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Everything posted by JanineA

  1. Good job, love the booklet! I really wanna do my chapsticks but I'm so scared I am gonna suck at it. You ladies make it look soooo easy!
  2. Hi Kim, welcome to the forum. I haven't been to Couples SWept Away but do have a friend that just renewed her vows there after 10 years of marraige and she only had stellar things to say about it. Good luck with your planning!
  3. Congrats on your recent engagement and welcome to the forum. You're definitely in the right place to find lots of information to help plan your DW. Happy planning!
  4. Congrats and welcome!
  5. Hi Whitney, congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  6. Congrats and welcome to the forum. There is a thread just with Dreams brides perhaps you can do a search till you find it and ask them. I'm sure someone will be able to help. In any event good luck and happy planning!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Angela Hi! My name is Angela and my fiances name is Jeremy. We are getting married March 12, 2011 at the Excellence Playa Mujeres resort and are so excited! Hi Angela welcome to the forum. I was at Playa Mujeres October of last year and simply loved it. We vacation in Mexico at least twice a year. I literally woke up nearly every morning headed out to the lazy pool with my raft and sipped Micheladas until it was time to go site seeing. Good luck and happy planning!!!
  8. Congrats and welcome to the forum. I hope you find it useful in the planning of both your weddings. Good luck and happy planning!
  9. Hello and welcome to the forum. Good luck with your decision and happy planning!
  10. JanineA


    Dana congrats and welcome to the forum, happy planning!
  11. My wedding is purple...well its more of plum. Plum, peony pink, silver and ivory. I am having accents of bright green like mums and such in the centerpieces. I'm not a huge fan of green but I really like how bright green goes with the whole scheme. You can also look into purple and gold, or believe it or not I saw a wedding on the knot with purple and chocolate brown and it looked nice. The possibilities are endless.
  12. Hi Stephanie! Welcome to the forum, congrats and happy planning.
  13. Hi D, congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  14. Aisha girl you know that some way some how it will all fall into place. Take the time to research cheaper destinations, work on getting that great deal and bit by bit put in place all your DIY projects for your dream wedding. The job will come, I know it is hard right now but it will come. Things always work out. Pazz I pm'ed you.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by hoyt75 At our wedding we said adults only and we meant it. No kids. Period. Of course several people were upset, mainly my sil b/c they couldn't bring their 1 yo twins which also meant that they couldn't come to our dw, but that's just how it goes. My brother couldn't bring his 3 kids either. I think you should be honest with the mom and let her know how you feel and what your concerns are. Make sure to have a few backup plans just incase baby M gets cranky. It doesn't make you a baby hater just b/c you don't want kids around. Quote: Originally Posted by Pazzesca I am in a similar situation. My FI has a 4 year old half sister. She was about 1 ½ when my FI’s brother got married. She wasn’t in the wedding but that didn’t stop her from crying and having a fit and screaming during most of the ceremony. My FI’s step mother wouldn’t take her outside for who knows what reason and my FI’s father was trying to watch his son get married. In the end, my FI’s father ended up taking her outside and missing some of the ceremony, which to me was sad. My future lil half sister in law is now 4 and just as “crankyâ€. I chose an adult only resort to get married at on purpose. Not to purposely exclude her but so that there would be no children around at all. We are telling my FI father next weekend and I know his wife will have some words about the adults only part. It may be in the end that they don’t go to the wedding because of this fact. I discussed it with my FI because I didn’t want him to feel like I was purposely pushing out his little sister but he is fine with it. He is also fine with the fact that his father may not attend the wedding. He states that we have been trying so hard to have a local wedding that in the end, we just couldn’t afford it. My FI stated that we had to stop worrying about everyone else and just do what we want and what makes us happy. My FI loves the resort we picked and also likes that it is adults only. He also agreed that his sister screaming and crying through most of his brother’s wedding ceremony took away from it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t like children, cause I do. However, not everyone enjoys all the little nuances that go along with having them around at some events where they start to talk non-stop when it should be quiet, scream, cry, run around, etc. I don’t think you are a terrible person. If you are, than I am too!! You ladies are fab! Pazz I couldn't agree more with your last few sentences. I spoke to FSIL today (she called to let me know she got measured for her bridesmaid dress) and she mentioned that her mom told her my plan to have sand buckets and pails out for baby M to play with. Guess what She had already been planning to have a sitter from the hotel there to watch baby M. She had talked to her husband about it and neither of them wanted to miss any part of the ceremony and it would give them a chance for a little break so they already called the hotel to make sure that some sitter arrangements could be made. I was panicked for nothing!!! Which is a relief. I'm so glad so many other ladies had the same concerns or issues.
  16. Hi Sarah! Welcome to the forum, you'll love it! Congrats and happy planning.
  17. JanineA


    Hi Liz, congrats and welcome. Hope you find lots of useful information...happy planning!
  18. Hi Marisa, welcome to the forum. Congrats and happy planning!
  19. WOW! So sorry to hear about. I hope you will also post this in the Mexico section. Congrats on becoming a newlywed and glad that you were at least happy with the photography and food. I hope some of the memories were at least salvageable.
  20. Hi Shannon congrats and welcome to the forum. Good luck with all of your planning!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by alisonpaige 25 Business ID Card Badge Holder w/ Zipper Vertical ZV - eBay (item 250612703367 end time Apr-19-10 18:46:57 PDT) These are not the ones I got but they are just like them and a good price. I wanted to make sure they had a closure if peeps were putting money in them! Oh wow! Thanks for this I just posted somewhere else about needing these, then did a search and here was your post. I am gonna purchase some today! Thanks for posting.
  22. Thanks for sharing the template. Now I am just trying to find the key coils in one color. Everything looks great! I think I am going to have to check out Vista Print!!
  23. I'm making one bag per couple and one for the singles. I'm not sure total but I am expecting to make 40 bags. My cousin will be flying down from NY and flying with us so we can distribute all the stuff that needs to go through out 3 suitecases (mine, FI and cousin).
  24. Wow! Awesome job on your OOT bags! I love how you kept the theme throughout. DIY Princess! I wish I could do some DIY projects, I'm struggling to just do the template for my survival kit. I love the template for your med kits would you be willing to share your template, its so cute.
  25. Nice job Chrissy! Your guests are gonna love them! Love the chocolate kit! Yum! Where did you get the underwater cameras if you don't mind me asking I am looking for some for my bags.
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