding because we wouldn't invite random people that he wants to invite. Well we survived that drama, and the planning continues. Thanks to fellow member skadow, who shared her template with me. Because of her I have these wonderful boarding pass STDs. Thanks girl, I hope your planning is also going well. Without further ado, here they are. I haven't taken a picture of the printed ones as yet, but will definitely include in my planning thread.
  14. So my FH and I have decided to have an ipod wedding. For the simple fact that we don't plan to have a lot of dancing at the wedding and because it is cheaper! We are also shelling out a pretty penny to have a steel drum player come and play for two hours (ceremony and cocktail hour), so we didn't want to spend more on a DJ, which we really think is unnecessary because of what I have explained before. For anyone else that is using an ipod at their wedding, I found out about this amazing app from itunes, from one of my fav blogs: DIY Bride: http://www.diybride.com/archives/6125. It is called My Wedding DJ and it does amazing things. I am definitely using it for our wedding. I haven't purchased it as yet because I'm thinking, since the wedding isn't until next August, they may just have an updated version before then, so I will wait about a couple of months before the wedding before purchasing and uploading my playlists. I'm beginning to love the ipod idea more and more because of this. And now that I have a brand new ipod touch courtesy of the FH (engagement present), Im definitely ready for my ipod wedding! Is anyone else having an ipod wedding or thinking about it? If not, what are your thoughts about it?
  15. So I was hanging out with an old high school friend today and we were catching up and having a good time. However, on my way home, as I was revisiting the conversations in my head, I realized that I was constantly talking about my FH and my FH and my FH! Not really about my wedding but about him and us and stuff like that. I just thought to myself I hope I didn't come off as one of those brides who just want to talk about themselves and their FH and nothing else. Oh well! It took me a while to become comfortable being engaged, telling people I am engaged and calling my FH, my fiance, rather than my boy friend (although sometimes I still lapse back into ld habits and call him my boy friend). But I guess my moral is, now I guess I am finally getting excited about all of this - engaged, getting married, planning a wedding. So I just want to share that happiness with everyone that I know how happy I am. Is anyone else suffering from, "I need to talk about how happy I am with my FH (itis)?
  16. I'm changing my name. I don't have a problem changing it, but it seems to be such a hassle with all of the stuff that I have to remember to put my new last name on. There's the everyday stuff like driver's license, SS card, passport. But those are just the basics. If you have a professional license, you have to change your name on that, if you are a naturalized citizen, you have to change your name on that. If you are a part of any professional associations, you have to change your name with them. The list just seems to go on and on. But alas, it is something that is important to him that I take his name and I guess I want to have his name too. So this is all part of the have and to hold I guess. I did ask him if he would change his name to mine so I wouldn't have to go through the hassle! (He laughed of course)!
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