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Everything posted by coley88

  1. I hope they do the right thing, I will never understand how people can live with themselves after ripping someone off, it's just horrible. Good luck.
  2. I love this thread, thank you ladies for sharing all of these amazing ideas and sites!!!
  3. I have to agree, I say pick songs that mean something to you and your FI. Afterall it's all about you two!
  4. Thanks for posting this, it's a great thread. You looked amazing, I LOVE your hair. And your TTD photos are the best I've seen so far! thank you and Congrats!
  5. Date has been set - 12/11/10 - Paradisus Punta Cana! SO excited. Now it's time to get the STD's out.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by butterfly4kathy2 has anyone ever tried paperbackswap.com? I'm a member of paperbackswap, it's a great way to get rid of books you won't read again and try out new books that you may not want to pay for. I've saved over $367 in the past 2 years alone. They don't have a ton of newer books, but I've found plenty to read on the site. If you LOVE to read and have a ton of books you won't be reading again I suggest it. I cut my bookshelves down (only to restock recently).
  7. I was just send the info the other day, it runs like $400 plus tax, but if you have a lot of people who can't make it, it might be worth it. My FI and I were going to see about having a friend do this, but then realized we don't know about internet connection on the beach...so it could be really great if you can fit it in your budget.
  8. As of now we're not planning to do too much. We're using the color that comes with our package as one of colors, so that cuts down on most of what we'd need to bring. We're thinking some tealight candles because they are a heck of a lot cheaper than getting them at the resort, our OOT gift bags will be the largest expense for what we're bringing down and then I'm thinking about upgrading my flowers to get my dream bouquet...but I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. Most important to us is the OOT bags, we really want to do that for our guests.
  9. I'm right there will you ladies. My FI's little sister got engaged last June, they had the entire wedding planned in 3 months, it's this coming October. That's over a year from the engagement. My FI asked her if we could get married before her and she said if we did she'd never talk to him again. Even though we're both older than her and have been together longer she refused, we originally wanted to get married in March or April, now we're waiting until December. To top it all off, I mentioned to her that one of the colors we were considering was red because it's my favorite color and she said to me, "oh you can use red, I don't mind sharing it with you." As if it's something she OWNS! I about peed my pants when I read that. Oh and did I mention her wedding is on my birthday! I'm so looking forward to calling her my sister I already have a sister, but she's not spoiled or selfish so I am learning to bite my tongue because it's easier than having it out with her. But seriously, how do people get so selfish and obsessed with themselves. Why in the world does it matter if we get married 6-7 months before you I love FAMILY!!!!
  10. Hey BDWer's, I am looking for a little advice with a situation that my FI brought up over the weekend. One if his fraternity brothers is an extremely talented artist who doesn't really understand or care about respecting others personal space. He is a huge drinker and probably the least hygenic person I've ever met in my life. I really really don't want him at our wedding...with that be said he's an incredible photographer and my FI wants to invite him and his wife (ha) so we don't have to pay for an additional photographer. I really don't want him there On the other hand, a friend of one of our closest friends is a wedding photographer and very clean. I'd rather have him there, but am worried that it might cause problems with the brothers...? I don't know what to do. I haven't mentioned to my FI about the other friend (he lives in another state so we don't really see/talk about him very often). I just remembered yesterday that he's a wedding photographer. Any suggestions/advice would be very helpful! Nichole
  11. oh crap, did it again. Hate gossip magazines?
  12. HATE cough drops, rather have tea with honey gossip magazines?
  13. hockeymom97 - I kind of know how ya feel. My cousin (who was like a brother growing up) was diagnosed with stomach cancer 3 days after Christmas and my god mother was just put on dialysis and may not be able to travel for our wedding. It's been hard lately. Good luck to your mom, tell her to stay strong and kick some butt! Ladies, I work just north of the loop, but downtown and live in, what we call, West Town. I'd love to meet some other Chicago brides. We are currently waiting for confirmation that our date has been approved from Paradisus Punta Cana and I'll finally be able to breath a little! And NO I haven't even started thinking about my dress yet.
  14. Great list and ideas for your guests, any suggestions on where to find such great deals?
  15. What a great idea and job! I wish I was confident enough in my skills to do something like that. And it's perfect for a DW.
  16. We're still getting all the dates in order, but we're planning to arrive on Sunday, but ask our guests to arrive a couple days later, but by Thursday, so we have a day or 2 to get things situated before they all arrive, then they leave the following Sunday and we're either staying for another week or going else where. We haven't decide on our honeymoon yet.
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