I'm right there will you ladies. My FI's little sister got engaged last June, they had the entire wedding planned in 3 months, it's this coming October. That's over a year from the engagement. My FI asked her if we could get married before her and she said if we did she'd never talk to him again. Even though we're both older than her and have been together longer she refused, we originally wanted to get married in March or April, now we're waiting until December.
To top it all off, I mentioned to her that one of the colors we were considering was red because it's my favorite color and she said to me, "oh you can use red, I don't mind sharing it with you." As if it's something she OWNS! I about peed my pants when I read that. Oh and did I mention her wedding is on my birthday! I'm so looking forward to calling her my sister
I already have a sister, but she's not spoiled or selfish so I am learning to bite my tongue because it's easier than having it out with her. But seriously, how do people get so selfish and obsessed with themselves. Why in the world does it matter if we get married 6-7 months before you
I love FAMILY!!!!