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Everything posted by MayanLily

  1. Is anyone doing travel mugs to put in their OOT bags? If so, where is the best place for a canadian to order from?
  2. Those mugs are fab Crystal! Did you pay alot of shipping to Canada? I haven't heard of Factory 21. Did you have any problems with customs and having to pay? I think I will look into this company.
  3. Hi fellow Canadian Brides! I have a feeling this might be my new favorite thread I am at that time where I'm looking for cheap OOT bag stuff and this seems to be the best resource I have right now. Does anyone have any experience ordering with Oriental Trading Co.? I am wanting to order a couple things but don't want to pay an arm and a leg for shipping and customs. Do you think I'm better off finding a canadian company? I have absolutely no experience ordering from the US. Also, I should mention that I am a Michaels-aholic too so if there is anyone that ever wants me to have a look in Calgary for something they can't find in their own city, just say the word. I'm happy to help and I don't mind shipping it out to you if you get desperate.
  4. ECHO- I just noticed your wedding is less than a month!!!! Woooot
  5. YES I find some people are completely thoughtless when it comes to weddings in general. My best friend got married a couple years ago and she had people RSVP to her in a grocery store when they randomly ran into her. I mean really.... we freakin stamped all of the RSVP cards ourselves. How hard is it to throw it in the mail?!? Also, with a DW I think people just think its all laidback and they can book their own trips whenever. They don't realize that there is alot of planning still to do for the bride. I certainly had NO IDEA until I started planning.
  6. They are cute! Hopefully I dont end up doubling the price with shipping to Canada! Avong, did you ever think about doing the Aqua package? Obviously, you did. LOL I just wanted to know why you chose to custom instead. I am having a hell of a time deciding what to do. I'm trying include the dance AND a nice dinner at a reasonable price. Not sure if I can afford both at this point
  7. Also BOO, I set up a separate email account solely for wedding emails. I find it alot easier than riffling through all the junk I get in my personal account. I have been slowly buying stuff for the OOT bags too. To keep it safe, I have been gettting 40 of everything. I figure I can always return stuff or sell it if need be but right now I'm at 32 anyways. Question: Are we supposed to do OOT bags for people NOT staying at the same resort?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo hmmm we sent out an email STD - I 'borrowed' a template from one of the gals here. The problem is not one person has booked yet I dont think, and our guest responce so far has been: great, we got the time off work, so just let us know...and the future hubbie and I are both like, um, we thought we did - but no one is booking. How do I get them to book? ha ha, sorry for sounding frantic. Thanks! I went through the same thing. I finally reached the breaking point and gave them a date to book by. My TA made up an eflyer with the resort info and price and Basically, I sent a mass email and said "if you want to travel with the bride and groom, here's the info. All deposits must be made by Feb.14" All of the serious guests were onboard within the week. It worked great. Having said that, I still have a handful of people who are "wishy-washy" about coming. I am HATING those people right now but have decided to just let it be and if they book, they book. If these people still have not booked by June, I have no idea what I'm goin to do because I know I will be freaking out. I mean, seriously people, we need to budget for however many peeps we think are coming. HAHA now I'm sounding frantic!
  9. Nice work on the invites KRama! They are super cute. Wish I was that creative or at the very least, knew someone that was! haha I decided not to do invitations. I really hope that's not too tacky. I sent out STD before Christmas and all the people I really wanted there have already booked. No need to remind the ones I don't want there (so mean I know!) A month before the trip I am sending out luggage tags for everyone that will be coming. Tucked in the box will be a packing checklist too. That's in lieu of invitations I guess.
  10. Check out Oriental Trading Co. for playing cards http://www.orientaltrading.com/ui/br...ge=34_1214.jpg They are cute and cheaper than the dollar store! This is what I'm doing.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Schmnav My fiance and I have decided to go with the Paradisus Riviera for our December 2010 wedding! I filled out the information sheet on their website but haven't received any information. Should I just directly email their wedding coordinator? Could someone provide me with her direct email? Also, any advice as I start the planning process is greatly appreciated! Welcome Mary! I wouldn't stress out too much about not hearing from the hotel. They are really busy right now and I'm certain, even if they weren't, they would still take forever and a day to get back to you. Just remember that they are smack dab in the middle of wedding season for them. I booked this resort back in December and only last week did I get everything finally finalized. And that wasn't even the wedding planning part, just the paperwork and date. One great thing about the Paradisus is that, if you call, they will answer so if you get really stressed, try that. Cecilia's email is [email protected] Happy Planning!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by avong1228 Lily, my notes say 9-6 is $65, 6pm-2am is $75 and full day is $95. Our ceremony is at 4 so we'll need to get the all day pass for people. Thanks! I guess I will have to do the same.
