Quote: Originally Posted by hoyt75 At our wedding we said adults only and we meant it. No kids. Period. Of course several people were upset, mainly my sil b/c they couldn't bring their 1 yo twins which also meant that they couldn't come to our dw, but that's just how it goes. My brother couldn't bring his 3 kids either.
I think you should be honest with the mom and let her know how you feel and what your concerns are. Make sure to have a few backup plans just incase baby M gets cranky. It doesn't make you a baby hater just b/c you don't want kids around.
Quote: Originally Posted by Pazzesca I am in a similar situation. My FI has a 4 year old half sister. She was about 1 ½ when my FI’s brother got married. She wasn’t in the wedding but that didn’t stop her from crying and having a fit and screaming during most of the ceremony. My FI’s step mother wouldn’t take her outside for who knows what reason and my FI’s father was trying to watch his son get married. In the end, my FI’s father ended up taking her outside and missing some of the ceremony, which to me was sad.
My future lil half sister in law is now 4 and just as “crankyâ€. I chose an adult only resort to get married at on purpose. Not to purposely exclude her but so that there would be no children around at all.
We are telling my FI father next weekend and I know his wife will have some words about the adults only part. It may be in the end that they don’t go to the wedding because of this fact. I discussed it with my FI because I didn’t want him to feel like I was purposely pushing out his little sister but he is fine with it. He is also fine with the fact that his father may not attend the wedding. He states that we have been trying so hard to have a local wedding that in the end, we just couldn’t afford it. My FI stated that we had to stop worrying about everyone else and just do what we want and what makes us happy. My FI loves the resort we picked and also likes that it is adults only. He also agreed that his sister screaming and crying through most of his brother’s wedding ceremony took away from it.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t like children, cause I do. However, not everyone enjoys all the little nuances that go along with having them around at some events where they start to talk non-stop when it should be quiet, scream, cry, run around, etc.
I don’t think you are a terrible person. If you are, than I am too!! You ladies are fab! Pazz I couldn't agree more with your last few sentences. I spoke to FSIL today (she called to let me know she got measured for her bridesmaid dress) and she mentioned that her mom told her my plan to have sand buckets and pails out for baby M to play with. Guess what She had already been planning to have a sitter from the hotel there to watch baby M. She had talked to her husband about it and neither of them wanted to miss any part of the ceremony and it would give them a chance for a little break so they already called the hotel to make sure that some sitter arrangements could be made. I was panicked for nothing!!! Which is a relief. I'm so glad so many other ladies had the same concerns or issues.