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Everything posted by Jenny310

  1. Amols is great! They already emaield me back. They don't have any purple maracas right now but they said I can order any colors I want. Sooo happy, but I wonder how heavy they will be....
  2. Oh and I forgot to congratulate Lynnies, Julia and dianep on your weddings! Sooo happy everything worked out and you had the weeding og your dreams. Its very reassuring hearing that you all had a great time. Julia - the pics you posted are beautiful, def want to take a pic on the swing too.
  3. I've been MIA for a few days and I feel like I've missed soo much! I don't know how to quote ppl LOL CandiceMarie - thanks so much for the info about the maracas, I just emailed them. I need btwn 40 an 50 pairs so I'm trying to see what they can do. My colors are purple and blue but I think if we put the other colors with the exception of red (my least fav color) on the tables it will add more life to the tables. Jesmcan - love your invites, beautiful and very personal!! I had passport invites made but added ribbon to them and had my MOH (sister) and FI in assmbely line doing the ribbon and stuffing. I think they were nice to me only bc they knew I would become a bridezilla if they said a word LOL LisaDso - your new siggy pic is too funny!
  4. gorgeous! But they cost almost the same as my dress! Good luck!
  5. beautiful dress, if only it was long I would sooo buy it! Good luck, it will sell quickly!
  6. I was going to gut a Maggie dress but while I ws just wearing it in the salon I already started to sweat! THis was in Februeary in NY!!! I ended up getting an all lace dress from 2be bridal. It is relly light and has the same shape as the maggie dress I wanted (Anna) Funny beacause I never thought of myself as a lace girl but I fell in love as soon as I tried it on. )
  7. We are arriving on Sunday with our parents and sisters arriveing Sunday and Monday. Everyone else is arriving between Tuesay and Friday, the wedding is on Saturday. Most people are leaving Sunday and Monday with a few staying longer. I told those guests, that come Tuesday morning we don't know them! LOL We are staying until Friday and wated some alone time. We didn't want to tell ppl when they had to leave. They completely understand that its our honeymoon. We are planing to do some excursions that Tuesday so we won't even be at the resort.
  8. On saturday I bought a pair of Bradgley Miscka shoes (hopefully for the wedding) and I just checked on Ideeli and they were $10 more. Not a big deal when you are already getting them and 50% off!!
  9. Sooo happy I found this tread, I want to get real touch flowers but wasn't sure who to go with, I'm def going to check Angel out. Thanks ladies!!
  10. I don't speak to my dad but my mother insisted on inviting him even though he's never even met my fiance. For me there was never a question that my mom would walk me down the isle, I always wanted her to; she has always been there for me and we are very close. My dad asked my sister who was walking me down the isle and when she told him my mom was he thought that was wierd. I don't know if he actually thought I would ask him to! Anyway I think the person who walks you should be someone who has always been there for you so I'm not going to have my dad do it (if he goes) just beacuse tradition says so. I wouldn't take that honor away from my mother. Actually I think people would think its more wierd that he would walk me down the isle LOL
  11. Everything looks great!! Love the wine box and idea of the letters to open on your 1 year. Congrats and I wish you the best of luck, its going to be beautiful!!
  12. I know this was discussed before but with so many pages I'll go crazy trying to find it! My FI aunt is a make-up artist and is going to be doing my makeup when I asked her if she would be interested in doing the bridesmaids she said she would like to focus on me and will need at least 1 1/2 hours dedicated to doing my makeup! I'm really happy she wants to be sure my makeup is flawless so now I need to find someone to do the other girls. Can someone give me the info about the MAC girls I believe there is one in PDC and I think I also remember someone mentioning getting one to come from Cancun. Help!
  13. Hi Kimmy, Welcome back!! Thanks for posting your review. Sorry to hear about the problems you had but like you said when you walk down the isle none of that matters. Congrats! Can't wait to see some pics
  14. Great review, thanks for posting. Can't wait to see the pics! You said the tables were already decorated and you didn't need the the centerpieces, what did they already have?
  15. My colors are purple and different shades of blue. I got my inspiration from an invite I saw and just ran with it! There are so many options that match with purple.
  16. I was planning on the girls paying for the dress but now i feel bad, I'll have to figure something out.
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