Happy Legal Day Kayley!
Wish I'd have known you girls live in coventry. Woulda made a surprise visit early this morning. I landed at the airport at 1 am and was scared stiff to drive home to cochrane. Made it okay onto Stoney (and by ok I mean, I was sliding across 3 lanes but it was 'ok' because no one was on the road at that time of night) My next hurdle was making it onto the 1A. Sounds ridiculous but I was talking to myself the entire. I was "OK Alyssa, if you make it to the next lights you're good...." Ended up pulling over at around 230 to have a breather and then I got STUCK! At about 3am, some nice guy stopped and drove me home to Cochrane. If you see a little VW golf on the side of the hiway, say hi to it for me! hehe