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Everything posted by MayanLily

  1. Sarah, Sue got a hold of me!! Yipee.... and she is so nice! Now i'll just wait and see what she can come up with... Thanks again
  2. We are also doing it here first. Seems like less of a headeache and we are all about that! Our wedding is not until October so we haven't even thought of looking into it yet... maybe we should be?! Anyways, I know who to go to when I have questions! Pam, I think you might still be able to do some signage in Mexico to make it look real! LOL we are all so sneaky!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BeachBrideSoon Hi ladies! I've just come accross this forum and I'm super excited to see Calgary Brides! I haven't started too much, as I thought the TA was where to go first before starting the planning but nope, that's not the case. I will be contacting resorts now to narrow down my choices of countries(Dominican is what I've been leaning towards). I am wondering how to pick a date if you have people travelling there from all over Canada(Calgarians will depart a different day then BC or ON) or do you just pick a week? Also, November they say is hurricane season and so much can be pushed around(flights, cancellations etc.) any experiences, my other option is January 2011. I know this forum will be super helpful and I'm looking forward to it!! Thanks! The best advice I can give when picking a date is "try not to overthink" If you're first thought is November, go with that. Like a snowstorm in Calgary, hurricanes can happen anytime. How ticked would you be if a hurrican flew through in January! It's your wedding and the way that I look at it, nothing can ruin that! Having said that though, if you are going to be stressed for 9 months about it, choose the safe route. If I had to do the travel planning all over again, this is how it would be. "We are getting married on October 21 at [insert resort here]. We would love it if you could come. " Boom. Done. LOL Keep in mind you are talking to a lady who had a nightmare of a time with her travel agent. Enough with the cynism! Welcome to the forum! We are all happy to have another calgarian to bounce ideas off of. You will find a wealth of information on here and if you have any questions, just ask. We're all really nice....right ladies?
  4. Wow Fantastic prices LakerBride! We are getting married at the Paradisus Riviera in October. Unfortunatly we chose a resort that WestJet doesn't deal with so we are very limited in regards to flights. It was either AirCanada or Signature. I'm a bit of Signature hater (past experience) so we are going with AC. Our package was $1750 give or take a few dollars depending on where they are coming from. That's including everything. Not bad...not as good as LakerBride tho
  5. Thanks Lara! That's really helpful. Think I will stop being such a baby and suck it up and just buy some stuff. I was worried about "hidden charges" but its good to know they calculate everything right there. Think I'll start shopping today.... thx!
  6. Thanks CND... that makes it better (sort of!) At least I know she doesn't have any grudges against westerners! I will try to hold out for her but if nothing comes of it, I think I will probably go with discountmugs. I just wanted an idea of duty I will be paying...
  7. Not sure what area you live in Boo but there is one I've heard is great. Its put on by Northwest Bootcamp (i think) It's not specifically designed for brides but the great thing about it is: you choose 2 or 3 day and you can go any day of the week instead of tues & thurs only like most BCs. If you google northwest bootcamp it comes up. I'm not really into bootcamps myself but I have been following a workout program called "Buff Brides" it's a book I ordered from chapters and i really like it. It's a 24 wk program and i am currently on week 13!!! woohoo. I mostly like the fact that I can cross off the workout each day I do it LOL I'm all about crossing stuff off my lists!
  8. Thanks Sarah! I actually do love your mugs and it's exactly what I'm looking for. I emailed Sue last week and she hasn't gotten back to me so i'm getting a bit worried she might not want to deal with someone all the way from Calgary. I will try emailing her again after the long weekend. Maybe she is just out of the office. I even told her I wanted exactly what you have LOL just to make it easy for her.
  9. I am looking for a website/contact to order travel mugs for our OOT bags. I have been trying very hard to price out the best deals but am finding it difficult being that I am from Alberta, Canada. The shipping cost is one thing but I am worried about the customs charges they will ding me with. If you have already ordered mugs from somewhere and know of what kind of taxes they will charge me with bringing them over the border, can you please share your info... Also, pics of your final product would be nice as an added bonus:) Cheers!
  10. I just wrote a whole long paragraph about how i like this about this dress and that about that dress then realized, you probably don't care that much about my detailed opinions! LOL The end result of my long paragraph said the following: I like the first dress best btw, you are talking to the queen of being glad dress shopping is over! I brought my mom shopping with me the first time to one store and she swore she would not come DS with me again! I'm no bridezilla, I just hate shopping for clothes... especially a dress I know i'm paying too much for to wear once!