  13. Great review Kelly! I'm getting married there in October. Perla is no longer there so I am dealing with Cecilia. I'm sure she's just as good. Are you happy with the fact that you customized your whole wedding? I am trying to decide what to do and am having difficulty. I've gotten all the prices now for the wedding costs and am just not sure what works out cheaper. There is a charge for EVERYTHING! This is a really personal question and I appologize if it is out of line but what was your budget? You can PM me if you want
  14. Hi! I'm back from my olympic-watching escapade. My obsession with BDW was temporarily over ridden by my obsession with the Olympic. Thank god its only 16 days and I can get back to wedding planning! I just recieved an email from Cecilia (finally! after WEEKS of harassing her) and she sent the price list for all wedding related costs. Didn't notice on there, but does anyone know how much to have people come in for the wedding that aren't staying at the hotel? Maybe just a day pass rate? Figured someone in here would know instead of wasting my time with another email that won't get answered promptly... THX
  15. OH GOD... I almost forgot... LOVING THE OLYMPIC MITTS KRIS!!!! In all honesty, the olympics have been the sole reason I have been absent for 2 weeks. There must be a name for the disease I developped during the games. For 16 days, I sat in front of the TV, with my laptop on my knees, trying to get the scores and times before the TV. It was a badddddd case LOL
  16. Wow I've missed alot! I hate to hear all the horrible things happening in this thread. My heart breaks for you Christina and Cara. I truly could not imagine going through what you ladies are going through. Puts my problems into perspective.... I came on here ready to vent about my fiance losing his job this morning. He's been off for a week or so, so I have to say I guess I kinda saw it coming. There's not alot of work out there at the moment and he got laid off. booooooo.... enough about that though. He'll get something soon i hope. Menial compared to what others are going though. Also, the price list for our resort's wedding costs came yesterday. Not a moment too soon either. Seems like we've actually chosen the worlds most expensive hotel to get married at. AND such good timing too!!!! LOL all there's left to do is shake my head and laugh I guess!!!
  17. I've also thought a bit about OOT bags but I dont think Im going to go too crazy. I've made a small list of "must haves" and I'm going to try not to overdo it. This will be hard for me since the OOT bags were the things I was most excited to do. However,I thought about it and #1 Its alot of stuff to bring down there and #2 I doubt that my guests will really want to bring alot of that stuff back I am for sure going to include: - personalized mugs - playing cards - key card and tip holder - mini white board (so ppl can leave notes for each other where they are ie. at pool..) homemade ones! - immodium/tylenol Thats my list so far... (give or take
  18. Wow, I'm so behind. Thats what you get for going to work... pfft. Welcome Jessi! You will become a BDW addict in no time Met with a photographer this morning and I really liked her. Not sure if I should be picking the only one that I've met with but I have a good feeling. She's going to do our engagement pics on the 28th so we'll see how good we clic. ALSO, fyi 20% off your entire purchase at Michaels this Saturday! I was there today and found these luggage tags I've been looking for then I saw the sale sign. So, I'm embarassed to say I HID the luggage tags amongst the tea lights and I'll go back Saturday to get them. Anything to save a buck! HAHA I'm sure I'll have nightmares all week!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by avong1228 Lily, if you need some recommendations on photographers let me know as I just went through the process and spoke to several that I really liked. Depending on your budget you can find someone really great. I am doing a dinner. I am leaning towards the International Buffet. We think we will have around 50 ppl. We have 30 already booked. I really wanted to do the chill out chic but it's 2500 to have the furniture on the beach! No can do! I really like the personality of the one i'm meeting on Tuesday so I hope she's good too. What kind of Qs did you ask when you met with yours? My budget is not very big so I can't afford to be too picky... 50 ppl is alot! We have 17 so far and I'm like STOOOOPPPP booking LOL
  20. Not sure of my final numbers yet so I won't be ordering yet. I was at Michaels today and they are $3.49 each there. I am really only saving about $3 by ordering from the website so now I"m not even sure if it's worth it...?? Are you or have you already ordered any mugs or pashminas? I've been trying to look into that now...
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by avong1228 Lily, I think I'll either do the wish or custom as those seem to be the least expensive when I add up everything I want. The $300 for your photographer is only if they are not guests at the hotel. I found it to be cheaper to fly someone in and pay for them to stay at the resort vs getting someone locally and pay the vendor fee. Thats's so true. I think I might do that now. I am meeting with a photographer on tuesday so I hope she works out and I can just bring her with me! You aren't doing a dinner then? How many people are coming to yours Avong?
  22. Welcome Ginger! I'm kind of in the same boat as you with Cecilia. I haven't signed the last page of the contract yet because I'm not 100% sure which date we are arriving on. I will know tomorrow though and have to get back to her. Avong- chill out and aqua include hair and makeup but if you're customizing your own then I guess, ya you will have to find someone. SO, i guess the vendor fee applies to our photographer too huh? ANOTHER $300!? Ouch. That hurts my chequebook!
  23. Also... this might be a dumb question but.. why are you bringing your linens? Isn't this stuff supposed to be provided for you at the resort? Clearly, I'm missing something...
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