Quote: Originally Posted by OceanWonderland OK, now THAT'S CRAZY TALK!! Tell your fiance he's crazy. If someone wants to book their airfare, let them!! haha We haven't booked our airfare yet, and I should have done it a month ago because it was $100 cheaper per person. I'm going to give it another week of searching every day (since rates change constantly) and if I can't find it that cheap again, then I'll just end up booking. I can't imagine how many guests are going to wait last minute, after already booking their hotel, to realize flight prices went up. Especially if a lot of us are leaving on the same day on the same flight, the good prices will be taken quickly.
On a personal note, my fiance promised me sushi tonight (I've been craving it for weeks), and he just informed me we can't go now because there's a basketball game on! I'm getting jipped, no sushi and I have to watch basketball. Time to make a martini hahaha Hi Ladies I couldn't help but notice alot of ladies are waiting for fares to drop to there respective destinations and was wondering did anyone set up a discount code with the airline directly? I did it for my wedding group since my best friend is a travel agent he mentioned it since if everyone went through him he charges a fee. Basically you call American Airlines or whatever carrier ask for their group sales department and tell them you are having a destination wedding and need a discount code. Its only 5% off but it helps. From there all of my guests just looked at the prices and waited till they saw them at their lowest and booked with the coupon so they got the lowest price and 5% off of that low price. I know for my in-laws it was perfect they were having a hard time finding flights under $500 and one day they found some used the code and booked their flights for $420 roundtrip from IL. If you use a travel agent then they can offer the discount but of course beware cause some also charge a fee for using their services so it may work out cheaper the other way. Happy planning!