  11. I am thinking of ordering playing cards and raffia fans from OTC. Did you pay a ton of customs getting everything shipped to Canada?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jackobelle Does anyone know of a good canadian website that does those photo albums that are like magazine pages, or even thicker pages? (sorry, I don't know the name) I think they are actually just called photo books. My friend did one on shutterfly and they turned out really nice but i'm not sure if it's a canadian website....? Also, I know costco does them too. I've never order one from there but the costco I go to does really good prints. I'm sure their books are decent too. Good Luck!
  13. Those look really great! I am going to email Sue right now. Do you think I could get whatever I wanted printed on the mugs? And they were just $5 +tax? Did that include the print on the front? LOL I guess I should be asking Sue these Qs! Thanks for the info tho.
  14. That's good info Darcat. I didn't realize there was a canadian contact. I wonder why you were connected with her and I wasn't.... I would love to just talk to someone from here. It would answer alot of questions I have. Where did you find out about her? Lauren- this may be a silly question but what is a destinationwedding.com agent? LOL sounds like something I would want!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by AlexsBride I have been on the look out for books like this for around $1 but have only found them at Walmart for $2. I really don't want to double my budget! If anyone sees them at any Canadian locations, for $1 let me know!! They are the very cute welcome books. I'm in Calgary so I'm not sure if you have these out in Ontario but I found some photo books for $1 a piece. They only hold 24 pics but they are a great deal. And they actually have a little bride and groom on the front that are super cute!
  16. Rach, I can only see the first couple of pics too. From what I can tell (and from other bride's reviews) your passport books were fantastic! Is there any way I would be able to see the rest of the pictures
  17. That is amazing Avong!!!! Sounds perfect. Are you doing a symbolic ceremony or are you doing the real thing? Will the officiant just read whatever you give them? I kinda assumed they had their own ways of marrying you, I didnt realize we make up the script. I learn so much on this website!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 Okay you Toronto/Canadian ladies...just got a message from Sue at H2 Promotions and she said that I could pass on her email to those interested brides! I bought my totes and mugs from her company and she was wonderful. I'm still waiting for my delivery but her email is [email protected] and let her know that Sarah from Toronto sent you her way! She is really excellent to work with and we'll search out what you're looking for. Good luck! Were the mugs reasonably priced? Did you get print on them? I am from Alberta but am in Toronto alot for work so maybe she'll deal with me too. Its gotta be better than paying customs and shipping charges from the US right....
  19. Thanks Kelly! That's really helpful advice. What kind of stuff did you bring down with you? I'm also pretty laid back. I am not interested in upgrading to fancy cakes or really even care about the flowers. I figure the standard stuff will probably be pretty great. Did you just bring speakers and an ipod for the dance?
  20. I had a feeling they'd get us on the taxes! OH well, what's done is done. If you ladies can, post some pics. I'd love to see the vistaprint idea! Suzy- the deals you were talking about, are they on the discountmugs website?
  21. I'd like to know how you make out with those mugs too Robbie I'm thinking of ordering from them too! Keep us posted and THANKS
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by avong1228 What is everyone doing for programs? I'm thinking of making my own program fans. My first DIY project! While I have time, I am working on the ceremony script as well. I feel like I've been productive! I don't know if I'm going to do programs but I definatly want to leave some raffia fans on the chairs at the ceremony. I may attach a small card introducing the wedding party but like Kelie, we are only have my sis and my FI's bro. Would be a very short program so I may just say a little thank you poem or something. I really dont know yet. I'm so unorganized. Cecilia sent me the wedding planning info ages ago and I still haven't made a dent on figuring out packages or anything...
  23. Kelie, I don't know if you've looked on Vistaprint but you can order brochures for free and put your itinerary in that. It would look very professional
  24. Echo- do you have the hankies already? I live out in Cochrane and know of a couple places here. One place I've used a ton (I organize Breast Cancer events and she does all the work on the hats and shirts we raffle off) and she is really great! Her company is called Fine Lines Embroidery. I can get the number for you if you are interested. She works out of her house and it's a bit out of town(north on hwy 22) Otherwise, I got a robe embroidered at a local place in town last christmas and was also very happy with their work. Can't remember the name but I can easily find it out if you want. Kind of a pain all the way out here but I'll get the phone numbers of both if you want to make the trip.....
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