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Everything posted by MayanLily

  1. A friend of mine got married at the moon palace last year and she said everything was perfect and everything went off without a hitch. The pictures looked amazing too so i'm sure you'll be very happy with your decision.
  2. Good Luck with CR. Heard it's amazing...
  3. MayanLily

    April 2011

    Hi Luna, congrats on your engagement. We stuggled to settle on a place too but in the end, we just went in with the attitude "Anywhere will be Beautiful, Just pick something!!!" haha. Good Luck with the decisions!
  4. wow they are nicer than I thought. Wonder if I could fill something that large....
  5. I started doing some math in my head about 2 months ago and was not liking what I was coming up with! Although, in the long run it will be much cheaper than getting married at home, there is also half the people there too! I think I've been procrastinating putting all the costs together and seeing that number...
  6. Happy Legal Day Kayley! Wish I'd have known you girls live in coventry. Woulda made a surprise visit early this morning. I landed at the airport at 1 am and was scared stiff to drive home to cochrane. Made it okay onto Stoney (and by ok I mean, I was sliding across 3 lanes but it was 'ok' because no one was on the road at that time of night) My next hurdle was making it onto the 1A. Sounds ridiculous but I was talking to myself the entire. I was "OK Alyssa, if you make it to the next lights you're good...." Ended up pulling over at around 230 to have a breather and then I got STUCK! At about 3am, some nice guy stopped and drove me home to Cochrane. If you see a little VW golf on the side of the hiway, say hi to it for me! hehe
  7. Welcome to BDW and to Calgary!!! You didn't waste any time finding a dress. For me, that was the worst part. Well that and picking a place...and organizing travel! haha. Anyways, if you have your eye on some place specific you really should read posts on the resorts thread on here. And ask questions to people that have booked already. Also, your travel agent has probably been to tons of places so she's a good resource too. Good Luck and Happy Planning!
  8. Welcome Lindz. We're doing RM as well. Dreams Tulum was in the running for our wedding too. We decided it was a little too far from Cancun Airport for our liking. From what I hear, it's worth the drive though! Good Luck picking a place. I was on Trip Advisor for months before we settled on a place! Haven't picked a time or place for the get together yet but we'll keep you in the loop. Hopefully, we'll get together once it warms up a bit. You know I love patios!
  9. Is everyone renting centerpiece supplies or are you bringing them down? Honestly, I wasn't thinking I would even do centerpieces. I figure a beach front wedding would be beautiful enough... lol maybe i'm delusional! Is that tacky?
  10. oh that's great! Hopefully Cecilia gets back to me with the same deal. I've got lots going on this summer and want to start figuring out when I can go.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by luchdiamond My date is 10/21/10. We only have 5 people booked but its okay. We would have done it with just the 2 of us. Woot Woot! Same date. I think that 5 people is great! I have 30 at the moment and wish people would STOP booking LOL
  12. oh gosh! Isn't everything made in china now... lol Good job on being sneaky sneaky and destroying the evidence. Good Luck and let us know if you have an issues please.
  13. Welcome. I'm so jealous it's just the two of you! Wish I'd have done that... AND St. Thomas too-----love love love that place! Happy Planning.
  14. Yipee! Almost there. Good luck in the final planning.
  15. It's never to late Sandra. You'll be glad you found this place.... even if it's just to vent LOL
  16. HI! Welcome. This site will really help you out. You can search pretty much anything and get some great answers. Use it often and good luck planning. Since you are just starting out, here is my recomendation. Let your guests know when and where you will be getting married and let them sort themselves out. I created alot of extra work for myself when I took on planning everyone's travel. If you do decide to organize travel yourself, find a TA you can trust. It helps to be able to talk to someone who knows the business well. GOOD LUCK!
  17. Welcome! Way to get a head start! I like the way you think
  18. Welcome fellow Canadian. Happy Planning and welcome to BDW!
  19. Nice choice in the resort department Good luck with the planning and use all the ressources this website has to offer- they are endless!
  20. You'll be fine Kayley! Cross em off the list, one at a time. Good luck
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by katelynn There are awesome beach bags at Dollaramas right now...beige or brown with a little button that keeps it from opening. I bought like 40!!! esp for only $2!! Can you take a pic? I live like an hour from a Dollarama and I don't want to go just for bags I may or may not buy. What colors do they have?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by avong1228 Still don't know yet. Daniella finally responded but now the flights are crazy expensive. I'm checking them all the time. Next time I'll just book it and then call to tell her when vs waiting for her to respond to my email. Cross your fingers! Angie, di d you email Daniela about a site visit? Just out of curiosity, what was her response? Sorry for being nosey but I emailed Cecilia about 3 weeks ago and haven't heard a thing! (I did have about 25 questions so I don't really blame her) I'd like to go for a site visit this summer but I wanna know if they'll cut me a deal on the room!
  23. I can't believe how jealous I am of you party animals and nearly-weds!!! But so happy for you all too of course. Sounds like Cara and Kayley are ready to go!!! WOOT (I'm really excited for you both) Meghan- Thanks for the info! I think I will take my dress in to Valiant this weekend actually and get a quote. There is no beading or crazy layers or anything so it shouldn't be too much. AND its short! Thats why I can't justify $265! I love my drycleaners in Cochrane but really.... 265 for basically a white cocktail dress. Thats hiway robery.
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