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Everything posted by Fireweed

  1. I'm in your boat as well! (and in your city - Winnipeg!) Due to my fiance's mom being a teacher and our various siblings being in university, Christmas break seems like the only time everyone can go. We had our hearts set on Cuba for a long time, but now after the chilly winter they had this year, we're considering other options as well. I don't know what to do either. Cuba appeals the most to me (I've been there once in January, and the weather was really nice, although it rained for 2-3 days.) Have you decided what you're doing yet? Also do you have a travel agent yet?
  2. My finance and I are debating having our wedding at the Dreams (or Las Brisas) hotel as well. We won't have a lot of guests, probably around 20 or 25. We'd like to go with the 'free wedding' option and then just buy a couple of extras. Does anyone know if the free wedding option includes dinner at an a la carte restaurant? I thought we could just have the wedding and then all go to dinner at one of the restaurants afterward. It says it includes a cake, so maybe they can bring the cake to the restaurant? I don't mind paying some extras, but like I said, the free wedding option sounds great too! It'll be a symbolic ceremony, as we're getting legally married here first. I'm still totally confused as to planning this. We're going over Christmas break this year. Thanks!
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