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Everything posted by kymkymkym

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with this thread! Me and my FI are going through this right at the moment. We got engaged May 2008, and originally had started planning an at home wedding for October 2, 2010, we had booked a few vendors etc. After adding a few things up we started thinking that we didn't want to spend the money here at home on a wedding when we could have a vacation and wedding all in one - we just decided this at Christmas time. So we discussed it with both of our parents and they told us "whatever you guys want to do, go ahead and do it!" So I found a TA - found a Resort and Found a new wedding date. We then tell FI's parents and they say "WoW, we didn't think you were actually going to go away to get married and you know so many people won't be able to be there!" - OK seriously we just talked about it over Christmas (After you told us to do whatever WE wanted) and now that things are set in motion you act like you didn't agree with it? Plus some family members have now said to me that since we've been engaged for almost two years it would have been nice if they had some notice that we wanted to go away and get married, just because we've been engaged for two years does not mean we knew right off the bat what we wanted to do.. we were happy just being engaged! However, right now both myself and FI are happy with our decision to go away and get married.. it's not like after we get married we will fall off the face of the earth never to see anyone again. Yeah it does kind of suck that not everyone we want to be there will be able to make it but we have to do what is right for us and after all it's our wedding.
  2. The Count of Monte Cristo : Richard Harris
  3. Wow this was awesome - thanks for posting, it's given me great ideas!! Where did you get the maracas?
  4. Wow you ladies have such great ideas, do you plan on taking all this stuff down there with you? and how do you hang those paper lanterns and such? I bought paper lanterns for our AHR but in different colors than what we are now using for our wedding. We are doing turquoise/aqua and fuchsia! I would love to do the paper lanterns but I'm not sure how you would get them to hang outside? p.s. I can already see these great ideas are going to add up to more than I first thought!
  5. Very Nice! Congratulations, I can't wait until I'm a MRS. you looked absolutely stunning and she's right you have great eyes!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Laura22610 I think so. My wedding is in 3 weeks and it took her a week to get back to me when I emailed her last week. Wow Laura - your wedding is fast approaching. When do you leave to go down there? and will you write a review and post pictures for us all to see when you get back??
  7. Also does anyone have Juan Navarro's price list? He is the included wedding photographer at the resort right? IF we end up staying with him rather than getting someone from outside the resort to do our photos if we could possibly book him for longer for the day rather than for just the ceremony because I want WAY MORE than 50 photos from our wedding - I e-mailed him but he has not gotten back to me. thanks!~
  8. WOW. You are wrong in no way shape or form, the fact of the matter is - is that destination weddings ARE hard for everyone to attend. We are struggling with this fact right now that not everyone we want to be there are going to be able to attend but on the flipside we could not afford to have an at home wedding with the amount of people our family expects us to invite! This is why we opted to go away and have a destination wedding with only our close family members etc. If your FI's younger sister wants the older one to attend so badly she shouldn't expect everyone to agree with her nor feel obligated to pay for someone else to go.. money is definitely tight for everyone during these times right now! I think it's rude of your FSIL to think that because it's your wedding you need to help out in paying for the other sister to attend, you guys are more than likely already contributing enough towards the day to make the experience memorable for everyone else.. it's not like your having a reception or buying favours etc. for yourselves - it's for everyone else's enjoyment! Best of luck with the FSIL!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ebernard4985 How many of you have already paid your deposit, and when is your wedding? My wedding is in June, and I email Ana frequently to stay up to date and coordinate things, however, everytime I ask about the deposit she never responds... hmmm Does anyone else think it is odd that my wedding is in 4 months, I booked it last August, and still have not paid a deposit Should I be concerned? I already have the contract though. I have not paid my deposit yet either (wedding is 8 months away though!) but Ana tells me the date is being 'Held' I wrote her an e-mail yesterday wanting to know how I go about putting down a deposit and when our wedding will be confirmed for that date for sure - My travel agent wants to start pricing things out but she doesn't want to book anything until Ana tells us it's all CONFIRMED not just held! She said she would send me a copy of the Contract - but so far she has only asked for our information to hold the date and nothing else. I'm not much help, but at least you have the contract that's a plus!!!
  10. Thanks for this, we are planning on doing a Sand Ceremony using the picture frame and I'm not sure how I can get it home without it being all jumbled up!!
  11. Neat, Thanks for sharing.. definitely wayyyy different than anything else I've seen in my search for a sand kit!
  12. Love (almost anything chocolate covered! haha) Country Music?
  13. Cost - plus its a nice resort that allows kids and is all inclusive
  14. Congrats and welcome! Happy planning You'll find a ton of useful information here to help you out on planning every aspect of your Destination Wedding!
  15. Love your pictures - absolutely beautiful, thanks for sharing!
  16. I don't think you need to invite her at all, if she is having a big wedding then that's her story, however you are having a smaller event and should NOT feel obligated to invite anyone regardless of the situation. Like you said if she did end up coming it would be awkward for you and it would probably also be awkward for her and her fiance as well!
  17. Congrats and Welcome Friends of mine just got married there and it was beautiful!!
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