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Everything posted by JanineA

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jackie22 Do body wraps really work? Are bodywraps just another weight loss gimmick or can bodywraps help you achieve weight loss and fitness goals? The answer to that question depends a lot on you. Assuming you've chosen body wraps that work by carefully evaluating the choices with the criteria I will be giving you, you need to look at your expectations. Are you assuming that all you need is a good bodywrap to get results? Bodywraps can provide benefits but are you believing a stand-alone weight loss tool? The answer is a resounding "no". Even the very best body wrap works best when it is just one aspect of a total weight loss program involving exercise and diet. If you go into this idea of wrapping for weight loss thinking that it's a quick fix, I can tell you that you will be setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead of asking yourself do body wraps really work, why not start with a more important question: am I willing to work to achieve my weight loss goals? In this 7-part weight loss and fitness article, we will explore the most popular types of wraps as well as other important factors to look at in making your decision, assuming you've already answered the question above with a resounding yes, I'm willing to work The Basic Three in Wrapping: 3 popular types of body wraps are mineral wraps, herbal body wraps and detoxing clay wraps. Of these 3, I personally favor detoxifying clays (Choose herbal-wraps that add only organic herbs and use the purest detoxing clays. A note about aluminum: Ask about aluminum content in the clays being used. This is an important consideration for me because of the studies I've read about linking excess aluminum and health challenges such as Alzheimer's. Some clays have a lot of aluminum while others do not. Ask. However, as long as the ingredients are pure and quality ingredients, any one of these three main types, as well as the newer options such as infrared heat and lipase wraps, can provide benefits. Please read on about what is realistic to expect and what is just not realistic to expect. Regardless of type of treatment you choose, the strongest tips I can share are: •Scrutinize body-wrap ingredients: Some of what goes on you will also go in you, through your pores, so look for organic ingredients •Ask questions about safety: What do the wrap-technicians say about dehydration, preparing before the wrap, what to expect after the wrap and any unusual symptoms that might indicate a problem while doing the wrap? •Ask questions about allergic reactions: Do not assume that there are no cautions. Wrap-technicians will tend to be busy and could forget to mention something so always ask about allergic reactions. Specifically mention any ingredient you are aware of that might cause a reaction if applied topically. Do this whether or not you see your allergic ingredient listed. Your allergen might be there and just be part of a "mixture" that is added as one ingredient, similar to the way manufacturers often include monosodium glutamate in with "vegetable broth" in tuna. Discuss any and all medications you are taking and any medical condition you have: In particular, let your wrap-technician know if you have diabetes, heart disease or circulatory problems. Visit the spa's website before an in-person visit: Evaluating your options may be easier if the spa has a website because, though you'd still be hit with marketing as soon as you go there, you wouldn't be getting the hard sell that an in-person techician can impose. Visit the website and write down a list of questions to ask the wrap technician when you call or visit. Ask about any package deals, promotions, etc. A spa offering any type of weight loss tool should also be able to provide "realistic" results. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Look for testimonials from people who have kept the weight off for at least six months. It's one thing to lose 19 inches in an hour. It's another thing to still have that 19 inches gone after half a year has passed. It is my hope that you use body-wraps and any other tools for weight loss in addition to healthy living and not instead of making positive changes that would support a better weight for you. Any weight loss too really works best within a well-rounded program including diet and fitness, as well as motivation coaching and counseling for emotional issues surrounding persistent weight gain. I have to agree with Jackie, as a licensed massage therapist (and yes I am licensed to do wraps) I think that you should not depend on this method alone to loose the inches prior to your wedding. Do enquire thoroughly about what is used and be realistic in your expectations. If it sounds to good to be true it probably is. Use a body wrap in addition to implemeting a healthy diet, a balanced excercise regimen and other positive changes in your lifestyle to reach your goals not as a replacement. Good luck!
  2. We registered since alot of our guests will not be able to attend. (Invited 110, so far booked 30 but expecting end result of about 50). I am not having a shower, though I will be paying for me and my two bridesmaids to have a spa day once we get to our DW. Though guests are paying their way to our DW a lot of them insisted on me doing a registry. IMO I think you should do the registry, you never know who may be able to make it or not and leave it up to them to decide whether they want to get you something from it or not. Good luck!
  3. I actually found most of the things I needed at minimus.biz.com and I used a coupon another bride posted on here today to get my hand santizers at Bath & body works. They were 5 for $5 and I had a $10 off coupon. I got 50 for $42. Target is also another good place to look! Good luck!
  4. Thank you ladies so much. I am going to buy a neat bucket and pail and some other cool things for my FI's niece. Its funny cause his mom called me today to ask about the colors for the wedding and what the bridal party is wearing so she can start looking for a dress and she said "Oh my have you thought about wat you're going to do with baby M? I would hate for her to ruin you guys day and she is in a stage of terrible tantrums right now". I smartly replied that I intend on having sand pails and fun things so that she can still be entertained while she is at the ceremony. She was quite impressed as she hadn't thought of that either. Thanks ladies for the positive suggestions/ideas/feedback!!!
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  6. Congrats and welcome to the forum Jessica. I hope you find lots of useful information. Happy planning!
  7. Hi Ruby, welcome to the forum and happy planning. You have a little over two months to go I'm sure you'll find lots of last minute tips and ideas on here.
  8. JanineA


