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Posts posted by emitchel

  1. So I am originally from St. Louis and almost all of my family still lives there. My FI is from Chicago and all of his family live there. We will both be done with grad school in May and don't know where we will get jobs or will be living. So I'm not really sure where we would have the AHR.

    He's not very close with about half of his extended family, but I don't want to exclude anyone. I'm toying with not even having an AHR. Any thoughts?

  2. Well I'm just getting started planning myself, and I'm pretty sure that my mom feels the way that you do about your son's wedding. The beginning of the whole process is kinda slow, at least it has been for me. As I told my mom it takes awhile to get through the initial information. I originally thought that I wanted to have mine in Mexico and had picked a resort and thought I was well on my way. However, we changed our minds and decided to go to the USVI instead and are pretty sure that we have picked the resort, it's for sure narrowed down to 2. But this time it really feels right, and I've started getting my family involved in the process at this point. So I'm sure they are working on it and will get you involved when they have some more concrete thoughts. Hope the wedding is amazing

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