    Hello Lola, congrats and welcome to the forum!
  9. Everything looks fabulous! Your colors are so vibrant and beautiful for the flowers! Enjoy your special weekend!
  10. Enjoy the drive from Key West to Miami for anyone planning to do it. It is amazing. Also here is website of great places to stop and things to do if you have time. Florida Keys & Key West vacation planning starts here with the Official Florida Keys Tourism Council
  11. JanineA

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi Mishrn, congrats and welcome to the forum. You are definitely in the right place. I hope you find lots of useful info, happy planning!
  12. JanineA

    Newbie here

    Welcome to the forum and congrats on your upcoming wedding! You are right around the corner from your date. I hope you find the forum useful in your last minute preparations. Happy planning!
  13. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  14. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!! Happy planning!
  15. FI and I have not discussed this yet and I hadn't thought about it but I like the idea of being in separate rooms the night before. Hmmm
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by dianep has anyone purchased the Calvin Klein linen suit from Men's Warehouse? Men's Calvin Klein Cream Suit Separates Coat - Men's Wearhouse we looked at it this weekend and it seems like a good option. they didn't have FI's size so they had to order it (who doesn't have a 40L in stock?) so we need to see what it looks like when it fits him. but the suit (jacket and pants) are on sale right now for $250. the linen is nice and soft, and a tight weave so it seems pretty nice. just wondering if anyone has any experience with this particular suit. thanks! We are also going with this suit. When you purchase one suit you get the other for $100 which works out perfect for my FI and his groomsmen. He has 3 groomsmen so total each suit was really $150!! They will be wearing ivory linen shirts underneath which we purchase from Guayabera Shirt, The Guayabera Shirt Company The store is in my neighborhood and hands down they have some of the best linen anything in Miami! I still have to find ties for all of them.
  17. Thanks Shuzzy and Maureen!! Wow, after the last response I really thought I was being a B!tch, glad Shuzzy that you have a child and have been through something similar. Maureen you gave me a wonderful idea! The baby does have a tendency to scream quite a bit but I hadn't thought of having her make sand castles near by. In fact the FSIL's worry was that she would run to the water (she loves water). I think I will try to co-ordinate something so that she can sit near-by building sand castles. What a wonderfully proactive solution!! You ladies rock!!!
  18. Thanks Tracy, glad I am not the only one thinking along these lines! Thanks for the candid answer Stacey. Oh P.S. I am aware that my dress will get ruined but since I do want to re-sell it I don't want it stained irrepariably by any coloring from the flower petals. Also I wasn't asking for them not to bring the baby to the wedding just not to the ceremony. Either way thanks for sharing your opinion.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by sweetluna JanineA - that's great information - a little late for me but hopefully some other brides will be able to take advantage of that. Thanks for sharing! Thanks Sweetluna! I try to post it in all the forums I can just so brides are aware....our wedding dates are close!! Are you done with all your preparations? I'm still buying things for my OOT bags!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by TheFutureMrs.Sears JanineA, your dress is beautiful!! Please post pics when you go for your fitting. Shuzzy, my pic is dress #1!!! I surely will. I heard my dress should be coming in around late August. I'll be sure to post pics then!
  21. I am in a dilemma. Our guest list is all adults for our wedding with the exception of one child.....my future sister-in-law's daughter. She is an adorable child but by the time our wedding comes around she will be 16months. Initially my sister-in-law had asked for her to be a flower girl. I was able to dodge that bullet because I explained I didn't want petals being thrown at the wedding since my gown is expensive and I didn't want the color from the petals to ruin it. Now I don't know how to tackle the other dilemma which is not having her daughter at the ceremony at all. I know this may probably sound selfish but I really don't want her screaming and bursting into tears at the wedding and disrupting the ceremony. My sister-in-law is one of my bridesmaids. Though her daughter is very cute she tends to get cranky when she is not next to her mom or being held up in arms. I don't know what to do. I don't want my FSIL to feel like I am slighting her daughter. Though the father of the baby will be there he is horrible at calming her down when she goes into her fits of rage and I am just beside myself in panic right now picturing us up at the altar a perfect scene and this screaming, baby shouting to be with her mommy. Am I a terrible person for not wanting to have her there to avoid my day being spoiled?
  22. Jenna I feel your pain. I had a similar situation where my best friend and bridesmaid (she asked not to be the MOH cause she didn't want the responsibilities, having a child she said she worried she wouldn't have much time) announced she wouldn't be coming to my wedding cause she couldn't afford it but low and behold I found out from her twin sister she is going on 4 vacations this year. She just got back from 2 weeks in South America (1 week Buenos Aires Argentina, 1 week Punta Del Este Uruguay) in summer she is heading to Italy, October to Australia and December to Asia, so she can't afford my wedding. I was super pissed especially because all of those 4 are vacations and I asked her since last year prior to her booking 3 of them to attend my wedding and be my MOH. When I confronted her she was honest, she would rather go on vacation. After 6 years, there went our friendship (mind you I did everything for her wedding in February of this year....all her errands, everything and stood by her side the day of). This however is your cousin. Try to salvage things as best as you can and talk to her candidly and frankly. She is being a bit selfish and perhaps when she hears how hurt you are she will realize how selfish she is being. Good luck!
  23. JanineA


    Congratulations and welcome to the forum. I hope you find it useful! Happy Planning!
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